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Entries in The Strange (22)


Worse Than the Caricature?

Muslim%20Priest.jpgWe all know that things in the mainline Protestant churches can get a bit wacky.  In the last few weeks alone, the following items about the Episcopal/Anglican church have appeared in the news.  The Episcopal/Anglican Church has fallen so far that you can't even caricature it any more.

The Seattle Times ran an article on an episcopal priest (Rev. Ann Holmes Redding--the woman on the right in the picture) who has become a Muslim.  In this day, that's not a shock.  The shock is that she is still an episcopal priest who still leads a congregation while worshipping at the local mosque!  Click here: Local News | "I am both Muslim and Christian" | Seattle Times Newspaper.  As the National Review Online put it, "with the benefit of hindsight, it should have been obvious that the first female imam would be an Episcopalian..."

And then there is this interesting news flash.  What do you do when your unmarried priest gets pregnant?  Click here: Unmarried priest quits top job after becoming pregnant | the Daily Mail.  At least she stepped down.

Finally, imagine finding your Bishop drunk, and passed out in the backseat of someone else's Mercedes with a huge bump on his noggin?  Click here: Clergy urge 'drunk' bishop to atone for his sins | the Daily Mail.

But does anyone see a pattern here?  As one wag recently quipped:  "don't try and caricature the Episcopal church!  They'll just do you one better . . ."  


Sodom and Gomorrah Were Married????

Bible Knowledge.jpgIt certainly comes as no surprise that people don't know much about Christianity, or even religion in general.  According to a recent USA Today article (Click here: Americans get an 'F' in religion -, when asked, 50% of high school seniors thought that Sodom and Gomorrah were a married couple!  60% couldn't name even five of the Ten Commandments. 

As to the latter, that's actually better than the results White Horse Inn producer, Shane Rosenthal got when he asked these same questions at the Christian Bookseller's convention some years ago.  My guess is that those who could name only some of the commandments, named only "second table" commands, like those prohibiting adultery, theft and murder.  They probably don't know enough about God to know any of the first four commandments.

OK, so we all know this is the case.  Why another article (or post) on this?  The author of a new book addressing the topic of the general ignorance of religion in America (Stephen Prothro, from Boston University, who describes himself as a "confused Christian" -- of course, he was raised Episcopalian), makes an important point.  Ignorance of these things is not just sad, it is dangerous.  His solution is to sell his book (Religious Literacy:  What Every American Needs to Know)!  That's not quite mine.

Prothro does make the important point that ignorance of Christianity and other world religions is no longer an item of trivia or a sad commentary on American morality.  It is now a dangerous thing when most people don't know even the basic differences (doctrine, history and culture) between Christianity and Islam, or between Islam and Judaism.  Not knowing these things, how then can they understand why the Shias and Sunnis are fighting over Baghdad?  Why are Muslims so dead set against Israel occupying Palestine and especially the city of Jerusalem?  And what about all the religious images invoked on the evening news from the apocalyptic zealot who runs Iran (and may soon have the bomb), to something seemingly mundane, like Bush misquoting the Bible to make a political point?

While the debate rages about how to teach religion in the public schools--a sign to me that we are deeply in trouble--Protho's thesis is important.  For the well-being of the American republic, people need to know these things!  People who don't know these things, nevertheless still vote and determine public policy as well as foreign policy.

Meanwhile, it is vital that churches get to work.  We must do our best to ensure that Christians know the Scriptures, that they are catechized in the great doctrines of the faith, and that they are taught basic apologetics along with the tools of evangelism.  But churches should also be equipping their members to know the  doctrinal, historical and cultural differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism!  The secular public has an excuse.  We do not.

So, when 50% of high-schoolers think Sodom and Gomorrah were married, its more than a sign of ignorance--it is a warning.  Especially, when I notice the new Mosque down the street is packed out on Friday afternoons and I know they are not taking these matters lightly.

Your thoughts? 


Yes, I See That Hand . . .

