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Entries in Reformed Resources (526)


Two Important New Volumes

Westminster Seminary California's J. V. Fesko's recent book, The Trinity and the Covenant of Redemption, is the  the first in a projected three volume series dealing with each of the major covenants as understood and articulated by confessional Reformed Christians (the covenants of redemption, works, and grace).

This is a very important and useful book on a neglected aspect of Reformed thought and reflection.

Here's the publisher's description

When Christians reflect on the gospel, their attention is rightly drawn to the cross and empty tomb. But is this it? Or is there much more to the story? In a ground-breaking work, J.V.Fesko reminds us that the great news of this gospel message is rooted in eternity, whereby a covenant was made between the persons of the Trinity in order to redeem sinners like you and me. J. V. Fesko, in the first of a three part series on covenant theology featuring Redemption, Grace and Works, aims to retrieve and recover classic Reformed covenant theology for the church.

The Trinty and the Covenant of Redemption is divided into three sections: historical origins, exegetical foundations, and dogmatic/systematic construction.  Fesko capably interacts with seemingly everyone who has tackled the subject from David Dickson's milestone essay in 1638  to Karl Barth, with a host of Reformed theologians in between.

The book is very accessible and not overly technical.  I highly recommend it to you.

You can order it here: The Trinity and the Covenant of Redemption

The second volume is a magnificent commentary on Ephesians from Westminster's New Testament professor Steve Baugh.

Here's the publisher's description . . .

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul emphasizes the unity of believers in the inaugurated new creation. He first sets before his audience the salvation freely offered to us through faith in Christ, then applies this truth to their lives, calling them to live lives of love. In this volume, S. M. Baugh approaches this important letter from a first-century perspective, examining ancient sources to determine what Paul's words meant in their ancient context, while also interacting with recent scholarship. The result is a commentary that is academically rigorous and at the same time presents Ephesians as the good news it was meant to be.

Baugh's commentary is easily one of the best I own, and has me looking for excuses to preach through Ephesians again (even though I did so just just a few years ago.  The fruit of thirty years of work, Baugh's introductory section defending Paul's authorship of Ephesians is outstanding.  If you are a student of Paul, this one is a must.

You can purchase it here:  Commentary on Ephesians


Coming Soon from Michael Horton

Mike's new book on the Holy Spirit will be out in March of 2017.

Here's the info from the publisher:

For the Spirit, being somewhat forgotten is an occupational hazard. The Holy Spirit is so actively involved in our lives that we can take his presence for granted. As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. Just as we take breathing for granted, we can take the Holy Spirit for granted simply because we constantly depend on him. Like the cane that soon feels like an extension of the blind man’s own body, we too easily begin to think of the Holy Spirit as an extension of ourselves.

Yet the Spirit is at the center of the action in the divine drama from Genesis 1:2 all the way to Revelation 22:17. The Spirit’s work is as essential as the Father’s and the Son’s, yet the Spirit’s work is always directed to the person and work of Christ. In fact, the efficacy of the Holy Spirit’s mission is measured by the extent to which we are focused on Christ. The Holy Spirit is the person of the Trinity who brings the work of the Father, in the Son, to completion. In everything that the Triune God performs, this perfecting work is characteristic of the Spirit.

In Rediscovering the Holy Spirit, author, pastor, and theologian Mike Horton introduces readers to the neglected person of the Holy Spirit, showing that the work of God’s Spirit is far more ordinary and common than we realize. Horton argues that we need to take a step back every now and again to focus on the Spirit himself—his person and work—in order to recognize him as someone other than Jesus or ourselves, much less something in creation. Through this contemplation we can gain a fresh dependence on the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives.

To pre-order, go here:  Rediscovering the Holy Spirit


Update from Reformation2Germany -- They Need Help!


News from the Land of the Reformation!

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ruler of the earth, who has purchased with his blood a great multitude that no one can number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages!

We are so thankful for your continued partnership in the Gospel! 

With your help in prayer and giving, there is now a thriving Reformed church in Heidelberg, Germany. Month after month we continue to add new members who have come to joyfully embrace the Reformed faith for the first time. As a matter of fact, the Lord has provided us with an in-road into a community of conservative Baptist churches, from which we have been receiving new members who have embraced the Reformed view of Baptism and of everything else in a wonderfully encouraging way.

With your financial support, we have been doing theological training and education, teaching and supplementing the teaching of future indigenous Reformed pastors. Currently, there are two on track to be ordained and two more to be licensed. What a strategically crucial development!

