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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from August 1, 2009 - August 31, 2009


Not Gonna Happen

Here's the latest trend making its way into church growth circles.  According to the "Cuddle Party" website,

"a Cuddle Party Is:  A structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good. This playful, fun workshop has been a place for people to rediscover non-sexual touch and affection, a space to reframe assumptions about men and women, and a great networking event to meet new friends, roommates, business partners and significant others" (

Will Reformed or Presbyterian churches be tempted to try this?  Somehow, I can't see this having any attraction for German or Dutch churches.  Someone would break wind almost immediately and ruin the whole mood before the "cuddle party" even got going.  The Young Reformed won't go for this either--too weird, too lame.  Not enough good order (and certainly not enough decency) for Presbyterians.  Besides, the whole thing is just plain creepy . . . 

But then I'm a German and am certain that when Paul says greet one another with a kiss, he really means a handshake.


Check Out the Updated White Horse Inn Website!


The Chia Stadium

Saw this photo of the old Yankee Stadium awaiting the wrecking ball.  It is simply amazing how quickly plant life (weeds and moss) has filled the remains of the old stadium, including that area where the upper deck seats were located. 

One cynical Yankee fan dubbed it the "chia stadium."  Apropos!


Who Said That?

"I was never that big on creeds."

You know the drill.  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Answer to follow next week.

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