Some Interesting Links

Looking for a car? Here are two really cool choices.
Red Sox outfielder Manny Ramirez (yes that Manny Ramirez) is selling his Chrysler 300 on E-Bay. Click here: eBay Motors: Chrysler : 300 Series (item 300170156441 end time Nov-13-07 20:00:00 PST)
If you are looking for something more sensible, like a car in which you can always find Mecca, store your Koran and head-scarf, boy have I got a car for you! Click here: BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Malaysia firm's 'Muslim car' plan
What features would a car for Reformed Christians include? Lots of horsepower and a way to enjoy a good cigar for starters.
I hope Major League Baseball sues the crud out of these guys: Click here: A Little Leaven: Major League Rip Off. I am always amazed at the "originality" of Christian merchandisers.
Don't you just love it when "snake-handlers" sue the doctor and the hospital after they get bit by a rattler during church and die? Click here: Family sues hospital over snakebite death
Finally, on a serious note, OldTruth has a great essay on amillennialism. Click here: Prophecy Not Intended To Be a Crystal Ball