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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from January 1, 2014 - January 31, 2014


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Gospel According to Joshua

Moses is a tragic hero. Though he was called by God to lead the Children of Israel out of their slavery and bondage in Egypt, he was, nevertheless, forbidden to enter the Promised Land. After his death, a servant by the name of Joshua (which means YHWH saves) was called to lead his people across the Jordan into the land of Canaan. How do these events point forward to the deliverance provided by Jesus Christ, the greater Joshua? We will discuss this and many other questions as they introduce their new series: The Gospel According to Joshua.

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Time to Read Your Bible! And Your Reformed Confessions!

People often ask me about Bible reading plans--especially at the New Year when folks endeavor (dare I say it, make a resolution) to be more faithful about Bible reading.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

Ligonier has a great list of plans:  Ligonier Bible Reading Plans has a good list as well:  ESV Bible Reading Plans  

If you read Koine Greek and want to keep your skills sharp, I recommend Lee Irons' plan to read through the Greek text in one year:  Annual Greek NT Reading Plan

If you want to read the Reformed Confessions on a daily basis (and even have a reading from them delivered to you in a daily email) you can go here:  Daily Confession

If you want to do the same with the Westminster Confession, try this:  Daily Westminster

Oh, and finally, if you want the ESV on audio for free, go here: Free ESV on MP3


Time to Check In Again on the "Rapture Countdown"

Lists are always a big deal around the New Year, so I thought I'd check in to see how "Rapture Ready" I need to be (Click Here).

Since our friends at the "Rapture Ready" website haven't updated yet for 2014 (as of this writing), I can report the good news that the "Rapture Index" stands at 183 on December 30, 2013, down from the year's high of 188.

I know Jesus spoke of famine, wars, and earthquakes in the Olivet Discourse, but I'm not sure he was speaking of distinctly American interests such as unemployment, inflation, high interest rates, and "the economy."  Apparently, volcanoes, ecumenism, and anti-semitism are a problem (they are a "5"), while the antichrist and tribulation temple are not (they stand at "3").

I guess I can relax a bit until things crank up back again to 188 or better.

These folks mean well, and granted, Christians should eagerly anticipate the return of the Lord.  But do these guys ever have a moment of self-reflection?  Might this approach not be so "biblical" after all?  Of course not, they are invincibly right.  Besides, what do I know . . .  I am amillennial, and don't take the Bible seriously.  

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