Pray for Osama?

A number of churches in Australia (both Baptist and Anglican) are posting "Jesus loves Osama" on their church sign-boards. Prime Minister Howard is upset about it, even though he's fully aware that Christians are to love their enemies and to pray for those who persecute them. Click here: "Jesus Loves Osama" Signs Hit Australia, Baptist Church's Signs Draw Criticism Over Whether They Promote A Suitabl
These signs raise an interesting question (duly noting the trite nature of such slogans in the first place). As an American citizen, I would be thrilled if and when a Predator spots Osama and then launches a Hellfire missile in his direction, hopefully blowing him into little Osama bits. Justice would be served.
But as a Christian, I have been remiss in praying for my enemies (including Bin Laden). I am reminded that in my office as minister of Word and Sacrament, it is my sacred duty (should the occasion arise) to preach the law and the gospel to UBL and any like him, regardless.
Since I am a citizen of two kingdoms (one earthly and the other heavenly), and since my citizenship in the heavenly kingdom informs my earthly citizenship, I should, on the one hand, earnestly pray for UBL's conversion and repentance, and on the other, hope that he gets his. No contradiction here. The two kingdoms fit together just fine.
As a minister, I should also be cognizant of the fact that my citizenship in the city of man not find its way into the pulpit at the expense of my charge to preach God's word. I must do what Scripture and the Canons of Dort command me to do--preach the gospel promiscuously to all who come within earshot, regardless of who and what they are. My opinions about Predators and UBL are not part of that sacred calling. OK to express them on a blog, but not in a sermon.
So, I'll pray for Osama's conversion and urge you to do the same, and at the same time I'll hope that our special forces find Osama and kill him. Meanwhile, I will trust how that all works out to the grace and providence of God.
Your thoughts?