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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from April 1, 2008 - April 30, 2008


Ken Samples' Academy Lecture

kenneth_samples.jpgWorld%20of%20Difference%20samples%20cover.jpgKen Samples continues his Academy series at Christ Reformed Church entitled: "A Little Lower than the Angels:  The Christian View of Man."  Ken's third lecture is entitled, "The Imago Dei:  A Meaningful life"

Here's the synopsis for Ken's series:  What is man? What makes human beings so different from the rest of the creatures on Earth? A person’s thoughts on the origin, nature, and characteristics of humanity (anthropology) are a critical part of any worldview.

For more information, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Schedule of Academy Classes and Author's Forums


Some Interesting Links . . .


The CRC wants to be included among those swooning over Benedict XVI.  The once faithful church of farmer-theologians has become the RCA-lite (h.t. Chris Coleman).  Click here: CRC Executive Director Welcomes Papal Invite - Christian Reformed Church      

So, a church is going to hold worship services in a bar.  Its not a Lutheran Church.  Its not a Reformed Church.  Ironically, it is a Methodist Church.  Boy, times have changed.  I'll bet their potlucks are a hoot!  Lots of chips, buffalo wings, and open tabs.  Click here: Area church to hold worship services in bar.

Taking the "be careful little hands what you do" theology to new levels, a number of pastors in the UK plan on boarding city buses to control unruly youth.  Yeah, that will work!  Click here: Croydon Pastors Patrol Bus Routes (from This Is Local London)

There is no doubt that the number of mysterious fires and human deaths, along with strange and ungodly noises in the night, will soon rise to alarming levels.  America is about to be overrun by feral cats--Click here: - Expert: America About to Be Overrun by Feral Cats - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology

Meanwhile, another brave dog saves its owner's life--Click here: Dog saves woman from watery death.


The Canons of Dort, First Head of Doctrine, Rejection of Errors, Paragraph One

Synod%20of%20Dort.jpgRejection of the Errors by Which the Dutch Churches Have for Some Time Been Disturbed

The Canons of Dort not only set forth that which Reformed Christians are to believe about predestination and election--the affirmations stated in the first eighteen articles--but they also remind us of those errors that commonly arise in connection with these doctrines, and which are to be rejected.  The Canons do this in the form of “rejection of errors.”  

And so at this point, the Canons now address a series of doctrinal errors, which we as Reformed Christians are to reject.

It is also important to note that the rejection of errors as set forth by the Canons of Dort are much more complicated and technical than the affirmations about what we are to believe.  Sad to say, one of the common objections to the Reformed view of election and predestination is that the Reformed position is supposedly rationalistic, straying far afield from the text of Scripture through the sinful use of speculative human reason.  I think it will soon be very clear that the alternate views set forth by our Lutheran friends, or errors of the Arminians, are far more complex and rationalistic than anything put forth by the Reformed.

Having set forth the orthodox teaching concerning election and reprobation, the Synod rejects the errors of those . . .

I.  Who teach that the will of God to save those who would believe and persevere in faith and in the obedience of faith is the whole and entire decision of election to salvation, and that nothing else concerning this decision has been revealed in God's Word.

For they deceive the simple and plainly contradict Holy Scripture in its testimony that God does not only wish to save those who would believe, but that he has also from eternity chosen certain particular people to whom, rather than to others, he would within time grant faith in Christ and perseverance. As Scripture says, I have revealed your name to those whom you gave me (John 17:6). Likewise, All who were appointed for eternal life believed (Acts 13:48), and He chose us before the foundation of the world so that we should be holy... (Eph. 1:4).


The first error to be rejected is one of the most common, and is quite typical of the garden variety Arminianism commonly taught by Evangelicals today. As we have seen in articles one-eighteen, the Bible teaches that election is based upon something good in God, namely his love for lost and fallen sinners.  Scripture very clearly teaches us that God decrees to elect Jesus Christ to be the savior of the world, and to be the mediator of the covenant of grace.  God's purpose in this is to save that multitude of sinners fallen in Adam, who are individually chosen to be saved according to God’s eternal purpose.  The number of those chosen is so great that they cannot be counted (Revelation 7:9).  

The error to be rejected here is that of trying to locate the ground (basis) for election in something that God sees in the creature, namely faith and repentance.  Scripture, on the other hand, very clearly teaches that fallen creatures cannot come to faith in Jesus Christ apart from a prior work of God’s grace, enabling them to do so.

Those who contend that God elects to save some, based upon his foreknowledge of how people will respond to the gospel when it is preached to them, frequently use the illustration that the decree of election is like a book which God has already read, or a movie that God has already seen.  In other words, God knows the final outcome in advance, and so when God choses the people he will save, he bases his decision upon the supposed free actions of his creatures.   In other words,  God knows in advance who will chose Christ when given the chance, and so he choses them.