Jeffrey Dahmer.jpg

Jeffrey Dahmer was a brutal killer and deserved life in prison, if not the death penalty.

Supposedly, Jeffrey Dahmer become a Christian while in prison, and his pastor actually felt that he had the gifts to become an effective evangelist before his death at the hands of another inmate. Click here: Would serial killer Dahmer have been an evangelist? | US News |

This raises a number of interesting and troubling questions. No doubt the grace of God can reach even Jeffrey Dahmer. But Jeffrey Dahmer as an evangelist? That's a tough one. The pastor who baptized Dahmer is writing a book about Dahmer's 1994 conversion. How objective is the author? And if Dahmer actually became a Christian (and it would be wonderful if he did) what would repentance look like in the case of a man who killed 17 boys, raped many more, and cannibalistically consumed many of them? What would the families of his victims think?

And then there's the added problem of Christopher Scarver, who killed Dahmer in prison because he claimed "God told him to."  Makes you wonder about providence . . .

This whole thing raises a lot of interesting questions. There's certainly no question that even a Jeffrey Dahmer is not beyond the reach of God's grace--the merits of Christ are no doubt sufficient to justify the vilest sinner. Let's hope this was not just another jail house conversion with the goal of more prison privileges, or a crass  ploy to sell some books.

But the cynic in me says that Dahmer sure would have an interesting testimony! 

Your thoughts? 


Is the Pope Catholic?

Benedict xvi 2.jpg . . . Not much longer if Muammar Gaddafi's son gets his wish.



Tripoli - The elder son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has called on Pope Benedict XVI to convert to Islam immediately, dismissing last week's apology from the pontiff for offending Muslims.

"If this person were really someone reasonable, he would not agree to remain at his post one minute, but would convert to Islam immediately," Mohammed Gaddafi told an awards ceremony on Monday evening for an international competition to memorise the Qur'an. 

To read the rest of this story,  Click here: Pope asked to convert to Islam



Wouldn't Luther and Calvin have fun with this headline!  I'm having a bit of fun with it myself.  Any thoughts?


You Know You Are Not Reformed If . . .


You know you are not Reformed if


. . . you think the Apostles Creed is the guy who fought Rocky in Rocky I.

. . . you think the Canons of Dort are like the Guns of Navarrone.

. . . you think Ursinus is a nasal condition.

. . . you think Arminians are the people who run convenience stores.

. . . you think the Belgic Confession was from WWII war crimes trials.

. . . you think “popery” in the church makes it smell flowery.

. . . you think the psalter goes with the pepper shaker.

. . . you think unconditional election is a practice of communist dictatorships.

. . . the only “kirk” you know is from Star Trek.

. . . you think the Three Forms of Unity are health, wealth, and happiness.

. . . you think “catechism” and “dogma” relate to pets.

. . . you think Post Tenebras Lux is a breakfast cereal (it’s actually the motto of post-Reformation Geneva).

(h.t. Pat Yamada)

Can you think of more? 


Jack Bauer and His "Man Bag"

jack-bauer-in-action.jpgOK.  I admit it.  I love "24."  I don't get to watch it on TV, but do enjoy it on DVD when I can watch more than one episode at a time.

If you are a 24 fan, you are probably aware of all the Jack Bauer jokes making their way around the internet.

More than likely, you've also seen the discussion about Jack's "man bag," (as seen in the picture).  Some have used this to challenge Jack's legendary toughness.  "If Jack Bauer is so tough, why does he carry a purse?"  His defenders reply, "That's not a purse, its a sack of whoopass!"

In the bag, Bauer carries his handgun, numerous magazines (he seems to have an unlimited supply for any gun and caliber he happens to be using), his cell (which always has four bars--who is his provider?), and his trusty PDA which keeps him connected to Chloe and others back at CTU.

But for once, I am on the cusp of male fashion!  I have carried a "man bag" for years--my trusty leather satchel.  While I keep my Glock and extra mags at home, I too, am fully prepared for any contingency.

