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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from February 1, 2009 - February 28, 2009


The Canons of Dort, Third/Fourth Head of Doctrine, Article Six

Article 6: The Saving Power of the Gospel

What, therefore, neither the light of nature nor the law can do, God accomplishes by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the Word or the ministry of reconciliation. This is the gospel about the Messiah, through which it has pleased God to save believers, in both the Old and the New Testament.


How then, do people come to faith in Christ, if the light of nature only serves to render those of every race, tribe, and tongue without excuse (cf. Romans 1:20)?

Furthermore, how do people come to faith in Christ if the law was given, in part, to be the means of exposing our wickedness and inciting us to sin all the more, thereby demonstrating to us that we are guilty sinners who desperately need a savior?

Recall that under the first head of doctrine the authors of the canons were very careful to point out that if there is nothing good which resides in us which motivates God to act on our behalf and deliver us from our sins, then the only reason why any of us come to faith in Jesus Christ is to be found solely in God’s own goodness and graciousness and not in ourselves. We have also seen that God elects to save a multitude of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam so vast that no man can count them, and then delivers them from the guilt of their sins.

This means that the only reason why any of those who are rendered without excuse by the light of nature and demonstrated to be guilty through the law, come to faith in Christ at all, is to be found in God’s decree to save those he has chosen based upon reasons known only to himself.

But God not only ordains the ends—that is, who will be saved—he also ordains the means by which he will save them.  God graciously calls his elect to faith in Jesus through the foolishness of the preaching of the gospel—the very point being made here in article six.

The gospel is not found in natural revelation, nor is the gospel somehow hidden deep within the Ten Commandments.  Rather, according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, the gospel is the account of the saving work of Jesus Christ—his death, burial and resurrection according to the Scriptures.  As Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 1:18 and Romans 1:18, the gospel is the revelation of the power of God.  In the gospel, Christ’s righteousness is clearly revealed.  The gospel is not given to us in the sunset, nor is the gospel given in the command that “we shall not have any other gods than the one true God.” 

Rather, the gospel is recorded for us in the historical events in the New Testament regarding the doing and dying of Jesus Christ—which is hidden in type and in shadow in the Old Testament, and made then clear, when in the fullness of time, God sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under the law to redeem those under the law (Galatians 4:4).  The gospel is therefore, only revealed in the Scriptures and cannot be found in nature or the law.

Given the fact that we are born in sin, guilty for Adam’s act of rebellion in Eden, totally depraved and unable to believe, that we are turned in upon ourselves, darkened in our understanding, unable and unwilling to submit to God’s law, the question quite naturally arises, “how then, are any saved?”  Here the canons affirm without equivocation that salvation is entirely of the Lord. This is God’s doing, not ours!  Since God has ordained the ends (those who will be saved) and the means (the preaching of the gospel) this indicates that it is through the message of reconciliation (the preaching of Christ crucified) that God the Holy Spirit calls his elect to faith in Jesus Christ.

In other words, redemption has been decreed by God. In addition, satisfaction for our sins has been rendered by Christ upon the cross, and now, we are told that God himself ensures that all those who the Father has chosen and for whom the son has died, will indeed come to faith in Jesus.  The Holy Spirit does this, we are told, by working through the word, specifically, through the message of reconciliation, which is simply the proclamation of the gospel.

The canons, therefore, are careful to point out that the persons of the blessed Trinity work in unison to provide for the salvation of sinners. The Father elects, the Son redeems and the Spirit calls—redemption decreed, accomplished and applied. The Arminian, on the other hand, ends up with God wanting to save all but not being able to bring it to pass, the Son dying for everyone yet saving no one in particular, and the Spirit calling all those who are willing to let him have their way with him.  This certainly does not accord with Paul’s conception of this as spelled out in Ephesians 1:3-14.

The canons go on to point out that there is one only gospel, that it is found only in Holy Scripture.  In fact that gospel runs from beginning to end—from Genesis 3:15-Revelation 22:21. This means the Scriptures are about Christ the mediator and Christ the reconciler, and that it is only through the message of reconciliation that God’s elect come to faith in Christ.  This is accomplished not by the power or ability of the human will—which is, as we have seen, enslaved to the guilt and power of sin—but through the action of God the Holy Spirit in calling God’s elect to faith in Christ through the message of the gospel.