With your help and support we have also been able to produce and to spread a small but growing stream of Reformed publications in the German language, where before there had been almost nothing. 

In his goodness, the Lord has enabled the Heidelberg church to be involved in church planting in the city of Hannover, which is a very exciting development. We would like to see this and another church planted and particularized within the next five years. The Lord is good and faithful to provide these opportunities - and the needed funds so far.

We have received a wonderful missionary family from Brazil (Presbyterian Church of Brazil) and are waiting to receive a young minister from the U.S. for international/student ministry!

However, with a heavy heart I have to report that I was recently made aware of a decrease in total giving in 2015 of almost thirty percent. Some of it, no doubt, due to economic reasons. I am especially saddened, however, because some churches or individuals seem to no longer see the importance and even necessity of long-term support for this work in Germany. Sure, there are many valuable projects that are worth supporting, but when it comes to Germany, to spreading the Gospel and the Reformed faith where it once thrived, to planting Reformed churches where they once were ubiquitous, WE ARE IT! If the work of Reformation2Germany does not survive, Germany will lose one of the only robust, consistent, Reformed witnesses it currently has. To the Glory of God – May it not be!

Even when we set out with our mission to Germany, we communicated our conviction that the ground is fallow here and that we will need time to sow, perhaps a long time, before we will be able to reap fruit, but we also communicated that we are in it for the long haul. Reformation2Germany has not so much a 5-year-plan as it has a 50-year-plan. And therefore, all those who are getting behind our mission should adopt this robust, long-term mentality.

On account of the decrease in giving for various reasons, many of the opportunities mentioned above have been put in jeopardy. We have not been able to pay the rent and salaries in full. We have had to freeze spending for the on-going seminary classes, leaving the current students which we so desperately need hanging in mid-air. We have had to put publications, such as our magazine, on hold for now. And we cannot do aggressive church planting in other places in Germany as much as we would like to and need to.

In numbers, for 2015, we were left with a deficit of $25,000 USD. $10,000 is due in April when our landlord is expecting the first payment to reduce our backlog in rent. If we cannot cover these costs as soon as possible, we may sadly lose our rented facilities (worship and office space), leaving us with nowhere to go. (Meeting space is almost impossible to find for Sundays.) This is the most urgent and current need we have.

Would you join us in praying that the Lord would fill all needs so that the work of Reformation in all these strategic areas could continue? Please continue to pray for us as we spread the gospel. And consider strongly making a donation toward the strategic and important long-term work of Reformation2Germany.

As always, we appreciate your support and partnership in planting Reformed churches in Germany.

Rev. Sebastian Heck



A New Book from Mike Horton

Michael Horton's latest book will ship soon!

Here's the info from the publisher:

What Do All Christians Believe?

For many people, words like doctrine and theology cause their eyes to glaze over, or they find them difficult to understand and struggle to see how they are relevant to daily life. But theology is far from boring—it is the study of God and should lead to awe and wonder as we better understand who God is and what he has done for us

In Core Christianity, author, pastor, and theologian Mike Horton tackles the essential and basic beliefs that all Christians share. What is “core” to the Christian faith? In addition to unpacking these beliefs in a way that is easy to understand, Horton shows why they matter to our lives today.

This introduction to the basic doctrines of Christianity is a helpful guide by a respected theologian and a popular author, and it includes discussion questions for individual or group use. Core Christianity is perfect for those who are new to the faith, as well as those who have an interest in deepening in their understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

 You can order Core Christianity here


Friday Night Academy Audio

Here's the audio from Friday night's Academy lecture on the Reformed doctrine of the two kingdoms, entitled, In the Land of Nod: Which Came First, the Family or the State?



Friday Night Academy Audio


Friday Night Academy Audio


Understanding the End Times --This Coming Saturday

Here's the place to go for Conference Information

Hope to see you there!


The Lion of Princeton -- Back in Stock at Amazon!

My new book on B. B. Warfield, The Lion of Princeton, has sold out twice, but is back in stock again at Amazon.

You can check it out here: (Lion of Princeton Info)

You can buy it here:  The Lion of Princeton at Amazon


I Had Issues Today . . .

I was on Issues, Etc., today with host Todd Wilken, discussing Chris McCann of eBible fellowship's end-times prediction, and his refusal to backtrack when the Lord did not return on October 7, as McCann predicted.

You can listen here:  McCann's failed prediction

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