"This Is My Blood of the Covenant" -- A Sermon for Maundy Thursday

Here's the link to the Maundy Thursday (4/09/09) Sermon on Matthew 26:17-30
Living in Light of Two Ages
Here's the link to the Maundy Thursday (4/09/09) Sermon on Matthew 26:17-30
If you live (or plan on being) in So Cal next week, you are cordially invited to join us at Christ Reformed Church for Easter week services. You'll find our schedule of services, as well as topics and texts of sermons, listed below.
Maundy Thursday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m.
This Is My Blood of the Covenant
(Exodus 24:1-17 & Matthew 26:17-30)
Good Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m.
Why Have You Forsaken Me?
(Psalm 22:1-24, Isaiah 52:13-53:12 & Matthew 27:27-56)
Easter Sunday, April 12 at 10:25 a.m.
He Has Risen From the Dead
(Psalm 16:1-11 & Matthew 27:57-28:15)
For more information, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - What to Expect
"Organized religions in general, in my opinion, are dying forms...They were all very important when we didn't know why the sun moved, why weather changed, why hurricanes occurred, or volcanoes happened...Modern religion is the end trail of modern mythology. But there are people who interpret the Bible literally. Literally!...I choose not to believe that's the way. And that's what makes America cool, you know?"
Please leave your guess in the comments section. No google searches or cheating. Answer to follow next week.
This is a quote from Bruce Willis, reportedly a former LCMS member, now Hollywood celeb. The quote was posted on the Celeb Atheist website, in June, 2007.
Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, "Jesus, The Prophet"
The Yankees played the Cubs, Friday night (April 3), in the New Yankee Stadium--first exhibition game in the new stadium. Final score, 7-4 Yanks.
By all accounts, this place is awesome. Here's a link to a short video tour. Click here: Let us take you out to the ballparks | lohud.com | The Journal News
Time for a brief update . . . Its been a while.
* I'll be cutting back on posts this next week as I've got three sermons to prepare for Easter.
* Thanks to those of you who send me links to stuff to post. Keep it up! I truly appreciate it, and while I may not use them all, I do look at them.
* In addition to my pastoral duties, I've been teaching a course at Westminster Seminary California this semester (Doctrine of Christ). I'm pinch-hitting for Dr. David VanDrunen who is away on sabbatical. Needless to say, I've been very busy and therefore a bit tardy in posting original material and answering email. But I've got a good excuse.
* I was asked to give the commencement address at Westminster Seminary California's graduation this year (May 30--for more info, click here: Click here: Westminster Seminary California currentstudents. I'm truly honored to speak at my beloved alma mater on such a wonderful occasion.
* We have a number of White Horse Inn tapings scheduled between now and summer break. Please pray for everyone's health (some of the guys have some nagging stuff) and for the upcoming programs.
* In light of my current workload, please know that if you send me a question, I'll get to it when I can. Please be patient. If your question is one which can be answered by your pastor, please ask him.
* Several of you asked about the lack of recent video updates. I'm painting/remodeling my study (as I can), and then had a water pipe break in the attic behind my bookcases--making a huge mess. So, when my study is ready for public display, I'll post regular video updates again.
* Several of you have asked me about upcoming publishing projects. I've been asked to write again for Tabletalk (2010). I'm working on an essay for a upcoming Academic volume (the topic of which is a secret!), but you'll find out soon enough. I'm also pretty far along on a manuscript tentatively entitled The Christian Citizen (dealing with the two kingdoms and our responsibilities as Christians to each kingdom). My goal is to make significant progress on this during my summer reading month. I'll also start shopping my material on the Canons of Dort to various publishers (this is the stuff I've been posting on the blog as a series).
* That's probably a lot more than you wanted to know . . . But there it is! I do hope that you all have a blessed Easter.
He is risen! Indeed!