Trust Me Men, Don't Do This!

I've already shown I'm not much of a romantic in my prior post about Valentine's Day.

But even I know better than this.   Its probably not the best idea to take your wife (or girlfriend) to the nearest Waffle House for Valentine's Day to "get scattered, smothered and covered in romance" (their quote, not mine).  My guess is she'd rather go out to dinner, receive flowers, or even chocolate.  Even a cheap Hallmark card is probably better than a trip to the Waffle House!

Yes, even I know that . . .

Click here: Waffle House Invites Customers To Get 'Scattered, Smothered, Covered' In Romance - News Story - WSB Atlanta


A Rasmussen Poll Confirms It. Its Not Just Me.

Everywhere I go these days, I hear people openly complaining about the new congress and the bail-out ("spendulous bill").  I've never heard so many non-partisan types so upset--if not downright disgusted --with the Washington Beltway crowd.  The partisan types are positively livid.

Rasmussen (the pollster) confirms that my observation is correct.  67% of Americans think they could do a better job on the economic crisis than the current congress!

In fact, 44% polled think that people selected randomly out of the phone book could do a better job!

I'm with the 44%.  Next time we have congressional elections in 2010, it is time to "throw the bums out!"

Click here: Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.


If Anyone Is Interested . . .





If anyone is interested (or likes to slack off at work), I'm appearing on the "Iron Sharpens Iron" broadcast at 12:00 p.m. PT today.  We'll be talking about the state of American evangelicalism.

I'll post the link to the broadcast so that those you who have real work to do can listen later!


A Fatwa I Can Agree With?

A Muslim cleric in Sudan has issued a Fatwa urging people to boycott Valentine's Day.  About time!  Yes, I know this requires a word of explanation . . .  This has nothing to do with my wife (who is as wonderful as wonderful can be).   This has nothing to do with mocking romance (yes, I know, I'm a German).  Growing up in a retail business, every year I heard salesmen laugh about how sappy people get during certain holidays (Valentine's Day was chief among them), and how easy it was to manipulate the guilty into buying something they didn't really want, and might not be able to afford.  On an important level, Valentine's Day is not about love and romance, its about making a buck--not that there's anything wrong with that.  Click here: Sudan clerics urge Valentine's Day boycott | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Another Pentecostal Pastor (ironically, from "Catch the Fire Ministries") "hears" from God, and then blames Australia's wildfires on that nation's abortion policies.  That is always helpful in the midst of a crisis.  Click here: Pastor's abortion dream inflames bushfire tragedy |

This apology won't quite cut it. "We're sorry our fireworks set fire to your multi-million dollar high-rise hotel.  We won't do it again."  Be sure to check out the photos.  Absolutely amazing. Click here: Chinese TV station sorry for accidentally burning down brand-new luxury hotel | Mail Online

Reformed Christians are readers.  Always have been.  Hopefully always will be.  Click here: IVP - Addenda & Errata - The Reformed Love Books


"Please, Lord, How Can I Save Israel?" -- Judges 6:1-40

The Ninth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of Judges

By now the basic plot line for the Book of Judges is becoming quite familiar to us. Four times we have heard of how the people of Israel fell away from YHWH and began to do what is right in their own eyes. We have seen how doing what the people Israel thought was “right” meant behaving like Canaanites and worshiping Canaanites gods. We have seen that YHWH’s response to Israel’s disobedience was to raise up a series of neighboring tribes who would then defeat and oppress the people of God until the Israelites cried out to YHWH for deliverance. And when things got so bad that the people of Israel finally cried out to the Lord, YHWH responded to his people by raising up a series of “judges” (or a rescuers) to save his people, and help them throw off their current oppressor. As we have seen, the judges God sent to Israel are often the most unlikely of people, and the way in which God uses them to rescue Israel is completely unexpected.

As we move into the next cycle of judges, we take up the story of Gideon. This is the most complex cycle we find in this book (100 verses) eclipsing even the account of the more famous Samson (96 verses). The story of Gideon has three distinct parts. The first part (6:1-8:3) tells the story of God sending an oppressor upon Israel (the Midianites) along with the account of God’s rescue of Israel by raising up Gideon as a warrior who will lead Israel to another stunning victory. Throughout this first section, it is clear that it is YHWH who sovereignly calls Gideon to lead his people, and it is YHWH who is completely responsible for Israel’s dramatic victory over their Midianite oppressors.

