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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from June 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011


This Week at Christ Reformed Church

No Wednesday Night Bible Study (summer hiatus):

We have concluded our series on the person and work of Christ and are now on hiatus for the summer.  See in September, Lord willing!

Academy Series Concludes This Week:

This coming Friday, June 10, we will conclude our series on Michael Horton's new theology text, The Christian Faith (Zondervan, 2011).  We are working our way through the first chapter.  Lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m.  Admission is free.

Sermon Series on Hebrews (Sunday, June 12):

We are continuing our series on The Book of Hebrews.  Lord willing, we will work our way through chapter 4:14-5:10.  Please read through Hebrews several times as we consider the great themes in this remarkable book.

For more information, Click Here


More on Harold Camping

A couple of interesting items relating to Harold Camping have made the news.

First up, a devoted follower of Camping recently died and left the bulk of her estate to Camping's Family Radio.  Her own family, however, will receive next to nothing.  I can't help but wonder what their last Thanksgiving together was like!  It simply amazes me that nice Christian people are so gullible.  Given human sinfulness, we are all prone to hearing what we want to hear.  Woman Leaves Estate to Camping

An atheist group (the Freedom from Religion Foundation) wants to establish grounds for a public lawsuit against Family Radio for monetary damages related to "deceitful practices."  For the litigation to proceed, the atheist group will need to prove that Camping committed fraud by not truly believing that Jesus would return on May 21!  Good luck with that one!  Say what you will about Camping, I have no doubt he believed his own nonsense.   Could this be an ironic example of a publicity seeking organization (FFRF) seeking to exploit a fellow publicity seeker (Camping)?  The story can be found here:  Suing Camping for Fraud?

The next big day on the Camping calendar is October 21, when the corpses of the dead will be thrown out of their graves and scattered about like manure.  Since May 21 was a "spiritual" day of judgment, then perhaps the dead will be scattered about in a "spiritual" way on October 21.  What is "spiritual" manure?  The mind can run with that one.  Better not.  Stay out of the Cemetery on October 21

Looks like October 20-21 will be a busy day for radio interviews and blogging.  I'll mark my calendar.  The man is shameless.  


"A Sabbath Rest for the People of God" -- Hebrews 4:1-13

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the sixth in a series on the Book of Hebrews

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Dealing with Objections to the Resurrection

When telling others about the message of the gospel, objections of various kinds inevitably arise. So how are we to answer the person who claims that Jesus never really died on the cross, or that the miracle stories associated with Christ are complete fabrications? The hosts discuss these questions and more as they interact with some of the claims made by skeptic Michael Shermer in his recent WHI interview. Joining the panel for this discussion is Craig Parton, author of Religion on Trial and The Defense Never Rests.

Click Here

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