I have my emergency meds (eucalyptus cough drops, sinus stuff, aspirin, and Immodium--whether they admit or not, every preacher's greatest fear is that "Immodium moment" when you are in front of a congregation).  I also have my weapons:  my Bible, the ecumenical creeds and Reformed confessions, a copy of the church order, and whatever book I may need depending upon my current assignment (i.e. Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology, Horton's book God of Promise).  I also have support materials, such as business cards, dry erase markers (you never know when you'll need them), and a tin of altoids.  I am fully prepared for any contingency.

But are others as well prepared?  What does Rick Warren carry in his "man bag"?  What about an emergent church pastor?  What does he (or she) carry around?  What about an Arminian or a dispensationalist?

Any thoughts?


A Fashion Statement

fashion statement.jpgOne of my Lutheran friends sent this to me with the following caption:

"The man on the left, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined Dior gold lame gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waisted tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3-foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, along with the ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is worried that The Da Vinci Code might make the Roman Catholic Church look foolish."


I thought some of you might enjoy this so I am passing it along . . .


Watch Out for Those Christian Drivers!

car accident wince.bmp

Do Christian drivers pose a danger to others?  Some think so!  According to a half-hearted challenge issued on Stay Free! Daily . . .

Saved Premillenialist Christians Shouldn't Drive

I'm sure everyone here has been driving and seen the bumper sticker that reads "In case of Rapture, car will be unmanned." While this never fails to inspire some very action-movie style daydreams and exciting video game premises, it also brings up a far more practical issue: should saved Christians be allowed to drive?

One would think that, if we don't grant driver's licences to narcoleptics, epileptics, or other people who may, at random, lose all control of their careening vehicle, we sure as hell won't grant a license to someone who may just up and disappear without warning. But, this never seems to come up.

That fundamentalist, evangelical, end-times-anticipating Christians seek to create or alter legislation to support their beliefs is not exactly news. And, of course, it's well within their rights to petition and badger and seek to achieve their goals of teaching religious pseudoscience in schools, or keeping gay people from marrying, and so on-- but it seems to me that if they are really going to be forthright in their goals of altering the laws of the United States to fit their theology, they can't just pick and choose the laws they want. To really be taken seriously, they need to go all the way, to do the right thing and press for legislation stipulating that anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts cannot safely pilot a motorized vehicle or similar heavy machinery.

I'm willing also to consider legislation that would provide for them the right to pilot small, possibly electric city-cars that are speed-limited to 25 MPH, contain adequate warning lights and signage, and, upon detection of loss of driver (via a simple switch in the seat that disengages when the driver is raptured away) sounds a warning klaxon as it slowly comes to a safe, controlled stop under automatic control.

So, saved Premillenialist Christians, here's my challenge to you: go all the way. Fight for what you want in our schools, our hospitals, our public places, but stick to your beliefs on our highways as well. I mean, that's what being a fundamentalist is all about, right?

To read the article, Click here: Stay Free! Daily: Saved Premillenialist Christians Shouldn't Drive



This Is Interesting . . .


I was reading through the venerable Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology and found this very fascinating section.  Read it carefully!

Moreover, in connection with the subject of "hell" the Bible certainly uses local terms right along.  It calls the place of torment gehenna, a name derived from the Hebrew ge (land or valley) and hinnon or beney hinnom, that is Hinnom or sons of Hinnom.  This name was originally applied to a valley southwest of Jerusalem.  It was the place where wicked idolaters sacrificed their children to Moloch by causing them to pass through the fire.  Hence it was considered impure and was called in later days the valley of tophet (spittle), as an utterly despised region.  Fires were constantly buring there to consume the offal of Jerusalem.  As a result it became a symbol of the place of eternal torment."

Beney Hinnom?  Benny Hinn?  So what's the connection?  Coincidence?  Any thoughts?



Acts 19:26-28 Revisited

artemis.jpgThis video from "her church" will make you sick or angry--or both.  Have a barf bag handy!

click here


(H. T. Rod Rosenbladt)