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Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, and the Antichrist










The two most powerful men on earth will always be the subject of prophetic speculation--especially questions about their relationship to the end-times Antichrist.  Such speculation comes with the territory, given their respective roles as the two of the key power-brokers in world affairs.

In a recent radio interview, former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, expresses the opinion that Barack Obama's foreign policy is hastening the end-times (Obama Is Hastening the Rapture).  Echoing the standard dispensational categories of prophetic punditry, Bachmann laments,

“We need to realize how close this clock is getting to the midnight hour . . . . We in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the rapture of the church”

This dire prediction is based upon her perception of Obama's weakness in his dealings with Iran.  Says Bachmann,

“We are literally watching, month by month, the speed move up to a level we’ve never seen before with these events . . . . Barack Obama is intent.  It is his number one goal to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon . . . . If you look at the president’s rhetoric, and if you look at his actions, everything he has done has been to cut the legs out of Israel and lift up the agenda of radical Islam . . . . Any nation that accepts God and his principles is blessed, and those who push away are cursed. That’s what we’re seeing happen to the United States. . . . We will suffer the consequences as a result.”

Alluding to God's promise of favor toward Abraham, Bachmann believes that America's fate depends upon whether or not we support Israel.

Almost in passing Bachmann adds that because of abortion and gay marriage, God is punishing the United States for “embracing a pagan view.”  God may very well be punishing America for these things, and Obama's dealings with Iran on nukes may be potentially dangerous.  But apart from special revelation, we do not know such things with the biblical certainty Bachmann assumes.  There is the uncomfortable fact that God may punish America for embracing a heretical form of civil religion (like that of the politicians of the left and right who confuse American national interests with God's eternal purposes), or for our gluttony, sloth, self-righteousness, or a host of other sins which never are mentioned by politicians.

Then there's Vladimir Putin, the prophecy pundit's best friend.  The only problem the pundits have with President Putin is that he is not part of a revived holy Roman empire, so they turn to their faulty exegesis of Ezekiel 38-39 to explain how Putin might just be the supreme end-times foe.  I've responded to this misuse of Ezekiel 38-39 previously (Why the Dispensational Interpretation of Ezekiel 38-39 is Wrong).

According to a recent essay from Matthew Avery Sutton in the Washington Post, (Could Putin Be the Antichrist?) Putin's name is now bandied about in recent antichrist speculation,

With the fall of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, it looked to evangelicals that perhaps they had misread their Bibles. During the George W. Bush presidency, evangelicals began to invest more time and energy into working in this world rather than in preparing for the next.

And then came Putin. It appears that the former KGB agent may well be helping to lead a revival of apocalyptic thinking among some evangelicals. Best-selling evangelical author Joel Rosenberg, megachurch pastor John Hagee and television prophecy expert Jack Van Impe and many others have recently connected the Russian leader to Old Testament prophecy.

Sutton concludes,

Even if Putin does not actually do battle in the end times with the Antichrist, he serves as a reminder to millions of American evangelicals that the Bible is the best guide to the future. Although Jesus may not be coming today, he is coming soon. And as they keep a wary eye on peace promises coming out of Ukraine, that is all they need to know.

Goes to show, the evening news (or the google news feed) provides continual fodder for the prophecy pundits, even if Scripture doesn't support any of these claims or fanciful speculations. 

It is just a matter of time before the next political crisis produces new antichrist candidates and a spate of creative exegesis to support these bizarre claims about political figures and their supposed connection to the end-times.


Audio from My Recent Lectures on "The Antichrist"

My friends from Church of the Redeemer in Mesa, AZ., have posted the audio of my recent lectures on the doctrine of the Antichrist.

You can find them here:  Lectures on "The Antichrist"


If You Live in Mesa, AZ, or Know Anyone Who Does . . .

Man of Sin: The Antichrist

The sixth Lloyd Jackson Lecture Series with Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. Free and open to the public.

  • Friday, March 20
    • 7:00 to 8:00 PM: Antichrist—Past, Present, or Future Foe? (An overview of the doctrine of the Antichrist)
  • Saturday, March 21
    • 9:30 to 10:30 AM: Antichrist as a Sign of the End (A survey of the signs of the end)
    • 10:30 to 11:00 AM: Brunch
    • 11:00 to 12:00 PM: The Two Beasts
    • 12:00 to 12:30 PM: Q & A
  • Sunday, March 22, 10:30 AM Worship Service: They Came to Life and Reigned with Christ

The Lectures will be based on my book, Man of Sin

For more information, Click Here -- Church of the Redeemer

If you live in the Mesa area, I would love to meet you!


