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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries in Book Stuff (105)


My Two Seconds of Fame

So, I'm watching the History Channel's program "The Antichrist."  Except for interviews with prophecy "experts" like Ted Haggard and Tofik Benedictus (Benny Hinn), it wasn't bad.  Hal Lindsey--the man of many mustaches (Click here)--was the primary dispensational expert, but people like Fuller, McGinn and Boyer, were interviewed as well. 

All of a sudden, I look up and there's the cover of my book!  It wasn't on for long, but it was there!

The next time History Channel ran the program, I DVR'd it.  My two seconds of fame!  Immortalized on my hard drive!

Warhol said I'd get 15 minutes, not two seconds.



An Interesting New Book

Here's an interesting new book from Martin Downes, and one in which I am a contributor (along with a number of more notable Reformed writers such as: Carl R. Trueman, Tom Schreiner, Michael Horton, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, Derek Thomas, R. Scott Clark, Tom Ascol, Guy Waters, Ron Gleason, Sean Michael Lucas, Iain D Campbell, Gary L. W. Johnson, Conrad Mbewe, Geoffrey Thomas, Joel Beeke, Robert Peterson, Michael Ovey).

You can pre-order the book here: Click here: Against Heresies: Risking The Truth: Special Offer

Here's part of the forward from Sinclair Ferguson:

It is a privilege to introduce and recommend this unique book. The brain-child of Martin Downes it makes a very distinctive contribution to the early 21st century church. In addition, for anyone interested in the views of some of the thought-leaders in a variety of reformed communities, Martin Downes has assembled an all-star team whose contexts are as diverse as –among other places—the Western Isles of Scotland where Iain D Campbell is minister, to the Eastern States of the USA where Carl Trueman and Mark Dever reside, Wheaton outside of Chicago where Greg Beale teaches, Jackson Mississippi (which wins the prize for its three resident contributors), to the West Coast of America, and then to Africa where Conrad Mbewe serves as pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Zambia, and then to London where Mike Ovey teaches theology, and back to home base in Wales where Martin Downes himself is a minister.

These are men to whom others, older as well as younger, look to guide their patterns of thought about the gospel, the church and the world. Most of them know each other personally, or at least by reputation, and share a mutual esteem for one another’s work. In addition, they all belong to a variety of “communities” connected together in an unplanned but real network of churches, institutions and publications. Together they represent a prodigious literary output.


A Nice Review of A Case for Amillennialism

a case for amillennialism.jpg

My friend, Roger Overton (over at the A-Team blog), has posted a nice review of A Case for Amillennialism.

The review can be found here: Click here: The A-Team Blog :: Main Page

You can check the book out on Amazon and read some of the reviews: Click here: A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times: Books: Kim Riddlebarger


The Joke's on Me!


I've often joked that my book, Man of Sin, is an autobiography.  What happens when one of the sound guys at your church has way too much time on his hands?  He takes you up on the joke and then proves that you were right all along!

I guess I am the man of sin . . . 



Could It Be . . .

nero.jpgCould it be Nero?  He put Peter and Paul to death and delighted in the torture of Christians . . .





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Could it be Pope Leo X?  He excommunicated Luther . . .





How about Henry Kissinger?  A Jew and a big supporter of a one-world government . . .




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What about King Juan Carlos of Spain?  He has the royal pedigree to preside over a revived Roman Empire . . .





And then there's Ronald Wilson Reagan.  His name has the right number of letters . . . Six, six, six . . .





Could it be Damien?  He's that Satanic little brat . . .




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How about Benedict XVI?  Many Protestants have thought it could be the pope . . .




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How about Nicolae Carpathia?  Not in Tim LaHaye's wildest dreams . . .





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George Steinbrenner?  Only if you are a Red Sox Fan . . .









Who could it be?


You'll have to buy the book to find out . . .


Man of sin.gif









I just got my copy from Baker.  It should be available soon!

How's that for a bit of shameless self-promotion!

By the way . . .  Its a book about the Antichrist, not an autobiography!


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