This is fatally flawed for a number of reasons.  First, as the Canons note, those who are elect believe only because they were chosen by God, not the other way around.  People who are dead in sin cannot believe unless God makes them willing to believe, and so inclines their hearts through the preaching of the gospel.  Dead people do not live until they are resurrected (in effectual calling and regeneration)!  

Second, the book and movie analogy actually serves the Reformed cause, not the Arminian.  The more fundamental question is, “who wrote the book in the first place?”  "Who authored the screen play?"  "Who wrote the script?"  "Who made the cameras, the paper, the writer?"  The reason why God foreknows the future is not because he knows how things will play out, and then responds to what his creatures will do.  The reason God foreknows the action of his creatures is because God determines what the future holds.  He writes the plot and creates the characters!  

And so we must ask, is not easier to simply bow the knee and affirm what Scripture teaches--election does not depend upon the will of man, but upon the will of God.  As we read in John 1:12-13–“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God”–and Romans 9:16–“So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.”


Just When I Think I've Heard It All . .

Bush%20Benedict.jpgFrom the Religious New Service (Click here: Religion News Service)

President Bush, when asked by EWTN anchor Raymond Arroyo: “When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes, what do you see?”


Funny, when I see Benedict XVI, I see a brilliant and formidable theologian (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger), who now presides over a church which officially denies the gospel of justification sola fide

I also see a man who has rather odd taste in shoes.  Click here: Riddleblog - The Latest Post - A Fashion Statement


Some Interesting Links . . .

Links.jpgHere's the scoop on the ESV Study Bible (coming this fall).  It looks great and worth the wait.  There are some outstanding features and many solid contributors--including a number of Westminster Seminary California professors.   (h.t. Justin Taylor)  Click here: Home | ESV Study Bible | Crossway

An Islamic cleric (Yunis al-Astal), who is allied with Hamas, looks forward to the day when Rome (the "Crusader Capital") falls to Islamic conquest.  He says it is just as much Allah's will as the fall of Constantinople.  He thinks it won't be long.  Oh . . . and Jews are apes and pigs.  Yada, Yada.  We may think these rants are kooky (and they are), but this one has been broadcast throughout the Arabic-speaking world.  Click here: - Hamas Cleric Predicts 'Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam' - International News | News of the World | M

Some things should not be made into gigantic walk-through exhibits.  There are a million things I could say at this point, but I will demonstrate my current progress in sanctification and not say another word.  Just check it out.  Click here: Giant 'Walk-In' Colon Teaches About Cancer - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

If Jesus comes to visit you when you are in the hospital, by appearing on the wall, is that law or gospel?  I guess it depends upon whether the drugs you took were legal (prescribed) or consumed before you got there.  Click here: Mestew » Jesus Visits Florida Hospital 


"We Greatly Feared for Our Lives" -- Joshua 9:1-27

Joshua%20Conquest.jpgThe Twelfth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of Joshua

Joshua was afraid that this would happen.  After Israel’s stunning defeat at Ai, Joshua warned the people of Israel, “for the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land will hear of it [Israel’s defeat] and will surround us and cut off our name from the earth.  And what will you do for your great name (Joshua 7:9)?”  Now that Israel has entered the heart of Canaan, the military situation will begin to change dramatically.  Some of the Canaanite tribes (the Gibeonites) are terrified of Israel and simply lose the will to fight.  But a number of Canaanite tribes begin to stiffen in their opposition to Israel’s conquest of the land.  Before the debacle at Ai, Israel and Joshua called the shots and advanced upon objectives of their choosing.  Now that the Canaanites had learned of Israel’s defeat by a vastly inferior foe at Ai, a number of tribes decide to band together in an attempt to organize a counteroffensive against the Israelite advance into Canaan.  YHWH promised to create fear in the hearts of the Canaanites, but now the Canaanites seem to be strengthening in their resolve to fight back.  What happened?

We are continuing our study of the Book of Joshua, which is part of a larger series, “I Will Be Your God and You Will Be My People.”  Throughout this series, we have been tracing the story of God’s redemption of his people as its unfolds in biblical history.  We’ve also been concentrating on the covenant of works and the covenant of grace and how God’s people relate to these two covenants. 

