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Entries in White Horse Inn News (648)


Where Did Those Eleven Years Go?

WHI 1996 3.JPG










One of the elders at Christ Reformed Church brought some old pictures from a long ago White Horse Inn taping.  The pictures were taken back in 1996 when we still did a live broadcast every Sunday evening @ 9:00 PM from the studios of KKLA in Glendale. 

The first picture is yours truly with everybody's favorite Lutheran theologian, Dr. Rod Rosenbladt.  We've both grayed a bit over the years.  I still have my copy of Berkhof and Rod his copy of J. T. Mueller.

The picture below is of our fearless leader, Michael Horton, while still a youth!   

WHI 1996 4.JPG

The third picture was taken during a broadcast, with Ken Jones (apparently) sitting in for me, and our producer, Shane Rosenthal, was watching it all from the engineer's booth.  

WHI 1996 6.JPGThose were truly good days.  We would gather at Michael's home in Anaheim, and then make the hour trek to Glendale.  Rod kept us entertained on the way.  We'd tape the show, and then return to Michael's for beer and pizza and to discuss and debate into the wee hours of the morning.  But the best part was tormenting Rod by making him watch TBN.

And here we are eleven years later and still going strong!  Many thanks to all of you who have listened and supported us through the years!


Mike Horton Interviews Sam Solomon

WHI Logo.jpgBe sure to listen to Mike Horton's interview with Sam Solomon, a former professor of Shariah Law, who converted from Islam to Christianity.  This is a very powerful and important interview.  It is the first of two parts.  Click here: The White Horse Inn: Know What You Believe & Why You Believe It

You may also be interested in Professor Ken Samples' lectures on Islam at the Academy at Christ Reformed Church:  (Click here: Christ Reformed Info - MP3's and Real Audio (of Academy Lectures)


Review of "Man of Sin"

Man of sin.gifFor anyone who is interested, there's a great review of Man of Sin in the latest issue of Modern Reformation.  The review was written by Keith Mathison of Ligonier Ministries and author of: Dispensationalism:  Rightly Dividing the People of God?; Postmillennialism:  An Eschatology of Hope; and editor of When Shall These Things Be:  A Reformed Response to Hyper-Preterism.

To read the review, Click here: Review of Man of Sin, by Kim Riddlebarger


It Was Only a Matter of Time . . .

saintsonaplane.jpgWhite Horse Inn listener Brian Ring is at it again (Click here: My Fake Posters).

Of course, we fly Rod Air when we can.  But I don't think Ken will be happy being forced to sit in the back of the plane, again . . .


What Is It About the White Horse Inn?

whi pirates.jpgWhat is it about the White Horse Inn that causes people to put our pictures on airplanes (Click here: Riddleblog - The Latest Post - Rod Air -- Come Fly With Me) or on mountains (Click here: Riddleblog - The Latest Post - The Romans Revolution Continues)?

The latest witty creation is courtesy of White Horse Inn listener, Brian Ring (

Any thoughts?

I think Rod would make a great Johnny Depp type character!  He really shouldn't be stuck on a woman's body!


Rod Air -- Come Fly With Me

rod-air-2 small.jpg

My dear friend and White Horse Inn compatriot, Rod Rosenbladt, has been acting a little funny lately.  You know, like he's got something going on that he can't tell you about. 

Well, his secret is out.  There's a reason why he's no longer flying on Alaska. 

Rod Air . . .  Get in.  Sit down.  Shut up!  Hang on!

(thanks to Mark Vander Pol)


The Romans Revolution Continues

whirushmore-smaller.jpgWhat do Westminster Seminary California students do when they have way too much time on their hands?  They get to work in Photoshop and make pictures like this one!

Actually, this was done by one of the White Horse Inn staff members just to let us know that listening to so many hours of the White Horse Inn has driven him to this.

In all seriousness, we do have a great staff and a number of volunteers who do a great job with both the White Horse Inn ( and ModernReformation magazine (  Thanks to all of you! 

I guess if the rock band Deep Purple (Deep Purple "In Rock") could put their faces on Mount Rushmore, so can the White Horse Inn hosts!

Remember, the Romans Revolution continues at the White Horse Inn!


Pastors Can't Answer Questions About Basic Doctrines

WHI Logo.jpg

The Romans Revolution Continues at the White Horse Inn.

We are in the midst of taping our series on Romans called "The Romans Revolution."  Our producer, Shane Rosenthal, went to the National Pastor's Convention in San Diego (Click here: National Pastors Convention 2006), where he conducted a number of interviews with those in attendance.  These include pastors and their wives and key ministry leaders. 

Shane asked a large number of conference attendees some simple questions about basic Christian doctrine.  The answers are not only shocking, they are maddening!  You simply will not believe the interviews when you hear them.

When Shane asked, "are you familiar with the doctrine of imputation?"

33% were "familiar," 67% said they were "unfamiliar."

When Shane asked "is justification by works, faith and works combined, or faith alone?"

0% (thankfully) responded "by works."   25% responded "by faith and by works," while 75% responded "by faith alone."  Sadly, this figure is grossly misleading if people say they believe in justification by faith but don't even know what imputation is!  Many of those who said "by faith alone," qualified their answer with some sort of appeal to sanctification or the transformed life.  It was utterly tragic.

When Shane asked "Is justification a one time declaration or a life long process?"

49% said that justification is a process, 31% said a declaration, while 14% indicated that is was both.  6% were not sure.                    
                                                                                             When Shane asked, "What are we saved from?                             
43% said "ourselves."  24% said from "sin and death" while 17% said (correctly) that we are saved from eternal judgment or the wrath of God.  Another large group were not sure about the question and some admitted to have never even given this subject any thought.

These interviews were absolutely heartbreaking and you won't believe the answers these shepherds gave when interviewed.                             
For more info about broadcast dates for our upcoming programs on Romans 3-4, Click here: White Horse Inn                                                  
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