Article 13: The Incomprehensible Way of Regeneration
In this life believers cannot fully understand the way this work occurs; meanwhile, they rest content with knowing and experiencing that by this grace of God they do believe with the heart and love their Savior.
Article Thirteen reminds us of the fact that God does not fully explain the mechanics of the way in which he gives new life (regeneration) to people who are dead in sin. Scripture simply speaks of the fact that God does so, and ties this to the work of the Holy Spirit through divinely appointed means (the preaching of the gospel).
At this point the Canons echo what our Lord told Nicodemus as recounted in John 3:7-8, “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
If regeneration is an act of God which occurs at the the level of the subconscious, and in which the believer is strictly passive, then we may not “experience” the new birth at all, even though we may have received the new birth, and cannot enter heaven without it! If we are looking to Jesus Christ alone to deliver us from the guilt of our sin, we are assured of the fact that we are justified by his death and resurrection and that we will spend eternity in heaven. Jesus' merits are sufficient to save even the vilest of sinners, even if we have no remarkable "experience" of the new birth. What is important is not that someone had a "conversion experience," but that they presently trust in Jesus alone for their salvation. It is not the "experience" of the new birth which matters, but the fact of the matter.
This is why it is so problematic to speak of regeneration as a “born again” experience, as do many of our contemporaries. There will be many people in heaven who do not know the date and hour of their regeneration, but who nevertheless trust the Savior's promise to save them from their sins. Likewise, there will be many folk in hell who have had all kinds of religious experiences (including some who have had what they claim as a "born again" experience), but who know not Jesus Christ, nor trust in his saving work.
Looking to Christ for deliverance will never disappoint us! As Horatius Bonar puts it in the hymn, Not What My Hands Have Done, “not what I feel or do, can give me peace with God.” This why the Canons exhort us not to look within, seeking an experience of something about which we may never be aware. Instead, the Canons exhort us to look to the finished work of Christ, where we will never be disappointed.
Ken Samples was on Chris Arnzen's Radio Program, Wednesday (April 1), discussing the development of a Christian Worldview. Ken is the man on this topic.
Here's the link: http://mp3.sharpens.org/20090401ISI.mp3
The "Jesus Is my Friend" video (see below) prompted several of you to send me this video. OK, I'll post it, because it too is remarkable. But that's it! No more of these for a while . . .
The First in a Series of Sermons on the Book of James
When I first announced that I was going to preach through the Book of James, there were two common responses. The first was “good, about time we get to something practical.” [I’m not quite too sure how to take that comment–I thought the Book of Judges was very practical]. The second (and more common) response was “ugh . . . there’s no gospel in that epistle of straw.” My hope and prayer is that both groups will find something of value in our series on the Book of James.
The Book of James is about as straight-forward a book as you will find in the New Testament. There is a higher percentage of imperatives (commands) in the Book of James than in any other book of the Bible. James did not write this epistle to instruct his reader, as much as to exhort persecuted Christians to put their faith into practice. If you want “practical,” this is a book for you. But James is also chocked full of theological insight and interpreting this book correctly–which entails understanding the context in which this epistle was written–will eliminate many of the fears people commonly have about the Book of James, i.e., that it contains no gospel, and that James’s doctrine of justification is in conflict with Paul’s.
That said, the Book of James can be quite difficult in places because this letter is not structured like most of the other epistles in the New Testament (i.e., the epistles of Paul). Many of you know of Martin Luther’s reservations about the Book of James–Luther called it an “epistle of straw,” although Luther cites from James many times, and often encouraged Christians to read it and study it. Calvin’s assessment was much more balanced. Calvin stated that James “seems rather reluctant to preach the grace of Christ than an apostle should be” but Calvin goes on to say, “we must remember not to expect everyone to go over the same ground.” In fact, says Calvin, James “is a rich source of varied instruction, of abundant benefit in all aspects of the Christian life.” I think Calvin got this absolutely right.
To read the rest of this sermon, click here