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Entries in White Horse Inn News (648)


This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Scripture Alone

As we approach the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, today’s Protestants actually have little to be proud of as we survey the movement as a whole. The content of our messages and the shape of our worship services are largely determined by cultural preferences, marketing strategies, and crowd-pleasing techniques from the entertainment industry, rather than by Scripture. At the end of the day, what we’re left with is a kind of narcissistic spirituality that caters to the desires and felt needs of the masses, rather than a transcendent word that confronts, challenges, and rescues fallen sinners. On this edition of White Horse Inn, we’re beginning a new series on “The Solas of the Reformation.”

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This Week's White Horse Inn

Has the Bible Been Miscopied or Mistranslated?

Many people today make the claim that the Bible has been revised, edited, and miscopied over the centuries, and that the translations we have with us today are not at all faithful to the original manuscripts. But is this really the case? On this program, Michael Horton discusses this important issue with New Testament scholar Daniel Wallace, editor of Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament and contributor to The Reliability of the New Testament: Bart Ehrman and Daniel Wallace in Dialogue (originally broadcast May 12, 2013).

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Guidelines for Interpreting Scripture

How are we to interpret the Bible, especially in light of the fact that there are so many different traditions, denominations, and schools of thought? Are we allowed to interpret a passage however we like, or are there some basic rules and guidelines to follow? On this program the hosts will begin a two-part series on this topic as they walk through some basic rules of “hermeneutics,” or the science of biblical interpretation.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

The Search for a New Adam

As we saw in last week’s program, the Bible traces the story of God’s promise to rescue the world from the consequences of the Fall. Yet as we follow the lives of characters such as Abraham, Moses, and David, we find not only sinners but also those who sin in spectacular ways that remind us of Adam’s original sin. In other words, it quickly becomes clear in these stories that the new Adam has not yet arrived, and that the new creation is still on hold. On this program, the hosts continue to unpack this way of reading Scripture as they make their way through the Old Testament prophets and finally point to Jesus Christ as the true “Son of Man.”

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

The Search for a New Adam

In many ways the Bible is the unpacking of God’s initial promise recorded in Genesis 3:15, that though death entered the world through man’s fall, one day a child would be born who would restore all things and crush the serpent’s head. Therefore, the primary question that we should ask as we make our way through the pages of Scripture is whether any new character that emerges might actually be this child of promise. What we see again and again, however, is that all of these potential messiahs end up not being anything new at all, but actually end up being mirror images of the old Adam.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Lifelong Learners

When Jesus gave the Great Commission, he didn’t tell his disciples to go into all the world in order to induce authentic worship experiences with the proper use of stage lighting, fog machines, and powerful sound systems. He also didn’t encourage his followers merely to make one-time converts, but rather he said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Mt 28:19). On this program, as we’re concluding our series on Creed or Chaos, the hosts will be taking a look at the church’s role in making lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Creeds and Confessions

For the last two thousand years the church has crystalized various summary statements about the Bible’s most important teachings into clear, short, and easy-to-memorize statements that outline the most crucial and non-negotiable aspects of the Christian faith. On this program the hosts will discuss the importance not only of affirming the substance of these creeds and confessions but also of making it a regular practice to recite them publicly during our weekly worship services so that “the pattern of sound words” (2 Tim 1:13) becomes part of our new identity.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

No Creed But Christ?

What are Christians known for in our day? If you ask people on the street this question, you’re likely to get answers that relate to particular moral or political concerns, but though they may be important, do these issues get to the heart of our faith? In her book Creed or Chaos (1940), Dorothy Sayers observed that “it is worse than useless for Christians to talk about the importance of Christian morality, unless they are prepared to take their stand upon the fundamentals of Christian theology.” On this program the hosts will discuss Sayer’s profound observations as they begin a new series on the importance of recovering creeds and confessions in contemporary Christianity.

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

Pluralism and the American Culture

What are the beliefs and assumptions of contemporary American spirituality? Why do so many people pick and choose religious beliefs based on that which makes them happy, rather than by evaluating truth claims? On this edition of White Horse Inn recorded before a live audience in Vail, Colorado, the hosts—along with special guest Greg Koukl—discuss these questions and more as they outline the characteristics of the American Religion (originally aired Nov. 16, 2014).

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This Week's White Horse Inn (Updated Website)

The Story of Reality

Religion is often presented today as a kind of therapy. Find the treatment you like best—the one that meets your needs and warms your heart. That’s the point of religion. But is this the way that Christianity presents itself? Did Jesus offer himself as a kind of sage who could help us to cope with life’s difficulties, or did he come to tell about himself, our problem, and his solution? On this program Michael Horton and the panel discuss these questions and more with Greg Koukl, founder and president of Stand to Reason and author of The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important That Happens in Between.

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