In Light of All the Hubbub About the Re-Release of "Left-Behind," It Is Time to Check the "Rapture Index"

It has been a while since we checked the "Rapture Index."  You'd think with the Ebola crisis, Isis, Putin's Mussolini-like antics, the "Rapture Index" would be at an all-time high.

But no, it stands at 185, down from an earlier high this year of 188.  Looks like improving economic numbers are driving down the likelihood of the Lord's return, despite an increase of plagues (Ebola) and Satanism in Oklahoma.

I am not making this up.  The Rapture Index


I'm on "Issues, Etc." Today (Updated)

I'll be discussing C. I. Scofield and dispensationalism, from 1:30-2:30 p.m., PT.  You can listen here:  Issues, Etc, Live


E-Book Edition of "Man of Sin" for $3.99

The e-book edition of my book on the biblical doctrine of antichrist is being offered this week at a huge discount.  The Man of Sin is on-sale for $3.99 at the booksellers listed below.

The Man of Sin, Amazon Kindle:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Barnes and Noble:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Christian Book Distributors:  Click Here


Hitler as an Antichrist Figure









How did this ordinary-looking child become an antichrist, as the maniacal leader of a "Christian" nation such as Germany?

Uncovering the answer to this question has kept plenty of capable historians busy since the Second World War.  But evangelical theologians and Bible prophecy experts, who may have genuine insight into an answer, have largely remained silent. 

One reason for this silence regarding Adolf Hitler as an antichrist figure is that many who write in the field of eschatology these days tend to push the discussion of the two beasts in Revelation 13 back into the distant past.  In Revelation 13, John sees one beast rising out of the sea (Rev. 13:1-10), and another beast rising out of the earth (Rev. 13:11-18).  This understanding of Revelation 13 is obvious because of the historical connection between these two "beasts" and imperial Rome.  This is characteristic of the preterist reading of Revelation--which contends that the Apocalypse was written before A.D. 70 and speaks of the destruction of Jerusalem, it's temple, and God's judgment upon Israel in the form of the Diaspora. 

Others interested in biblical prophecy (the futurists) tend to see the events of Revelation 13 as something yet to come during a future tribulation period.  Many futurists see John's description as a prophetic warning of a revived Roman empire, unleashing its full fury in the final days upon those who remain "left behind" after the rapture, now forced to face the Antichrist during the seven-year tribulation period.

On both of these views, there is no reason to look for "antichrists" manifesting themselves during the inter-advental period--i.e., in the present course of history.  Either the beast has come and gone (the preterist view), or is yet to come (the futurist view).  Although some futurists identified Hitler as the beast and Mussolini as the false prophet in the years before the Second World War, now that these two famed fascists have met their respective fates, there is little reason to connect them any more to anything prophetic such as antichrist.

As I have argued in my book The Man of Sin, the preterist identification of the two beasts of Revelation 13 with Rome is largely correct, but significantly errs by not seeing the first-century Roman empire's persecution of Christians as an example of the kind of persecution Christians should expect throughout the entire inter-advental period.  In other words, what John describes in Revelation 13, is a reality for the seven churches to which the Book of Revelation (Rev. 2-3) is addressed.  But it is also indicative of the kind of persecution Christians will face at various times and places throughout the entire inter-advental period.  To put it yet another way, the two beasts are historically tied to Rome, but they also epitomize subsequent manifestations of Satanic opposition to Christ's church and his people, until the Lord returns.

Whenever I lecture on the doctrine of Antichrist, I appeal to Nazi Germany as but one relatively recent, and rather obvious illustration of what I mean when I speak of the two antichrist threats that Christians must face before Christ returns--one internal (heresy) and one external (persecution).  My view is that these two on-going threats coalesce at the time of the end with a person who we call "the" Antichrist, who is destroyed by Christ at his second coming (cf. 2 Thess. 2:8; Rev. 20:10).

In his first two epistles, John speaks of antichrist in a very narrow sense--as an internal threat to the churches (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7).  John's "antichrists" are a present reality for the churches of the first century, there are already many of them present, and they take the form of teachers of a pernicious heresy which denies that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh (docetism). 

