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Entries in Book Stuff (105)


Mike Horton's New Book -- Ordinary

Mike Horton's newest book will be released in October.  You may recall the White Horse Inn series, "the Ordinary."  Michael's manuscript was the basis for those programs.

Here's the publisher's blurb (Zondervan):

Radical. Crazy. Transformative and restless. Every word we read these days seems to suggest there’s a “next-best-thing,” if only we would change our comfortable, compromising lives. In fact, the greatest fear most Christians have is boredom—the sense that they are missing out on the radical life Jesus promised. One thing is certain. No one wants to be “ordinary.”

Yet pastor and author Michael Horton believes that our attempts to measure our spiritual growth by our experiences, constantly seeking after the next big breakthrough, have left many Christians disillusioned and disappointed. There’s nothing wrong with an energetic faith; the danger is that we can burn ourselves out on restless anxieties and unrealistic expectations. What’s needed is not another program or a fresh approach to spiritual growth; it’s a renewed appreciation for the commonplace.

Far from a call to low expectations and passivity, Horton invites readers to recover their sense of joy in the ordinary. He provides a guide to a sustainable discipleship that happens over the long haul—not a quick fix that leaves readers empty with unfulfilled promises. Convicting and ultimately empowering, Ordinary is not a call to do less; it’s an invitation to experience the elusive joy of the ordinary Christian life.

 You can pre-order the book here:  Mike Horton's Ordinary


Free B. B. Warfield eBook from

A compilation of sermons from B. B. Warfield, published under the title Faith and Life, is now available for free in both EPUB and Kindle.Mobi formats from  You can find it here:  Warfield's Faith and Life

According to the publisher (John Hendrix),

B. B. Warfield kept up the Princeton tradition of Sunday afternoon classes with the students of the Seminary in which, in his own words, 'the deepest currents of the Christian faith and life were explored'. This book contains some of the memorable addresses he gave on those occasions.

There was a time when Princeton Seminary was the center of biblical Presbyterian training of the highest caliber in the U.S.. Such notable professors as Archibald Alexander, Samuel Miller, and Charles Hodge would have addresses for students on Sunday afternoons. B. B. Warfield, the lion of Princeton, continued this practice. These 41 chapters come from some of these addresses to Warfield's students.

The contents of this book is tremendous and highly recommended.

The Cause of God - 1 Kings 19:9
Old Testament Religion - Psalm 51:12
The Wrath of Man - Psalm 76:10
For Christ's Sake - Matt 5:11
This - and Other-Worldliness - Matt 6:33
Light and Shining - Mark 4:31-35
Childlikeness - Mark 10:15
The Glory of the Word - John 1:1
Looking to Men - John 5:44
A Half-learned Christ - John 6:68-69
The Conviction of the Spirit - John 16:8-11
Christ's Prayer for His People - John 17:15
The Outpouring of the Spirit - Acts 2:16, 17
Prayer as a Means of Grace - Acts 9:11
Surrender and Consecration - Acts 22:10
The Summation of the Gospel - Acts 26:18
The Spirit's Testimony to Our Sonship - Rom 8:16
The Spirit's Help in Our Praying - Rom 8:26, 27
All Things Working Together for Good - Rom 8:28
Man's Husbandry and God's Bounty - 1 Cor 3:5-9
Communion in Christ's Body and Blood - 1 Cor 10:16
The Spirit of Faith - 2 Cor 4:13
New Testament Puritanism - 2 Cor 6:11—7:1
Paul's Great Thanksgiving - Eph 1:3-14
Spiritual Strengthening - Eph 3:16
The Fullness of God - Eph 3:19
The Sealing of the Holy Spirit - Eph 4:30
Working Out Salvation (Phil 2:12, 13)
The Alien Righteousness - Phil 3:9
Peace With God - Phil 4:7
The Heritage of the Saints in Light - Col 1:12
The Hidden Life - Col 3:1-4
Entire Sanctification - 1 Thess 5:23, 24
The Mystery of Godliness - 1 Tim 3:16
The Inviolate Deposit - 1 Tim 6:20, 21
The Way of Life - Titus 3:4-9
The Eternal Gospel - 2 Tim 1:9, 10
Communion with Christ -2 Tim 2:11-13
Prayer as a Practice - James 5:16
God's Holiness and Ours - 1 Pet 1:15
Childship to God - 1 Jno 2:28—3:1



E-Book Edition of "Man of Sin" for $3.99

The e-book edition of my book on the biblical doctrine of antichrist is being offered this week at a huge discount.  The Man of Sin is on-sale for $3.99 at the booksellers listed below.

The Man of Sin, Amazon Kindle:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Barnes and Noble:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Christian Book Distributors:  Click Here


Mike Horton Discusses His New Book on Calvin and the Christian Life

Mike discusses his new book on Calvin with R. Scott Clark for the Westminster Seminary California podcast, "Office Hours"

Well-worth it!

Calvin on the Christian Life


Just Got My Copy!

I have been waiting for this one for a while now.  Can't wait to read it! 

Mike has been talking about Calvin on the Christian Life since he started his final research for the manuscript.  Based on those conversations, and after quickly skimming through it, I am sure this volume will remind us that Calvin did indeed have much to say about the Christian life and true piety, and that what Calvin said is wise, practical, and more importantly, biblical.

Hopefully, Calvin on the Christian Life will get a wide reading and help clear away many of the all too common misconceptions about Calvin even in Christian circles.

I don't do this often, but this is one you need to read!

You can purchase it here:  Amazon: Calvin on the Christian Life


Horton on Calvin on the Christian Life

Mike Horton's forthcoming book, Calvin on the Christian Life (Crossway 2014), is already getting rave reviews.  He's been talking about it for some time, and I am really looking forward to reading it.

To whet your whistle a bit, the folks at Desiring God have made available a video of a short talk Mike gave on his new book, along with several snippets entitled "When Life Hurts."  You can find it here:  Horton on Calvin and the Christian Life

Here's the publisher's pre-publication info and recommendations:  Prepub Info


Get `Em While They Are Cheap (Updated)


The e-book edition of my book on the biblical doctrine of antichrist is being offered this week at a huge discount.   The Man of Sin is on-sale for $3.99 at the booksellers listed below.

The Man of Sin, Amazon Kindle:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Barnes and Noble:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Christian Book Distributors:  Click Here


Audio from the Janet Mefferd Program

Here's the audio from my interview on the Janet Mefferd Show on Friday (9/27/13).

KR on Janet Mefferd Show


If You Are Interested . . .

Lord willing, I will be on the Janet Mefford Show this coming Friday (09/27/13) to talk about my book, A Case for Amillennialism.

I'll be on with Janet from 1-2 p.m. PT.  Here's the link to her website, where you can listen live.  The Janet Mefferd Show


Christianity's Most Dangerous Idea 

Baker Books has just published an Ebook which includes two chapters which Ken Samples wrote on Jesus's resurrection.  Highly recommended.

The Ebook is entitled Christianity's Most Dangerous Idea and is available on Kindle. 

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