Who Said That?
Who Said That?
"After we have proved that the people of flying saucers are none other than demons in human form, and that flying saucers are the flying riding beast or donkey of the Antichrist, which demons made for him to enable him to gain control over the people of the earth, now we need to recognize the goals of the study and the experiment that the demons perform upon human beings and animals in flying saucers. We will relate these goals to the tribulations and the miracles that the Antichrist will bring to humanity."
You know how this works! No cheating or google searches! Leave your answer in the comments section.
Believe it or not, this quote is from a very popular Muslim apocalyptic writer (H. 'Abad al-Hamid) who penned these words in 1996. The translation is found in David Cook's excellent book, Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature (Syracuse University Press, 2005), 81. Cook documents how Muslim writers are now appealing to biblical texts (from Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel) to craft bizarre schemes to explain the rise of Israel and the great Satan (America). Some of this stuff is pretty scary.
It just goes to show you that apocalyptic speculation can get pretty loopy whether it comes from a Muslim or an evangelical.