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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from July 1, 2007 - July 31, 2007


So . . . Augustine Was Right!

crying%20baby.jpgThis should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever been a parent, or who is around babies and infants.

Our kids sin very early in life and they are very good at it.

According to a recent article in the Telegraph (Click here: Babies not as innocent as they pretend | Science | Earth | Telegraph),

"Whether lying about raiding the biscuit tin or denying they broke a toy, all children try to mislead their parents at some time. Yet it now appears that babies learn to deceive from a far younger age than anyone previously suspected.

Behavioural experts have found that infants begin to lie from as young as six months. Simple fibs help to train them for more complex deceptions in later life.  Until now, psychologists had thought the developing brains were not capable of the difficult art of lying until four years old.  Following studies of more than 50 children and interviews with parents, Dr Vasudevi Reddy, of the University of Portsmouth's psychology department, says she has identified seven categories of deception used between six months and three-years-old.

Infants quickly learnt that using tactics such as fake crying and pretend laughing could win them attention. By eight months, more difficult deceptions became apparent, such as concealing forbidden activities or trying to distract parents' attention. By the age of two, toddlers could use far more devious techniques, such as bluffing when threatened with a punishment. Dr Reddy said: `Fake crying is one of the earliest forms of deception to emerge, and infants use it to get attention even though nothing is wrong. You can tell, as they will then pause while they wait to hear if their mother is responding, before crying again.'"

As Augustine tells us in his famous Confessions, babies only appear to be innocent because they are physically unable to sin.  This study sure seems to confirm that.



Jihad Trumps Hippocratic Oath

Terrorist%20Doctor.jpgWhat ideology would lead a prominent neurologist (sworn to a life of healing and care of the suffering) to become the ring-leader in a plot in the UK to pack two large Mercedes with gasoline, propane and nails with the goal of killing and maiming hundreds in downtown London? 

It is not Christianity . . .

It is not even frustration in dealing with insurance companies or HMOs, or even the UK's socialist bureaucracy which regulates health care.

Surprise, surprise, it is Islam, the religion of "peace."

Click here: 'Terror ringleader' is brilliant NHS doctor | the Daily Mail


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpgWho Said That?

"There is no external, objective, revealed standard writ in scripture or on tablets of stone that will govern our ethical behavior for all time."

You know the drill!  Leave your guesses in the comments section below.  No google searches please.  To check out past "Who Said That?" posts, Click here: Riddleblog - The Latest Post


More Great Stuff from G. K. Beale

beale.jpgYou may have seen this already, but I thought it worth pointing out.  Dr. Beale recently gave a series of lectures and then preached at the Desert Springs Church in Albuquerque NM.  Here's the link: Click here: Dr. G.K. Beale

Dr. Beale's lectures from our own recent conference on the Book of Revelation are still available through Christ Reformed.  Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Conference: "Making Sense of Revelation"

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