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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from February 1, 2009 - February 28, 2009


"What Christ Has Accomplished" -- Romans 15:14-16:16

The Thirty-Sixth in a Series of Sermons on Paul's Epistles to the Romans

Having finished the main body of his letter to the church in Rome, and completed his discussion of a number of lofty doctrinal themes, Paul now turns to more mundane matters as he wraps up his epistle to the Romans. Paul informs his reader of his earnest desire to visit the church in Rome, but explains that thus far has been prevented from doing so. Then, there are some practical matters to which Paul must attend–the commendation of Phoebe, the woman who will deliver this letter to Rome, as well as personal greetings to be extended to a number of friends and acquaintances living in the city. Lest we forget Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is not a lecture on Christian doctrine, but a pastoral letter to church which Paul has never visited although, as we will see, he is certainly familiar with many of its members.

We now come to the final section of the Book of Romans–Paul’s concluding remarks–as the apostle wraps up his theological discussion and exhortations regarding some of the pressing pastoral problems facing this particular church. Having completed this discussion, Paul describes his personal situation and discusses his plans for the future, specifically as they relate to the church in Rome. This final section is in many ways an expansion of the remarks made back in Romans 1:8-15 when Paul opened this epistle by expressing, in part, his reasons for writing. Now Paul goes on to express his confidence in the members of this church because the maturity of the Roman Christians will enable them to capably handle some of the difficult issues he has raised. Indeed, the very nature of this discussion requires Paul to explain his role as apostle to the Gentiles as well as offer the reason as to why it is that his apostolic duties have prevented him from visiting Rome thus far, although it is certainly his earnest desire to do so if he is able to make a future visit to Spain.

But before he can go on to Spain and stop in the city of Rome on the way, the apostle must return to Jerusalem with the proceeds of an offering for the poor Jewish Christians in that city collected from among the Gentile churches in Macedonia and Achaia. In the midst of this discussion of his future plans, we find yet another Pauline prayer-wish–a prayer in which Paul exhorts the Christians in Rome by allowing them to overhear that for which he is praying. Next, in the opening verses of chapter 16, Paul goes on to mention a woman named Phoebe, who serves as the bearer of this letter to the church in Rome. Then in verses 3-15, Paul extends his greetings to a list of individuals in the Roman church with whom he is familiar before exhorting them to great one another in the Lord. Finally, in verses 17-27 (our subject the next Lord’s Day), Paul gives one final piece of pastoral advice to the church, before warning the Roman Christians to be on their guard against false teachers and exhorting them to live up to their outstanding reputation among the churches.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


So, the Truth Comes Out . . .

This was posted on a Yankees fan blog.  I couldn't resist.

While steroids is a real issue for baseball, so, apparently, is the vision of some of the MLB umpires.


The Missing Story of Muslim Tolerance

The man who once lamented "every day on television we are barraged by stories of a 'Muslim extremist, militant, terrorist, or insurgent,' is now charged with beheading his wife in an "honor" killing.  In 2004, Muzzammil Hassan, founder of the Muslim TV station "Bridges TV" declared "the stories that are missing are the countless stories of Muslim tolerance, progress, diversity, service and excellence that Bridges TV hopes to tell."  Well, now his wife can't tell her story of physical abuse, domestic violence, divorce, and restraining orders.  Mr. Hassan killed Mrs. Hassan and then chopped off her head before turning himself into Orchard Park, NY, police.  Click here: - Muslim Television Channel Founder Charged With Beheading His Wife - Local News | News Articles | Nat

Here's some weird science.  According to one of those "they're here" scientists, that rhino-virus in your nose might just be an alien life force looking for a new home.  No, seriously . . . click here: - Scientist: Alien 'Shadow Life' May Already Live on Earth - Science News | Science & Technology | Tec

According to a Soho Vicar, the brothel down the street is just fine by him.  He's never seen drugs being sold there.  My question is rather obvious.  How would he know that?  Click here: Vicar fights to keep brothel in business |

The Church of England is beyond words.  Should the CoE attempt to convert people to Christianity or not?  How 'bout we put that to a vote.  Click here: BBC NEWS | UK | Church to debate conversion rules


New Academy Series -- Ancient Church History

Join us Friday, February 20 at 7:30 p.m. when Rev. Marcelo Souza begins a new Academy series entitled: Ancient Church History, An Overview. Rev. Souza’s first lecture is: “Introduction, socio-political context of the primitive church, church organization”

This class will cover early church history from the birth of the church to the first seven ecumenical councils. Our study will investigate both ecclesiastical history and historical theology. Some of the questions that will be addressed include: How did doctrine develop? What issues did each ecumenical council address? How does the theology of the early Church affect us today? What heresies keep reappearing? What do we learn from the past so we don’t repeat the same mistakes in the future?

Rev. Souza is the associate pastor of Christ Reformed Church.  He is a graduate of Biola University (B.A.), Westmister Seminary California (M.Div.), and is in the Ph.D. program at the Claremont Graduate University.

The textbooks for this series are: Early Christian Doctrines: Revised Edition by J. N. D. Kelly and The Early Church by Henry Chadwick


Another Reason Why I Am Not a Francophile

According to a survey in Classic & Sports Car magazine, the Citroen DS was voted "the most beautiful car" of all time.

There is no way that the Citroen DS is the most beautiful car of all time!  The ugliest, maybe . . .  What about the Jaguar XKE, or the Mercedes-Benz SL300 Gull-Wing?  These autos are works of art.

And besides, the Citroen is French. The voters in this poll must have been as well.

Here's the link to the poll. Click here: Citroen DS Named Most Beautiful Car Ever - Automotive News Story - WBAL Baltimore


Who Said That?

"I am convinced: people with pure hearts live better lives!  Actually, one of the things I look for in a staff member is innocence.  I love it when a person is not full of malice or unforgiveness or is not wrestling with secret sin.  You can just tell by their countenance-they are wonderful people to be around."

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow in one week.


"The Spirit of Truth" -- 1 John 4:1-6

Here's the link to this morning's sermon -- the eighth in a series of sermons on 1 John.


Friday's Academy Lecture Posted

Here's the link to Ken Samples' lecture, "Zoroaster, Nanak & Baha'ullah." This concludes Ken's series "Jesus and Other Faces in the Crowd."



A Great Day!

There is fear in the land.  The economy is in trouble, and our congress is both clueless and indifferent.

Rumor has it that Norman Shepherd is about to launch another salvo in the on-going battle over justification and faith and works.  Swell . . .

It is cold and raining outside--yes, it can be cold and rainy even in Orange County.

And yet somewhere near Tampa, a wonderful thing has happened!  Yankee pitchers and catchers have reported for spring training!

Here's C. C. Sabbathia working out for the first time in George M. Steinbrenner stadium.  A glorious sight for Yankee fans everywhere.  For a moment, all is right in the world--that is until A-Rod reports to camp and screws it up!  But not even the drama which surrounds A-Rod can ruin this moment.  April 1 will be here soon, and the games will begin again.

A retooled team, a new Yankee Stadium, and hopefully a twenty-seventh World Series victory!

It is a great day.  It always is when pitchers and catchers report to spring training.


Tonight's Academy Lecture -- Jesus and Zoroaster

Professor Ken Samples concludes his lecture series tonight, "Jesus and the Other Religious Faces in the Crowd.”  Ken's final lecture is entitled: "Zoroaster, Nanak & Baha’ullah."

The lectures are held at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim.  Ken's lecture begins @ 7:30 p.m., and the lecture is free.

Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News