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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from February 1, 2011 - February 28, 2011


This Week at Christ Reformed Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study:

We are currently in a series on the person and work of Christ.  This week, we'll be discussing redemption/conquest as these relate to the cross of Christ.  We meet at 7:00 p.m.

Friday Night Academy:

Join us on Friday, February 11 at 7:30 p.m. when Kenneth Samples continues his new series entitled Christianity's Magnificent Seven Apologetics Truths: Dangerous but Good.  Tonight’s lecture will focus on the Incarnation.

This series will explore seven specific apologetics truths that come forth from the historic Christian worldview. The content comes from a new book that Ken Samples is working on for Baker Books (due to be released in Spring 2012).

After the lecture there will be a time for questions and answers, fellowship and refreshments.  As always the lectures are free of charge.

For more information, Click Here.


"Now Is the Day of Salvation" -- 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the fifth in a series on 2 Corinthians.

Click Here


Academy Audio Posted

Here's the audio from Friday night's Academy lecture (02/06/2011).  This is the second in Ken Samples' series, “Christianity’s Magnificent Seven Apologetic Truths, Dangerous but Good."  Ken deals with the resurrection. Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Is Faith in Christ Necessary?

According to a recent Pew study, 70% of Americans agreed with the idea that “many religions can lead to eternal life.” What’s more striking is that when this same question was put to self-identified evangelical Christians, 57% agreed. So is this view correct, or is faith in Christ the only way to heaven? That’s the focus of this edition of White Horse Inn as the hosts continue their series through the Great Commission.

Click here


Who Said That?

"The king of Egypt during that time will be the man who devastated the Jews in the Sinai and exiled their remnants from it and let in the forces of the [foreign] agent of the UN, which removed weaponry from most of the Sinai and stayed to guard the illusions of peace or the deluded peace . . . . So the king of Egypt will proclaim the union of Egypt with the caliphate state, and the Egyptian armies in expectation of the Mahdi, will combine together to aid the religion of God."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow with the next "Who Said That?" post.



The Riddleblog and Christ Reformed Now on Facebook 

Well, it had to happen eventually.  Both the Riddleblog and Christ Reformed Church are now on Facebook.

Both are "fan" pages.  No friends, just "likes."

Check them both out!



Tonight's Academy Lecture

Join us tonight (February 4) at 7:30 p.m. as Kenneth Samples continues his new series entitled Christianity's Magnificent Seven Apologetics Truths: Dangerous but Good.  Tonight’s lecture will focus on the Resurrection.

This series will explore seven specific apologetics truths that come forth from the historic Christian worldview. The content comes from a new book that Ken Samples is working on for Baker Books (due to be released in Spring 2012).

After the lecture there will be a time for questions and answers, fellowship and refreshments.  As always the lectures are free of charge.  For more information, Click Here


Richard Muller on Jonathan Edwards

Scott Clark recently posted the audio of a lecture given by Richard Muller (in September of 2010) on Jonathan Edwards' view of the freedom of the will.  Muller argues that Edwards' view is a significant departure from the older Reformed orthodoxy--a very provocative thesis.  I heard Muller briefly address this in a Ph.D. seminar (he was my dissertation advisor).  But in this lecture he elaborates on this topic in some detail.  The Q & A at the end is also very helpful.

Here’s the synopsis of Muller's lecture:

“Jonathan Edwards is often regarded as an epitome of Calvinism for his teaching on the freedom of will, though he was, in his own time and for a century after his death, a much-debated thinker whose views polarized Reformed circles. This lecture will concentrate on Edwards’ reception in Britain, which has received little attention despite its significance in the Reformed tradition. Concentrating on two historical contexts, Dr. Muller will consider the mixed reception of Edwards’ thought, note differences between Edwards and the older Reformed orthodoxy, and point to a parting of the ways in the Reformed tradition that took place largely in the eighteenth century.”

Here's the link to the audio:  Jonathan Edwards and the Absence of Free Choice


Ken Samples' New Blog

My friend and compatriot Ken Samples, has started a new blog.  Ken Samples' Reflections

Ken is a thoughtful man, a great writer and teacher, and a fellow Lakers' fan.  He teaches our adult class at Christ Reformed on Sunday mornings.

Ken has not yet repented of his love of cats, however.  We can hope.

Meanwhile, check out his new blog!

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