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Entries in Book Stuff (105)


What Should I Read to Learn More About "Covenant Theology"?

People often ask me, "what should I read to learn more about . . . ?"

So, throughout the coming summer, I'd like to suggest books (and on occasion other resources) on those topics about which folks frequently seek resources.

The books I will suggest throughout this series are primarily intended for lay people and others who are new to Reformed theology, or who would simply like to know more about various aspects of key Reformed distinctives.

If you have wondered about "covenant theology," and want an introduction to how the Reformed understand the course of redemptive history (the plan of redemption), then this is the place to begin.  This is a very important book to read for anyone who is interested in Reformed theology and who comes from a dispensational background.

You can find it at ( Books) or at Amazon (Sacred Bond)

Mike Horton's God of Promise is another important introduction to covenant theology.  Not a primer, God of Promise makes a substantial contribution to the Reformed understanding of the way in which covenants provide the internal biblical architecture for reading and understanding the whole of Scripture.  How does one determine whether a covenant is a "covenant of works" or a "covenant of grace"?  How do ancient Near-Eastern treaties help us understand the Bible?  Covenant or Testament?  This is a good follow-up to Sacred Bond.


This is the classic statement of the Reformed doctrine of the covenant or works and the covenant of grace.  Not an easy read, but a very important book, and well-worth tackling.  Witsius -- The Economy of the Covenants

Also highly recommended is Geerhardus Vos' essay, "The Doctrine of the Covenant in Reformed Theology" (The Doctrine of the Covenant in Reformed Theology)


Bridge Radio: A Case for Amillennialism

I was recently a guest on Bridge Radio with Julio Rodriguez.  We discussed my book, and related topics such as the biding of Satan, the 144,000, etc. 

Here's the link:  Bridge Radio: A Case for Amillennialism


Luther and Calvin on the End Times (Part Two)

Here's the audio from my concluding Friday night Academy Lecture, "Luther and Calvin on the End Times" (Part Two)

My lectures are based upon my chapter "The Eschatology of the Reformers" from Reformation Theology:  A Systematic SummaryYou Can Purchase Reformation Theology here


Luther and Calvin on the End Times (Part One)


Here's the audio from my Friday night Academy Lecture, "Luther and Calvin on the End Times," Part One

My lectures are based upon my chapter "The Eschatology of the Reformers" from Reformation Theology:  A Systematic SummaryYou Can Purchase Reformation Theology here


Mike Horton's New Book on Justification (Two Volumes)

Mike Horton's two volume work on justification is soon to be released.

Here's the publisher's blurb and endorsements:

The doctrine of justification stands at the center of our systematic reflection on the meaning of salvation as well as our piety, mission, and life together. In his two-volume work on the doctrine of justification, Michael Horton seeks not simply to repeat noble doctrinal formulas and traditional proof texts, but to encounter the remarkable biblical justification texts in conversation with the provocative proposals that, despite a wide range of differences, have reignited the contemporary debates around justification.

Volume 1 engages in a descriptive task - an exercise in historical theology exploring the doctrine of justification from the patristic era to the Reformation. Broadening the scope, Horton explores patristic discussions of justification under the rubric of the "great exchange." He provides a map for contemporary discussions of justification, identifying and engaging his principal interlocutors: Origen, Chrysostom, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Gabriel Biel, and the magisterial reformers. Observing the assimilation of justification to the doctrine of penance in medieval theology, especially via Peter Lombard, the work studies the transformations of the doctrine through Aquinas, Scotus and the nominalists leading up to the era of the Reformation and the Council of Trent. He concludes his first study by examining the hermeneutical and theological significance of the Reformers’ understanding of the law and the gospel and the resultant covenantal scheme that became formative in Reformed theology. This then opens the door to the constructive task of volume 2 - to investigate the biblical doctrine of justification in light of contemporary exegesis.

“This thorough, systematic, and far-ranging work advances a reading both distinctive and yet more traditional than many of today’s dominant paradigms.”—CRAIG KEENER, Asbury Theological Seminary

“Protestant and Catholic readers . . . will profit by wrestling with this learned historical study.”—GERALD R. MCDERMOTT, Beeson Divinity School

“This is a volume bristling with theological insight and intellectual energy.”—SIMON GATHERCOLE, University of Cambridge

“Very impressive and a major contribution to the clarification of the significant issues.”—ROBERT KOLB, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis

“A superb and engaging book, marked by a careful and generous listening to other theological traditions. It will not only reenergize the reader with a passion for understanding this long-running doctrinal conversation, but also challenge one to engage critically.”—EDUARDO J. ECHEVERRIA, Sacred Heart Major Seminary

You can order both volumes here:  Horton on Justification


Luther on Galatians -- A New Translation

Our Lutheran friends over at 1517 have just released Haraldo Camacho's new translation of Martin Luther's 1535 Commentary on Galatians.  This is a fantastic read and truly captures Luther's passion for the gospel. 

In the forward, Michael Horton exhorts the reader, "please read this new translation.  Tell a friend.  Pass it along, dog-ears and underlined sentences and all, to anyone who is doubting whether Christ is enough."  Amen!

You can find it here:  Camacho's Translation of Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians


Audio from Dr. Godfrey's Author's Forum, "Learning to Love the Psalms"

Here's the audio from Friday Night's Author's Forum with Dr. W. Robert Godfrey: 

You can purchase Dr. Godfrey's book here: 


Audio from Author's Forum with Dr. Steve Baugh

Here's the audio from Friday's Author's Forum with Dr. Steve Baugh, lecturing on his new book,“The Majesty on High




Dr. Irons on "The Righteousness of God and the New Perspective on Paul"

Here's the audio from Dr. Charles Lee Irons Author's Forum Lecture on his book/dissertation, The Righteousness of God:  A Lexical Examination of the Covenant-Faithfulness Interpretation.

The Righteousness of God



Better in Turkish?

Just heard from the editor that my contribution on First Corinthians in the Lectio Continua series is now being published in Turkish.

You can order the English version from Reformation Heritage Books.  It is on sale!  First Corinthians Tolle Lege