Recall that when we left off last time at the end of Joshua chapter 8, the people of God were camped near the city of Shechem in the valley between Mount Gerazim and Mount Ebal.  Upon reaching Abraham’s and Jacob’s ancient home as instructed by Moses, the entire nation participated in a covenant renewal ceremony.  As we read in Joshua 8:30-35, the people of God surrounded the ark of the covenant and the priests.  As the people streamed up the slopes of Mount Gerazim and Mount Ebal in what amounts to a natural amphitheater, higher up on the Mount Ebal, Israel’s priests offered burnt offerings for the people’s sins, as well as fellowship offerings to commemorate their covenant with YHWH. 

The high point of the covenant renewal ceremony was when Joshua read to the assembled people (men women and children, plus all the sojourners in the land) all that was written in the law–including the covenant blessings and curses.  We also read of how the priests conducted sacrifices on altar of uncut stones engraved with the words of the law.  This was a declaration to the Canaanites that Israel was in covenant relationship with YHWH and therefore entitled to all the covenant blessings–including possession of the land–upon the condition of their obedience.  But should Israel disobey the  Lord’s commandments, those covenant curses spelled out in the law would come upon the entire nation.  This entire ceremony was a testimony to the Canaanites that YHWH is the true and living God, and that this is his land to give to his people.  The sacrifices offered on this altar also served to remind both the Israelites and the Canaanites that YHWH is a merciful God and that there was still time to repent before YHWH directs the armies of Israel to bring down his judgment upon all those in Canaan. 

To read the rest of this sermon,  click here


Some Interesting Links . . .


Think how much saner American political discourse would be, if only Americans understood the two-kingdoms.  But they don't, and so political discourse is often insane.  Here's yet another egregious example of what happens when the distinction between the two-kingdoms is not even a category.  Rev. Jeremiah Wright preaches a funeral sermon for a friend and member of his congregation.  What a golden opportunity for Rev. Wright to bash Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Fox News!  I guess if you are a theological liberal (like Wright) and can't offer the hope of salvation and a bodily resurrection through Jesus Christ's  triumph over sin,  death, and the grave, you might as well bash Fox.   Click here: Rev. Wright fires back :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Thanks to Richard Davis for submitting this very helpful chart setting out the two-age model.

Mike Horton has been lecturing on Romans at Christ United Reformed Church, Santee.  Great stuff!  Click here: Welcome to Christ United Reformed Church Santee

Here are ten more reasons why I hate to fly.  How come Lindberg Field in San Diego didn't make the list?  I 've only landed there once, but I rather like landing in the middle of a densely-populated area, and looking into hotel windows next to the runway while the plane lands, and then the pilot slams on the brakes.  Click here: The World's Scariest Runways | Travel + Leisure


Academy Lecture Posted

World%20of%20Difference%20samples%20cover.jpgKen Samples' second lecture in his current Academy series has been posted.  The lecture is entitled, "The Imago Dei:  The Fall, Redemption and Ethics."

The MP3 version can be found here:

The streaming version, here:



Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpg[Universal] bishop is “a word of proud address that I have forbidden….None of my predecessors ever wished to use this profane word [‘universal’]….But I say it confidently, because whoever calls himself ‘universal bishop’ or wishes to be so called, is in his self-exaltation Antichrist’s precursor, for in his swaggering he sets himself before the rest.”

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating! 


Kalifornia--The Nanny State

Mary%20Poppins%20the%20Nanny%20State.jpgThe bureaucrats of the nanny state of Kalifonia have been busy.   That means tax-increases on everything-- including gas, smokes, and beer.

With gas prices already sky-rocketing, motorists in Los Angeles County might be stuck with an additional ten-cent per gallon tax to "help fight global warming."  Actually, the money will go to pay for highway improvements for which the state can't pry money loose from the federal government.  But if the tax increase is offered as a means to "improve the environment," then (the bureaucrats argue) it might be easier to get it through the legislature.  Click here: Gas Tax to Fight Global Warming? | Southland and California News | KTLA The CW | Where Los Angeles Lives  

As if that wasn't enough, a  fall ballot measure will call for a 300% tax increase on cigarettes, designed to make smoking so expensive, that people stop.  Of course, this won't create a black market, or  put  small  businesses  (which depend upon revenues from cigarette sales) out of business.  The law of unintended consequences never occurs to these guys.   I hate cigarette smoke as much as the next guy,  but just make them illegal, or leave smokers alone.  It is a matter of personal responsibility.   Click here: - California cigarette tax could skyrocket

Now this one really chaps my hide . . .   State assemblyman Jim Beall has proposed a 1500% increase in the tax on beer!  How dare he!  This would raise the tax on a bottle of beer from 2 cents to 30 cents ,or $1.80 per six-pack.   Click here: Higher state tax on beer? - San Jose Mercury News

Nevada and Montana look better to me every day.  I wish we could throw tea in the harbor, or do something!  I'm all for rendering unto Caesar, but enough is enough!