The beast motif in Revelation 13 represents the other threat to the church (external).  This, in my estimation, applies to nations and their leaders, of which Adolf Hitler and the Germany of 1933-1945 are prime examples.  On this view, the continually resurrected Roman beast refers to those nations and/or their leaders who claim divine privileges and prerogatives unto themselves, and who, therefore, hate the people of God, because of their confession that "Jesus is Lord". This confession also means that the beast is not. 

Nothing offends an antichrist figure like an Adolf Hitler more than a Christian who refuses to give the Nazi salute or bless the Nazi cause.  Whenever a Christian confesses that "Jesus is Lord," they are simultaneously confessing that Der Fuhrer himself is Jesus' subject, and will, one day, find himself standing before Jesus on the day of judgment, when he will bow against his will, before he enters eternal judgment.

Historians have accidentally come quite close to acknowledging this biblical perspective when they seek to understand how someone like Hitler--a nobody with little or no chance of succeeding at anything in life--came to power in Germany through the most unlikely, yet remarkable of circumstances.

Ian Kershaw, who has written what many consider to be the definitive biography of Hitler, writes,

A history of Hitler therefore has to be the history of his power--how he came to get it, what his character was, how he exercised it, why he was allowed to expand it to break all international barriers, why resistance to that power was so feeble.  Hubris, xxvii

Kershaw goes on to say,

Hitler was no tyrant imposed upon Germany.  Though he never attained majority support in free elections, he was legally appointed to power as Reich Chancellor just like his predecessors had been, and became between 1933 and 1940 arguably the most popular head of state in the world. . . . Hitler's impact can only be grasped through the era which produced him (and was destroyed by him). Hubris, xxix

Yet, as Kershaw concludes,

No attempt to produce a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena of Nazism without doing justice to the "Hitler factor" can hope to succeed.  But such an interpretation must not only take into full account of Hitler's ideological goals, his actions, and his personal input into the shaping of events; it must at the same time locate these within the social forces and political structures which permitted, shaped, and promoted the growth of a system that came increasingly to hinge on personalized, absolute power -- with the disastrous effects that flowed from it.  Hubris, xxix-xxx

Kershaw's comprehensive two-volume biography (and abridged one volume edition) does this as well as any historian can (Hubris; Nemesis, Hitler).  But I would humbly suggest that there is a theological explanation to consider as well.

Hitler as Beast -- The Persecutor of God's People

When I contend that Hitler is but one manifestation of the kind of thing John is warning Christians about in Revelation 13, I too am looking at the amazing rise of Hitler in context (as Kershaw does), yet from a different perspective--the vantage point of the New Testament and its doctrine of antichrist.  John warns the people of God that the Dragon (Satan) ultimately lies behind the various iterations of the beast--including that of Hitler and his Third Reich.

From the photo above (taken in 1941), Hitler and his cronies thought nothing of celebrating a Nazi "Christmas" whose cause was confirmed by a virtual unbroken streak of military victories and conquests of European nations.  Hitler's armies would soon flounder on the Russian steppes and America's industrial and military might (ironically, it was Hitler who declared war on December 11, 1941, around the time this photo was taken) had not yet begun to influence the war.  But my primary concern in this brief essay is not with geopolitics, but with Hitler's (and his regime's) open contempt for professing Christians who refused to be silent about the gospel in the face of Nazi persecution.  This is one of the key traits of a biblical "antichrist."

A concrete illustration of what I mean is helpful here.  In a wonderful essay in First Things, Timothy George describes the martyrdom of "Paul Robert Schneider (1897-1939) [who] was the first Protestant pastor to die in a concentration camp at the hands of the Nazis. His story is one of unmitigated courage, self-sacrifice, and martyrdom."  Not a well-known theologian, "Paul Schneider, rather, was an obscure village pastor who could have escaped persecution completely had he simply been willing to keep his mouth shut."

As Dr. George tells the story, Schneider was the new pastor at a small church in Hochelheim.

Schneider had been there hardly a month when he was asked to preside at the funeral of a seventeen-year-old member of the Hitler Youth named Karl Moog. Before the benediction had been pronounced, the local Nazi district leader, Heinrich Nadig, interrupted the service to declare that young Karl had now crossed over into the heavenly storm troop of Horst Wessel, to which Schneider replied: “I do not know if there is a storm of Horst Wessel in eternity, but may the Lord God bless your departure from time and your entry into eternity.”

