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Entries in Christ Reformed News (689)


Big Changes Coming for the Riddleblogger

Many of you know that after twenty-five wonderful years I will be retiring at year end from my duties as Senior Pastor at Christ Reformed Church.

My wife, Micki, has recently retired after forty years working in travel accounting.  She's worked very hard, has had a distinguished career, and deserves a respite from the long and wearisome hours spent at her computer looking at fill-in templates and spreadsheets which I cannot even begin to understand.

We are also anticipating the birth of our first grandchild in January.  We are absolutely thrilled.  More to come?  Hope so!

Big changes, indeed.

So, in light of these changes, what does the future hold for me and the Riddleblog? 

Although I am retiring as a Senior Pastor, I won't be unemployed.  I'll be teaching two classes at Westminster Seminary California in the Spring of 2021.  Only the Lord knows what I'll be doing beyond that.  If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is that the normal routines of life can quickly change in dramatic and unexpected ways.

As you may have noticed the last few years, my productivity at the Riddleblog has slowed, in part, because my pastoral duties at Christ Reformed have required my full attention and diminishing energies.  I have focused upon my church duties and related preaching and Bible study/lectures (the content of which has been made available on the Riddleblog).

I also made the decision that given the tribalism of our current political context, it was important that I steer clear of divisive political issues and personalities (about which I maintain great interest and have strong opinions) and concentrate on my calling to preach God's word and administer the sacraments, as well as utilize my teaching gifts.  Others are better equipped for the social media Jihad than I.

So, as my retirement from Christ Reformed draws near, I can say that I intend to stay active after stepping down as long as health allows and interest remains.  I'd like to complete several writing projects, teach as I can, and retool the Riddleblog (more on this in the months ahead). 

But before I retire, I still have the glorious opportunity to preach through the rest of Romans.  Lord willing, that is what I will do.  To paraphrase Yogi Berra, "it ain't over till the last doxology is sung."

Stay tuned . . .


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (June 15-21)

Sunday, June 21:  Morning worship at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., live-streaming of the first service will be provided.  I will be preaching on Genesis 1:26-27 and the image of God. 

Note:  Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  You will be invited to reserve seats for you and your family.  For more information and regular updates, check here:  Christ Reformed Church Latest News.  

Wednesday, June 17 (Sanctuary):  Bible Study begins at 7:30 p.m.  We continue our series, "Reading the Bible with Paul."  We will consider the Apostle's take on the role of the law in the new covenant (Galatians 3:15-25).  Masks, temperature checks and social distancing will be required for all attendees.

Check here for updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church! We Re-Open for Bible Study (June 10) and Worship (June 14)!

Sunday, June 14:  Morning worship returns (9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., live-streaming of the first service will be available, as well as a YouTube version).  I will be covering Psalm 79 and the lessons which can be learned from a time of exile. 

Note:  Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  You will be invited to reserve seats for you and your family.  For more information and regular updates, check here:  Christ Reformed Church Latest News.  

Wednesday, June 10 (Sanctuary):  Bible Study begins at 7:30 p.m.  We'll return to our series, "Reading the Bible with Paul."  We will consider the Apostle's take on the role of the law in the new covenant (Galatians 3:15-25).  Masks, temperature checks and social distancing will be required for all attendees.

Check here for updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


The Covid-19 Exile Is Coming to an End! Christ Reformed Church's Re-Opening Schedule

Sunday, June 7:  Lord willing, our last Sunday in exile!  We will continue our time in Romans, looking at Romans 7:7-13 and the relationship of sin to the law.

Wednesday, June 10 (tentative):  Bible Study returns at 7:30 p.m.  We'll return our series, "Reading the Bible with Paul."  We will consider the Apostle's take on the role of the law in the new covenant (Galatians 3:15-25).  Instructions for admission and social distance guidelines to follow.

Sunday, June 14 (tentative):  Lord willing, we will re-open for public worship.  The details of our re-opening plan will be made available once the final details are in place.

Check here for updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (May 31)

Week Twelve of the Covid-19 Exile. 

All Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled for Sunday, May 31.

Important Update:  In light of Governor Newsom's Covid-19 Guidance for Places of Worship (released Monday, May 25), C-Ref staff, consistory, and council are working hard on formulating a plan of compliance so we can return to public worship.  Look for details in the days ahead. 

In the meantime, we plan to continue our video series on Romans.  On Sunday, May 31, we will take-up Romans 7:1-6, and Paul's discussion of "new life in the Spirit."

Check here for regular updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (May 18-24)


Week Eleven of the Covid-19 Exile.  

In light of the Governor of California's Stay at Home order, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled for Sunday, May 24.

We will continue our video series on Romans and take up Paul's discussion of being set free from sin in Romans 6:15-23

Until worship services can resume, pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained. We encourage you to practice social distancing, regularly wash your hands, and pray for your fellow church members.  Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need.  More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.

Check here for regular updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (May 11-17)

Week Ten of the Covid-19 Exile.  (Note:  photo bomb courtesy of Rev. Lenzner)

In light of the Governor of California's Stay at Home order, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled for Sunday, May 17.

We will continue our video series on Romans, moving into Paul's discussion of baptism and union with Christ in Romans 6:1-14.

Until worship services can resume, pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained. We encourage you to practice social distancing, regularly wash your hands, and pray for your fellow church members.  Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need.  More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.

Check here for regular updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (May 4-10)

Week Nine of the Covid-19 Exile

In light of the Governor of California's Stay at Home order, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled for Sunday, May 10.

Meanwhile, we are continuing our series on Romans and have come to Paul's discussion of the "two Adams" in Romans 5:12-21.

Until worship services can resume, pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained. We encourage you to practice social distancing, regularly wash your hands, and pray for your fellow church members.  Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need.  More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.

Check here for regular updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (April 20-26)

Week Seven of the Covid-19 Exile

At the direction of the Governor of California, the County of Orange, and City of Anaheim, and in light of the CDC's recommendation to avoid groups and assemblies, and the on-going need for social distancing, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled for Sunday, April 26.

We are continuing our series on Romans and will take up Paul's discussion of Abraham and circumcision in Romans 4:13-25.

Thankfully, we continue to see light at the end of the tunnel, but until our services resume, please continue to pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained by staying at home, social distancing, and the regular washing of hands.  Pray for your fellow church members.  Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need.  More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.

Check here for regular updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.


This Week's Plan at Christ Reformed Church (April 13-19)

Week Six of the Covid-19 Exile

At the direction of the Governor of California, the County of Orange, and City of Anaheim, and in light of the CDC's recommendation to avoid groups and assemblies, and the on-going need for social distancing, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled the next two Sundays (April 19 and 26).

Next Sunday, we will return to our series on Romans and consider Paul's amazing assertion that God justified the wicked (Romans 4:1-12).

Thankfully, we do see some light at the end of the tunnel, but in the meantime continue to pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained by such measures as staying at home, social distancing, and the regular washing of hands.  Pray for your fellow church members.  Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need.  More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.

Check here for regular updates:  Christ Reformed Church, or Christ Reformed on Facebook.