The second part of the story (8:4-28) deals with Gideon’s status as a warrior and his sinful and self-aggrandizing behavior. While Gideon is mentioned in the Book of Hebrews as a man of faith, and indeed, Gideon accomplishes what the Lord wants done–a defeat of the Midianites–eventually Gideon sees the power of his office as the means by which to take revenge upon several of his personal enemies. Sadly, in this part of the story, YHWH’s name virtually disappears, except when he’s flippantly mentioned on the lips of Gideon. Then, in the third part of the story, which includes the account of Gideon’s son through a concubine, Abimalech (Judges 8:29-9:57), the author of Judges once again points out the surprising extent of Canaanization then prevalent in Israel. God’s people have fallen to new lows, it seems. Israel needs a king (which God will give them during the time of the monarchy), but it should now be clear to all that it will take God in human flesh to rescue his people from the guilt and power of sin, something this series of human judges could never accomplish.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


Is the LCMS Threatening "Issues, Etc." with a Lawsuit?

Just got this with a request for immediate posting.  It is from Chris Rosebrough's Extreme Theology blog.  Here's the link (Click here: Extreme Theology: Kieschnick Threatening Lawsuit Agaist Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz).

According to Chris:

"Last march the LCMS cancelled the Issues, Etc. radio program. It created a huge brouhaha and ultimately the Issues, Etc. radio program was resurrected and their audience is larger and stronger than ever.

Apparently, this isn't sitting well with LCMS President Gerry Kieschnick who is now threatening a lawsuit against Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz over the Issues, Etc. trademark (a trademark that the LCMS abandoned in 1999 and a trademark that the LCMS has no intention of ever utilizing again)

What is the real reason why Kieschnick wants to sue Todd and Jeff? He wants to silence them."

Don't you just love church bureaucrats?  I wonder how Ablaze is working, and if its "growing" the church?


Well, That Settles It, I'm Changing My Sermon . . .

FCC commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein is asking churches to help inform their congregations about the up coming switch in TV broadcasts from analog to digital.  Not only did these knuckleheads switch the date of the transition after all those stupid public service ads--originally scheduled for Feb. 17 to June 12--they did so because Congress wanted more money in the "spendulous bill" for additional converter boxes.  Click here: L.A. ministers asked to spread the word about digital TV - Los Angeles Times

Now, how am I going to fit--"did you know that your TV won't be able to pick up digital programming if use don't have cable or get a converter box?"--into a sermon on 1 John 4:1-6?

Interesting how government bureaucrats see the church as some sort of community center.  I wonder how the FCC commissioner ever got that idea?


Have You Stopped Beating Your Wife?

You've heard the old trick question, "have you stopped beating your wife?"  Well, in case you haven't (stopped beating your wife, that is), a Muslim cleric gives advice.  Just make sure that you banish her first.  This is just unbelievable!  Click here: Muslim cleric: Here's how to beat wives

Is it just me, or is this a pattern?  One evangelical preacher taught that any minister who goes through a divorce should leave the ministry.  Well, he's now divorced, but is still on television (and in the ministry).  Ted Haggard stressed political activism throughout his career, now he laments that evangelicalism is way too polarizing because it is too involved in politics.  I wonder what happened to change his mind?  Click here: Haggard: Christian right is off course

Thankfully, there are a number of great new scholarly resources on the Book of Revelation.  Now we can add a new comic book with a sensational comic book artist to the list of resources.  Swell.  Click here: Illustrating the Apocalypse: Acclaimed Comic Book Artist Rob Liefeld Depicts Biblical Prophecy - Christian Newswir

It remains to be seen how successful Obama will be in stimulating the economy.  But he's sure stimulated evangelicals to focus upon end-times.  This is gonna be a long four years!  Click here: Billy Graham focuses on Second Coming in 2009


Who Said That?

"I even have to confess that if I ever get to heaven, I would first of all seek out Mozart and only then inquire after Augustine, St. Thomas, Luther, Calvin and Schleiermacher."

You know the drill!  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Answer to follow in one week.