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Entries in White Horse Inn News (648)


This Week's White Horse Inn

In Him We Have Redemption

What is the original meaning of the biblical word “redemption,” and how does Paul connect this concept to the work of Christ on our behalf? How is redemption related to our adoption as God’s very own children, and why do we need to be adopted in the first place? On this edition of White Horse Inn, the hosts will discuss these questions as they continue to unpack the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

An Introduction to Ephesians

Why does Paul refer to his fellow Christians as “saints” at the beginning of his letters, and how can this be true since all Christians continue to struggle with remaining sin? What does it mean to be chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, as Paul teaches in Ephesians? Does God choose us because of something good that he foresaw in us? And what is the significance of the idea that we have been predestined to be adopted as his very own sons? The host will discuss these questions and more as we begin a new series on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Improving Your Observation Skills

We live in a world of screens that compete for our attention. Though it’s easy to be attracted to the things competing for our attention on our phone, television, or computer screen, it takes a little more work to really notice things that are going on all around us. The same can be said for the way we approach the Bible. We often have a superficial understanding of a given passage because we rarely take the time to really observe what the text is saying. On this program Michael Horton discusses this issue with Jim Gilmore, author of Look: A Practical Guide to Improving Your Observation Skills.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Working for God's Glory

How are we to think about the church’s relationship to the secular world? Are believers called to be so heavenly minded that they completely avoid worldly activity? Or are we called to be salt and light as we love and serve our neighbors around us? On this special edition of White Horse Inn, Michael Horton discusses these issues and more as he unpacks the distinction between The Great Commandment and The Great Commission.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Joy to the World!

When the angels appeared before the shepherds in Bethlehem, they came bringing a message of “good news” rather than tips for improving our life or the world around us. On this program, the hosts will discuss the nature of the Christian gospel and its roots in the Old Testament promises of a coming redemption. They’ll also discuss the relationship between good news and the “great joy” that we experience in response as they conclude their series on The Meaning of Christmas.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

What Child Is This?

“What child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?” This wonderful hymn reminds us every Christmas of the sublime mystery of the incarnation. But what does it really mean to confess that Jesus is God in human flesh? On this edition of the program the hosts will continue their discussion of The Meaning of Christmas by taking a look at the two natures of Christ and his threefold office as prophet, priest, and king.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

O Holy Night

How do the angelic announcements of Mary’s conception and of the birth of Christ relate to the Old Testament promises concerning the coming messiah, and what do they reveal about Christ’s forthcoming mission and work? On this program, the hosts are continuing their series on The Meaning of Christmas by taking a closer look at the Annunciation.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

The famous Christmas hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” reminds us each year of the deep longing and hopeful expectation for the fulfillment of all the messianic promises revealed throughout the history of the Old Testament. This Emmanuel, or “God with us,” would come in the fullness of time to “ransom captive Israel.” On this program, the hosts will take a look at the theology of this classic hymn as they begin a new series on The Meaning of Christmas.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

The Worship Service

What should a properly-ordered church service look like? In worship, are Christians actors or spectators? Do we come to church in order to give God something, or to receive something from God? On this program, the hosts are wrapping up their series on worship as they take a look at the subject of “liturgy.” Though many Christians in our day may not even be familiar with this word, it simply refers to the structure and form of worship. In other words, like theology, everyone has a liturgy; the question is whether the pattern of our worship is rooted in Scripture, or in the beliefs, forms, and practices of our surrounding culture.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Body & Soul

If you poll a number of Americans on the topic of religion, you’re likely to hear many of them say that though they don’t identify with “organized religion,” they do consider themselves to be “spiritual, but not religious.” But why is this individualistic, private, and unaccountable version of spirituality attractive in our day? On this program, the hosts will be contrasting contemporary versions of spirituality, both inside and outside the church, with the beliefs and practices of classical Christianity as they continue their series on worship.

Body & Soul