Hal Lindsey on Barack Obama's European Trip and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

So, Hal Lindsey thinks Barack Obama's recent trip to Europe is some sort of foreshadowing of the kinds of things to expect from a future Antichrist--the adoring masses gathering to hear from the world's self-proclaimed messiah. (Click here:
How Obama prepped world for the Antichrist) Not only am I pretty sure that Lindsey's theological categories are not the right ones, but Obama's popularity actually went down as a result of his trip. Shouldn't the reverse be the case for Lindsey's thesis to make any sense?
Hey, somebody ought to write a book about the Antichrist! Here's a shameless plug. Click here: Riddleblog - Man of Sin - Uncovering the Truth About Antichrist
Now this is hideous--using the Stanley Cup as a baptismal font? Lord Stanley's Cup is some sort of holy relic, while baptism is some quaint ritual? Very sad. Click here: Wings' Holmstrom uses Stanley Cup in baptismMy wife likes to watching Dancing with the Stars once in a while--she's not a fanatic about it, or anything. But here's a great excuse for me to miss the whole next season. How do you spell Tango? Is there an "e" on the end? Click here: Dancing with Dan Quayle?
I don't believe this news report for one second. Teens in a high speed chase? OK . . . that part, I can believe. But in a "high-speed" chase in a Prius????? Only if it had a full-charge and was going downhill! One hundred miles an hour? In a Prius? The cops are making that part up. Click here: Teens Crash Car Into House During High Speed Chase | WOAI.COM: San Antonio News