Those who died in the service of the Nazis, like young Karl Moog, were summoned to join the Wessel storm troop above. Just six months prior to the funeral incident, the Nazi bimonthly Der Brunnen declared: “How high Horst Wessel towers over that Jesus of Nazareth—that Jesus who pleaded that the bitter cup be taken from him. How unattainably high all Horst Wessels stand above Jesus!”

Pastor Schneider refused to subordinate the Christian Gospel to such a pagan myth. When Nadig repeated his graveside claim about Horst Wessel, Schneider said: “I protest. This is a church ceremony, and as a Protestant pastor, I am responsible for the pure teaching of the Holy Scriptures.”

For his actions, Pastor Schenieder was arrested and served a five day sentence.  In a letter to Heinrich Nadig, Pr. Schneider explained that,

In a Protestant church ceremony God’s voice has to be clearly heard from the Holy Scriptures. Our church people are liberalized enough, so it is no longer appropriate to allow just any opinion to be expressed in the church. There can no longer be any place for this because especially at a church funeral the seriousness of eternity does not tolerate being measured by human standards. Therefore, not everyone who does his duty in the Hitler Youth or the SA fairly well can be beatified. I will certainly accept the earthly storm of Horst Wessel, but that does not mean by a long shot that God will allow him to march straight into eternal salvation. That is perhaps “German faith,” but it is not biblically based Christian faith that takes seriously the full reality of sin that is so deeply rooted in the heart and life of man.

As a consequence, Schneider came under the gaze of the Gestapo.  After four years of subsequent arrests, and open persecution, Schneider still refused to back down.  He was removed from his church, but kept preaching where and when he could.  On Sunday October 3, 1937, the Harvest Thanksgiving, Schneider preached a sermon on Psalm 145:15-21.  It was his last.

According to Timothy George,

He began the sermon by acknowledging how incongruous it might seem to be giving thanks “in this year of our church’s hardship.” Yet this is precisely what the psalmist calls us to do—to give thanks for the material blessings of harvest and home and also for the generous gifts of God in Word, sacrament, and worship. Yet God’s Word does not come cheap, Schneider said. “Confessing Jesus will carry a price. For his sake we will come into much distress and danger, much shame and persecution. Happy the man who does not turn aside from these consequences.”

The consequences were just what we would expect of the beastial Germany of Hitler and the National Socialists.  Schneider was arrested, sent to Buchenwald, and given the number 2491.

George tells the glorious end of this heroic martyr under the demonic Hitlerian regime

On July 18, 1939, he was killed by the camp doctor who administered a lethal injection of strophanthin. Gretel drove to Buchenwald and retrieved the body of Paul Schneider and returned it to Dickenschied for burial. Hundreds of people swarmed the village for Schneider’s funeral. Many pastors, including the priest of the local Catholic Church, joined the procession to the cemetery. One of the Gestapo officers sent to observe the proceedings remarked to one of the pastors, “This is the way kings are buried!” to which the pastor replied: “Hardly! What is happening here is that a blood witness of Jesus Christ is borne to the grave.”  

Conclusion:  Hitler as Antichrist Figure

Adolf Hitler did not personally put Rev. Paul Schneider to death.  Hitler probably never knew his name, or remotely cared that he was one of countless people--including a number of faithful Protestant pastors--who were put to death at the hands of the Nazis.  The pastor's crime?  Preaching Christ and him crucified, and then challenging those religious myths which developed in "Christian" Germany, and which gave credence to the Nazi cause as only civil religion can.

As Kershaw points out above, the story of Hitler's rise to power is complex and clearly tied to both the age, and nation which produced him.  But the historical question Kershaw raises still seeks an answer--what is the source of Hitler's power?  As a Christian, I can attempt an answer to that most compelling but unanswered question.  If my reading of John and Revelation 13 is correct, then in the providence of God, the Dragon (Satan) was allowed to empower the beast (this time in the form of National Socialism) to wage war upon the saints, and for a time, appear to triumph over them (Rev. 13:7). 

Yet when Rev. Schneider breathed his last, he immediately joined the vast multitude of those who have entered the heavenly presence of the Lord of his church (Rev. 20:4).  Rev. Schneider, and those like him, now live and reign for a "thousand years."  This is rather ironic, is it not, when Hitler's thousand-year Reich lasted a mere twelve years (1933-1945), and its Fuhrer is now one of the most despised figures in human history?

It is in this sense, then, that Hitler is an antichrist figure, and John is indeed warning Christians about Hitler and those like him, who will repeatedly rise from the sea and the earth, until Jesus comes again.


