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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from August 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012


Nothing Like a Good Hike

My family and some church friends are enjoying some time in the Eastern Sierras--an annual event for us.

My wife and I spent part of our 34th wedding anniversary hiking along one of our favorite trails before enjoying a nice meal with friends and family.

My sons bought my wife an iPhone for her birthday.  They created a monster--I never know what she'll do with her camera, nor when she'll do it.  From now on, she hikes in front of me.


This Week's White Horse Inn

A Juvenile Church?

What is the history of today’s youth oriented culture, and what kind of effect is this culture having on churches in our time? On this edition of the program, Michael Horton discusses these questions and more with Thomas Bergler, professor of ministry and missions at Huntington University and author of the recent book The Juvenilization of American Christianity.

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