Ken Samples on "Just War" Theory

Ken Samples has been a busy man of late. Ken was guest today on "Issues, Etc." discussing "Just War" theory.
Living in Light of Two Ages
Ken Samples has been a busy man of late. Ken was guest today on "Issues, Etc." discussing "Just War" theory.
Here's the scoop on my new series for the Valiant for Truth blog (of Westminster Seminary California):
Here at VFT we're pleased to announce that we'll be beginning a series on the Basics of the Reformed Faith, written by one of our visiting faculty members, Dr. Kim Riddlebarger! This will be a series that will cover the basic subjects of Reformed theology. The series will offer bite-sized explanations of key doctrines to give new believers and people new to the Reformed faith an easily understood tour of key tenets of the faith. Dr. Riddlebarger is the pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California, he is the author of a number of terrific books including, The Case for Amillennialism and The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth About the AntiChrist, Dr. Riddlebarger is also co-host of the White Horse Inn Radio Show along with our own, Michael Horton. So, stay tuned for future posts from Dr. Riddlebarger on the Basics of the Reformed Faith!
You can find Valiant for Truth here: Valiant for Truth
Wednesday Night Bible Study (2/16/11):
We are currently studying the person and work of Christ. This week, we are addressing Christ's conquest of Satan. Bible study begins at 7:30 p.m.
Friday Night Academy:
Join us on Friday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. when Ken Samples continues his new series entitled Christianity's Magnificent Seven Apologetics Truths: Dangerous but Good. Friday's lecture will focus on the doctrine of creation.
Ken's series is exploring seven specific apologetics truths that come forth from the historic Christian worldview. The content comes from a new book that Prof. Samples is working on for Baker Books (due to be released in Spring 2012).
After the lecture there will be a time for questions and answers, fellowship and refreshments. As always the lectures are free of charge.
For more information, Click Here
Here's the audio from Sunday's sermon, the sixth in a series on 2 Corinthians.
Here's the audio from Ken Samples most recent Academy lecture (2/11/11) which dealt with the incarnation.
Abrahamic Faiths
What is the relationship between Christianity and other “Abrahamic faith traditions”? Is Abraham really the father of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and if so, does this mean that each of these religions are legitimate ways to God? What are we to do with Abraham himself and with the other Old Testament patriarchs? Since they didn’t have explicit faith in Christ, how can Jesus be the only way of salvation? White Horse Inn: know what you believe and why you believe it!
"My ex-wife is the Antichrist's sister"
Yes, we've had this one before (way back in 2006). If you remember who said that, don't ruin it for everyone else! Please, no cheating or google searches. Have fun with this one!
Leave your answer in the comments section below. Answer to follow with the next post.
This quote came from the TV evangelist who prided himself on not being a TV evangelist, the late Gene Scott. Scott was in the middle of a rant about his ex-wife, who had given an interview to the LA Times about the Scott's former marriage. This was back in the days when the FCC was threatening to take away Scott's broadcast license. Scott called his ex the Antichrist's sister and then launched into a tirade the likes of which I have never seen, and which I cannot repeat.
Join us tonight (February 11) at 7:30 p.m. when Kenneth Samples continues his new series entitled Christianity's Magnificent Seven Apologetic Truths: Dangerous but Good. Tonight's lecture will focus on the Incarnation.
This series will explore seven specific apologetics truths that come forth from the historic Christian worldview. The content comes from a new book that Ken Samples is working on for Baker Books (due to be released in Spring 2012).
After the lecture there will be a time for questions and answers, fellowship and refreshments. As always the lectures are free of charge.
For more info, Click Here
The old man (Andy) is fourteen today.
He acts like he feels every minute of it. He doesn't chase cats anymore. He sleeps all day and snores. He's very gray in the face, and has old, tired eyes.
But his appetite is still good, he still patrols the yard (although much slower), and still jumps for joy and barks wildly when my wife and sons get home. I guess he does the same for me too.
Since dogs age about seven-times faster than we do, watching him go from a puppy to an old geezer gives me an interesting perspective on my own life.
My knee hurts today, and I don't even know what I did to it! In his own way, Andy knows all about it.
Mr. Josh Lim, who is a student at Westminster Seminary California (and a member of Christ Reformed Church) has written a review of Scott Hahn's book, Covenant and Communion: The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2009).
Nicely done, Josh!