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Entries in Interesting Stuff from the Blogosphere (233)


Some Interesting Links

Links.jpgLooking for a car?  Here are two really cool choices.

Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez (yes that Manny Ramirez) is selling his Chrysler 300 on E-Bay.  Click here: eBay Motors: Chrysler : 300 Series (item 300170156441 end time Nov-13-07 20:00:00 PST)

If you are looking for something more sensible, like a car in which you can always find Mecca, store your Koran and head-scarf, boy have I got a car for you! Click here: BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Malaysia firm's 'Muslim car' plan

What features would a car for Reformed Christians include?  Lots of horsepower and a way to enjoy a good cigar for starters. 

I hope Major League Baseball sues the crud out of these guys:  Click here: A Little Leaven: Major League Rip Off.  I am always amazed at the "originality" of Christian merchandisers.

Don't you just love it when "snake-handlers" sue the doctor and the hospital after they get bit by a rattler during church and die?  Click here: Family sues hospital over snakebite death

Finally, on a serious note, OldTruth has a great essay on amillennialism.  Click here: Prophecy Not Intended To Be a Crystal Ball


Some Interesting Links . . .

Links.jpgI'm sure looking forward to reading this one -- Click here: The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright :: John Piper :: Contemporary Authors :: Modern Authors ::

A great discussion of Gary Johnson's new book on Warfield can be found here -- Click here: Warfield, Part 3 « Green Baggins.

Here's a list of the ten worst album covers of all-time.  Thankfully, I never owned any of them (hilarious and creepy) -- Click here: mental_floss magazine - Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix

Baby-boomers might remember these tacky Halloween costumes -- Click here: retroCRUSH: The World's Greatest Pop Culture Site.

And then for all you WWII buffs, here's an essay about a very flatulent Fuhrer.  How come I didn't read about this in Ian Kershaw's excellent biography of Hitler?  Click here: The Smart Set: Scent of a Führer - October 24, 2007


Some Interesting Links

Links.jpgWell, there are some things in life worse than being bald--check out this awful photo of Larry King!  Click here: Whoosh!: Larry King Is Busting Out All Over.  Did anybody see Leslie Neilsen in "Dracula:  Dead and Loving It"?

Speaking of hair (or the lack thereof), here's another reason why Carl Trueman is one of the best living theologians.  Click here: Reformation21 » To Baldly Go

All of you gun lovers out there, check out this link -- the 10 Manliest Firearms.  Glad to know that I own at least one of these. Click here: 10 Manliest Firearms: by Michael Z. Williamson, SMLE, Mosin-Nagant M44, Swiss K31 Carbine, Remington 870  I love the quote from the Swiss General regarding a possible German invasion of his country. 

A tree that eats cows?  You gotta be kidding me!  Click here: 'Cow-eating' trees of Padrame -

Here's a list of the most influential Christians in Hollywood--two of them have been guests on the White Horse Inn!  That would be numbers 5 and 12.  Click here: - Mel Gibson Tops List of Hollywood's 'Most Powerful Christians' - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment Ne

Finally, all you Three Stooges fans (are you reading this, Scott?) will be thrilled with this news--a chronological and definitive issue of remastered Stooge shorts on DVD.  Its about time . . .  Click here: Dumb and Dumber and Dumbest

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