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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from July 1, 2011 - July 31, 2011


A Blast from the Past

No, I wasn't always bald, nor a pastor.  Yes, I had a past life and career.  So did Rod Rosenbladt.  Part of it was spent teaching together at the Simon Greenleaf School of Law in Anaheim (now Trinity Law School in Santa Ana).  This is from the Simon Greenleaf 1989-90 catalogue. 

Rod was my first theology teacher, and I can't tell you what an honor it was when John Warwick Montgomery asked me to join the faculty and teach with Rod. 

You gotta start somewhere!  Little did I know where I'd end up!

And it is still an honor to work with Rod!


Basics of the Reformed Faith -- The Deity of Jesus Christ

The lastest installment of my series on the basics of the Reformed faith has been posted on the Valiant for Truth blog (of Westminster Seminary California).  I address the deity of Jesus Christ.  You can find it here:  Valiant for Truth


Mike Horton on Catechesis

Mike Horton was a recent guest on Issues, Etc., discussing the importance of catechism in the Christian home.

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Doctrine and Life

Who is Jesus, and why should he be worshipped? Was his death merely an example of self-sacrifice, or did he actually atone for the sins of the world? These are crucial doctrinal questions, yet many Christians in our time say they are not interested in theology or doctrine, but prefer instead to focus on what Jesus can do for us in our lives today. Is it possible to be a faithful Christian without being concerned about doctrine? (Originally broadcast June 11, 2006)

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