Time to Check In Again on the "Rapture Countdown"

Lists are always a big deal around the New Year, so I thought I'd check in to see how "Rapture Ready" I need to be (Click Here).

Since our friends at the "Rapture Ready" website haven't updated yet for 2014 (as of this writing), I can report the good news that the "Rapture Index" stands at 183 on December 30, 2013, down from the year's high of 188.

I know Jesus spoke of famine, wars, and earthquakes in the Olivet Discourse, but I'm not sure he was speaking of distinctly American interests such as unemployment, inflation, high interest rates, and "the economy."  Apparently, volcanoes, ecumenism, and anti-semitism are a problem (they are a "5"), while the antichrist and tribulation temple are not (they stand at "3").

I guess I can relax a bit until things crank up back again to 188 or better.

These folks mean well, and granted, Christians should eagerly anticipate the return of the Lord.  But do these guys ever have a moment of self-reflection?  Might this approach not be so "biblical" after all?  Of course not, they are invincibly right.  Besides, what do I know . . .  I am amillennial, and don't take the Bible seriously.  


Get `Em While They Are Cheap (Updated)


The e-book edition of my book on the biblical doctrine of antichrist is being offered this week at a huge discount.   The Man of Sin is on-sale for $3.99 at the booksellers listed below.

The Man of Sin, Amazon Kindle:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Barnes and Noble:  Click Here

The Man of Sin, Christian Book Distributors:  Click Here


The Prophecy Pundits Are Back!

With the increasing possibility of US military action against Syria and the Assad regime, it should come as no surprise that the prophecy pundits have been hard at work.

Since the ancient city of Damascus figures prominently in the news, the pundits run to their concordances and find those biblical texts where the city is mentioned.  Given their view that many of the prophecies in the Old Testament have yet to be fulfilled (and were not fulfilled in the history of Israel, or with the coming of Jesus Christ) they go to great lengths and demonstrate even greater ingenuity, I might add, to explain how the Bible's mention of Damascus (Isaiah17) must be a reference to the current (and latest) political crisis in the region.

One pundit writes (Damascus, Syria and Isaiah 17),

One of most intriguing Bible prophecies in the end times has to do with Isaiah 17. The prophecies in Isaiah 17 point to the end times destruction of Damascus, Syria. The Bible states that the destruction of Damascus will be so great that the city will be nothing but a "ruinous heap" after the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy. This is noteworthy because presently the city is recognized as the world's longest constantly inhabited city. The utter destruction of Damascus will be an event that only the sovereign Lord could have predicted, yet he warns in Isaiah 17 that Damascus does have a date with destiny in the near prophetic future.

He goes on to say,

Another thing to note about Damascus is that it is also "home" to many of the world's leading terrorist masterminds. With such groups as Hamas and Hezbollah among others making their home in Damascus, it is easy to see that if a wide ranging conflict broke out between Israel and these terrorist groups that Isaiah 17 could easily be destroyed. Syria has made many recent "defense pacts" with the terrorists as well as Lebanon where the groups also operate. Syria has threatened to "get involved" in the next round of fighting.

Sounds plausible at first hearing, right?  But there is a major problem with the pundit's interpretation.  The critical biblical text (Isaiah 17, specifically verse 1) is not speaking of the end times.  Rather, this is an oracle of YHWH spoken against the ancient city of Damascus (Aram) through the prophet Isaiah.  The people of Israel (in open disobedience to the covenant they had made with YHWH) had made an alliance with Aram, seeking a pagan nation's help against the dreaded Assyrians.  God, however, commanded that his people be faithful to their covenant with him, and look for their deliverance as coming through the righteous branch (a future son of David and a royal messiah).  The Damascus of Isaiah's day was in fact destroyed in 732 B. C. (during the time of Isaiah) by the Assyrians.  The prophecy has already been fulfilled.

No doubt, these prophecy pundits mean well.  But their modus operandi of finding some mention in the Bible of any contemporary place or region in the Middle East currently in conflict (and in the news), and then turning that passage into an "end-times" prophecy, is to distort the plain teaching of God's word.

If the crisis with Syria escalates, I'm sure there will be more of this to come.  Hey, we don't have Saddam Hussein to kick around any more.  Bashar-Al-Assad will do just fine, until this crisis passes, and a new ominous Arab political leader comes on the scene to take his place.

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