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Entries in White Horse Inn News (648)


This Week's White Horse Inn

An Interview with Simon Gathercole

On this edition of the program, Michael Horton talks with Cambridge New Testament Scholar Simon Gathercole about his various books and articles. Right at the outset, they discuss the contemporary debate concerning “theories of the atonement,” and then they move to a discussion of the views of N.T. Wright and whether his recent book on this topic has under-emphasized the traditional substitutionary view of Christ’s work on our behalf.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

An Interview With N. T. Wright

What is the meaning of Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross? Should we see it primarily as a demonstration of God’s love, as a kind of victory over the hostile powers, or as a “penal substitution” in which God’s wrath was actually satisfied? On this program, we’ll be taking a break from our series through the book of Ephesians as Michael Horton discusses these questions and more with controversial theologian, N.T. Wright, author of The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. Whether you agree with his views or not, one thing is clear: N.T. Wright is making an impact in the world of contemporary theology. Our goal in airing this exchange is that you’ll get a better grasp of the issues at stake, particularly when it comes to the way we think about the main objective of Christ’s atoning work. Also, stay tuned for next week’s broadcast as Mike hears from Cambridge scholar Simon Gathercole, who is critical of Wright’s new book and offers a different perspective.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Walking in Love and Thanksgiving

As a result of their being chosen and adopted in Christ, Paul now instructs the Ephesians to imitate God as beloved children. In short, Christians do not become God’s children by imitating him, but rather we are first brought into his family by grace alone, and then are called to walk in light of our new identity. More than anything, therefore, thankfulness and gratitude should characterize the Christian life.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Futility of Mind and Hardness of Heart

In Ephesians 4:17, Paul says that Christians “must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds.” In this insightful passage, we see the connection between doctrine and life, even in the case of non-Christians. According to Paul, Gentiles pursue lives of pleasure and sensuality because they believe that life is ultimately purposeless and futile. Christians, however, are called to live in light of God’s revealed purposes in Christ, and to put off the old self with its deceitful desires

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This Week's White Horse Inn

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

What are the implications of our being united to Christ through baptism, and how does this new reality affect the way we live here and now? As a result of this new union, how should we then relate to other members of the body of Christ? On this program, the hosts are continuing their survey of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and they will discuss the first half of chapter 4.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Knowing the Love of Christ

Too often Christians in our day are divided into two separate camps. On one side are the intellectual types who focus exclusively on doctrine, and on the other side are the emotional Christians who focus more on love, experience, and practical Christian living. But according to Paul in Ephesians chapter 3, this division does not appear to be justified. In verses 14-19, he prays that the saints in Ephesus would be “rooted and grounded in love,” and that they would also “have the strength to comprehend… the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” Join us as the hosts continue their series through the book of Ephesians.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

The Mystery Revealed

In Ephesians chapter 3, Paul speaks of a mystery hidden for generations, but which is now fully disclosed in Jesus Christ. This mystery, he says, is that Gentiles are now fellow heirs with the Jews of the all promises made throughout the Old Testament. On this program, the hosts will read and interact with many of those prophecies, such as the one we find in Isaiah 49:6 where God says of his coming messiah, “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob… I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Reconciled Through the Cross

One of the implications of the fall—and of our inherited sinful nature—is that we are not only estranged from God, but are also at war with each other. Yet through the work of Christ on our behalf, Paul teaches that we are not only reconciled to God, but also believers from different walks of life are all united to each another into one body. On this edition of the program, the hosts continue their study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and will be finishing their discussion of chapter 2.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Saved By Grace Through Faith

How is grace related to faith and good works? Do we choose to allow God’s grace into our lives, or is it actually something that changes our desires and makes us willing to believe in the first place? And what does Paul mean when he says that we “who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ”? On this program, the hosts continue their series on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and will be discussing verses 8-14 of chapter 2.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Dead in Sin, Alive in Christ

What are the implications of Paul’s statement in Ephesians 2, that before we were made alive in Christ, we were actually dead in our trespasses and sins? How does this particular view of our sinful nature relate to our understanding of God’s grace and mercy in Christ? On this program, the hosts will be wrapping up chapter one of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and will begin taking a look at the first few verses of chapter two.

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