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Entries in Riddleblog News (220)


A Very Pleasant Surprise . . .

The members of the Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche surprised me with a German edition of my book, A Case for Amillennialism.

The translation was done by one of the church members and approved by the publisher (Baker Books).  The German title means "Dispute Over the Millennium."


Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology Begins


We arrived safely in Heideberg and met a wonderful group of like-minded Reformed folk.  The photo on the left is the conference banner, and the other photo is of me making my introductory remarks with Jorg Muller, the conference translator.


Our European Adventure

Our first stop is Heidelberg, where I am speaking at the 2015 Heidelberg Conference on Reformed Theology (you can find info on the annual conference here:  Heidelberg Conference 2015).

I will also be preaching at the Selbständige Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche (the Independent Evangelical Reformed Church) on the Lord's Day (Sunday, September 20).  Rev. Sebastian Heck is the pastor, and directs the Reformation 2 Germany  project.  For more info about the church, go here:  Independent Evangelical Reformed Church of Heidelberg.

Our next stop is Bern, where we will spend a couple of days playing tourist, and then Lording willing, meet up with a "DNA" cousin, who will take us to Langnau-Im-Emmital (a city in the Canton of Bern) and then to the "Rothlisberg" (a small hill nearby), which is the home of our mutual ancestors--the Rotlisbergers of Bern.

After a few days in the Jungfrau the Swiss Alps, we will head on to Milan, where I will be preaching for the URC congregation there on the Lord's Day (September 27).  The pastor is Rev. Andrea Ferrari, who has preached at Christ Reformed.  You can check out the church's website (in Italian -- Chiesa Riformata Filadelphia) or take a look at the Reformation Italy Project (Reformation Italy)

I am thrilled to meet up with two old friends doing such great work in Europe, and then meeting a new cousin, who, until the wonders of DNA testing came on the scene, I would have never known I had.


Riddeblog Summer Update

I've been hard at work this summer and wanted to update you a bit about the doings (or lack thereof) here at the Riddleblog.

I have been working feverishly on completing the draft of my "Two Kingdoms" book and have made great progress.  I'll post some snippets from it in the future, and will update you as things unfold.

My newest book, The Lion of Princeton (print edition) is due any time.  I'll update you with any specifics I get about release date/availability.  (Lion of Princeton)

My essay, "The Eschatology of the Reformers" is set to release in 2016 in a multi-authored volume entitled, Reformation Theology, edited by Matthew Barrett and to be published by Crossway.

I'll be lecturing on eschatology in Heidelberg, and preaching in Milan this coming September.  My wife and I haven't been to Europe for some time and are heartily looking forward to going back--especially to spend time with Reformed brothers and sisters and DNA cousins.

BTW--the photo is from a White Horse Inn taping last year (I am with Rod).


The Great War Follow-Up 

If you were present for our Spring Academy Course, "The Great War," or have listened to any of the lectures (The Great War, Lectures and Handouts), you may appreciate this collection of remarkable photos; The Great War --  Photo Essay

Although we spent little time on the War itself (or its major battles), the death and destruction resulting from the largest battles of World War One changed the face of Europe and framed the modern world.  Here's a look at Ten Horrific Battles.   In some of these battles nearly a million soldiers were killed, wounded, or MIA.


Trunews Interview

I was interviewed by Rick Wiles of Trunews today.  The topic--the end times, what else?

I have never been on a radio program/podcast the same day as a CIA operations manager.

End Times Interview


Happy Birthday, My Dear!

A big milestone today for Mrs. Riddleblogger -- Micki or "MV" as she's affectionately known.  You are a great wife, a wonderful mother, and a true and faithful servant to our church family.  And I am truly blessed.  


"The Lion of Princeton" --- Status Update

Just got word from the publisher (Lexham Press) that the typesetter is finished, the indices will be completed in a couple of weeks, and then its off to the printer!

So, if all goes well, we are looking at a release date in June.  I'll post ordering information when I get it from Lexham.

Meanwhile, you can check it out here: Lion of Princeton (print edition)

The electronic version (Logos) is available and can be ordered here:  Lion of Princeton (Logos version)


Audio from My Recent Lectures on "The Antichrist"

My friends from Church of the Redeemer in Mesa, AZ., have posted the audio of my recent lectures on the doctrine of the Antichrist.

You can find them here:  Lectures on "The Antichrist"


If You Live in Mesa, AZ, or Know Anyone Who Does . . .

Man of Sin: The Antichrist

The sixth Lloyd Jackson Lecture Series with Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. Free and open to the public.

  • Friday, March 20
    • 7:00 to 8:00 PM: Antichrist—Past, Present, or Future Foe? (An overview of the doctrine of the Antichrist)
  • Saturday, March 21
    • 9:30 to 10:30 AM: Antichrist as a Sign of the End (A survey of the signs of the end)
    • 10:30 to 11:00 AM: Brunch
    • 11:00 to 12:00 PM: The Two Beasts
    • 12:00 to 12:30 PM: Q & A
  • Sunday, March 22, 10:30 AM Worship Service: They Came to Life and Reigned with Christ

The Lectures will be based on my book, Man of Sin

For more information, Click Here -- Church of the Redeemer

If you live in the Mesa area, I would love to meet you!

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