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Entries in White Horse Inn News (648)


This Week's White Horse Inn

An Interview with James K. A. Smith

Are we shaped by the theology of Scripture and the patterns of Christian worship, or by the ideas of our increasingly secular culture and the patterns, habits, and routines associated with it? While many Christians in our day seem to understand the importance of acquiring a biblical worldview, James K.A. Smith argues that we often overlook the fact that more often than not we’re persuaded by alternative stories of the world, not through overt argumentation, but by what he calls “secular liturgies.” On this program, Michael Horton talks with James K.A. Smith, author of You Are What You Love, The Spiritual Power of Habit, and Desiring the Kingdom.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

This Week's White Horse Inn

Many Christians today assume that worship is something we do one hour per week, but in Scripture, worship is actually a life-long activity. For example, in Romans 12 Paul says that out of gratitude for God’s mercy and grace, Christians are to worship God acceptably by offering our bodies as living sacrifices. This is not to say that Sunday worship is unimportant. Though we’re to think of all of life as worship, we have an additional call to join with other saints on the Lord’s Day, to sing his praises corporately, and also to receive his good gifts. On this program, the hosts will begin a new series on the meaning, form, and significance of worship.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

This week marks the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing of the Ninety-Five Theses. But who was Luther and what were the problems in the church of his day that he was seeking to address? On this program, the hosts will read and discuss excerpts from the Ninety-Five Theses and will also interact with Luther’s account of his own conversion to a theology rooted in the work of Christ alone, received through faith alone, all by grace alone, to the glory of God alone.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Christianity and Evangelicalism

Though evangelicals and liberals are often at each other’s throats in the culture wars, this division is best understood as a kind of sibling rivalry. Whereas liberals focus on creating our best society now, evangelicals focus on having your best life now. But either way, the focus is on us, here and now, rather than on God and his story of redemption which culminated in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Christianity and Liberalism

On this program, the hosts continue their discussion begun last week on the influence of the Radical Reformation. How did the theology of the Anabaptist and Pietist movements end up influencing so many forms of Protestantism, both here in America and around the world? And more specifically, how did these views shape the founders of the Enlightenment and help create what we know today as Protestant Liberalism?

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

The Radical Reformation

According to a recent Pew study, 53% of American Protestants couldn’t identify Martin Luther as the one who started the Reformation, and fewer than 30% of white Evangelicals were unable to identify Protestantism as the faith which embraces the doctrine of justification by faith alone. On this program, the hosts will attempt to show that contemporary Christians, whether liberal or conservative, have more in common with the theology of the Anabaptist reformers than they do with the views of Luther and Calvin expressed in the great Reformation solas.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Glory to God Alone

As we have seen over the past few weeks, Scripture alone reveals that our redemption was accomplished by the work of Christ alone, and is received by grace through faith alone. In short, God gets all the credit for our salvation from start to finish. As Paul says in Rom 11:35-36, “Who has given him a gift that he might be repaid? For of him and through him and to him are all things, to whom be the glory forever.” On this program, the hosts conclude their discussion of the solas of the Reformation by taking a look at the famous slogan: Soli Deo Gloria, “to God alone be glory.”

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Justification by Faith Alone

Once upon a time, Protestants of every variety were identified as those who were committed to the doctrine of “justification through faith alone.” In our day, however, most Protestants are not even familiar with this doctrine. With either stern rigor or happy tips for better living, conservatives and progressives alike end up smothering the gospel through constant exhortations to either personal or social transformation. In either case, the focus has shifted away from God’s story of redemption in Christ, which is embraced by faith alone. On this program the hosts will discuss the doctrine which Luther said was at the heart of the Protestant Reformation, as they continue their exploration of the solas.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Grace Alone

In the medieval church, sin was viewed as a kind of sickness that could be remedied if we reached out to take the medicine. But the Protestant Reformers sought to recover the clear teaching of Scripture that salvation “depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy” (Rom. 9:16). So what do contemporary Protestants think about the extent of man’s fall, and the role of God’s grace in salvation? The hosts also discuss the biblical word “predestination” as it relates to this issue and contrast it with the idea of “foreknowledge.”

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Christ Alone

Many Christians in our day, whether liberal or evangelical, declare that there is hope of eternal life apart from explicit faith in Jesus Christ. In fact, according to one survey by George Barna, 35% of America’s evangelical seminary students agreed with the statement, “God will save all good people when they die, regardless of whether they’ve trusted in Christ.” On this program the hosts will discuss our need to recover the clear theology of a text such as John 14:6 in which Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”

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