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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from June 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010


This Week's White Horse Inn

Religion on Trial

How is a person to know whether or not Christianity is the true religion? Aren't all religious claims subjective attempts to grasp the ungraspable? Isn't it all just a matter of personal faith anyway? And if so, why choose one faith over the other? On this edition of White Horse Inn, the hosts inquire into these questions and more with special guest Craig Parton author of Religion on Trial and The Defense Never Rests: A Lawyer's Quest for the Gospel. 


Who Said That?

“They ask me all the time, ‘What is your favorite this?  What is your favorite that?  What is your favorite that?’  And one time, ‘What is your favorite word?’  And I said, ‘My favorite word?  That is really easy.  My favorite word is the Word, is the Word.  And that is everything.  It says it all for us.  And you know the biblical reference, you know the Gospel reference of the Word.”

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


I'm Flattered That My Vote Matters So Much

I feel special.  In the last few days, I've gotten "personal" calls from . . .

Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich

Dick Cheney

Former California governor Pete Wilson

Meg Witman from Ebay (running for governor)

Congressman Tom McClintock

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayer's association

Three former state assemblymen

Two local mayors

Three former police chiefs

As well as some "concerned" woman's group

I am so very flattered that these important people would take time out of their busy schedules to call me because they care about me so much and want me to know that my vote counts. 

If they saw my completed ballot and realized that any political candidate who interrupts my day with a robo-call is far less likely to get my vote, I wonder if they'd call back during the next election cycle . . .


Interview on Rightly Divided with Lane Chaplin


Here's an interview I did today with Lane Chaplin on Romans 7 and the assurance of salvation.

Here's the link to the full screen version on YouTube (Click here)


The Source of True Teaching

From the August 2009, Tabletalk

Q. What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him? 

A. The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him.

(Westminster Shorter Catechism  Q & A 2)

When someone begins a statement with “I think God is like…,” I immediately know that this person doesn’t have a clue as to what God is like. The reason I can say this is because God is an infinite spiritual being, which means that we can know nothing about Him unless He has revealed Himself, which He does through creation and in His Word. While creation tells us that God is eternal and all-powerful (Rom. 1:20), the creation cannot tell us that God is triune, nor that He sent His eternally begotten Son to save us from our sins. The knowledge of these things must be revealed to us in God’s Word, in which we find the supreme revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ (John 14:9). This is why when someone attempts to tell us what God is like apart from Scripture — where God chooses to reveal Himself — we can be sure that all they can give us is mere opinion. And since all men and women are liars (Ps. 116:11), such opinion is apt to be wrong, no matter how sincerely offered (Rom. 1:22–23).

To read the rest of this article, Click here


Mike Horton in CT -- Twenty Years Later

Christianity Today has posted Mike's review of N. T. Wright's book After You Believe:  Why Character Matters (HarperOne, March 2009).  (h.t. Scott Clark)

Horton argues that like Wright's other works, After You Believe is characterized by much wisdom and insight, but is marred by Wright's dismissal (and at times misrepresentation) of Lutheran and Reformed teaching on the same subject.

Here's Michael's conclusion:

"While there are many good biblical-theological studies that make the same points, Wright—ever the master of metaphor and turns of phrase—is especially effective in communicating the richness of the Bible's eschatological horizon to a wide audience. Nevertheless, his imprecision about the views that he targets for criticism is careless, depriving him—and his readers—of resources and allies for a message that is on so many points a vital and necessary corrective."

You can find the entire review here:  Click here


Mike Horton on TV -- 20 Years Ago!


An old television interview featuring Mike Horton has resurfaced (Click here).  This is from 1990-91 when Mike released his book Agony of Deceit (1990), and then appeared on a number of TV programs to promote the book.

By the way, love the glasses . . . and the mustache.

"Do All to the Glory of God" -- 1 Corinthians 10:14-33

Here's the audio from Sunday's sermon.

Click here

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