Some Interesting Links . . .

If you were Bill Clinton, and you were in Texas, and you wanted to go to church, where would you go? The Answer is fairly obvious Click here: Clintons at Joel Osteen’s Church - purgatorio.
You know things are really bad in the Anglican Communion when J. I. Packer is threatened with church discipline--by the liberals. Click here: Diocese Threatens to Suspend J.I. Packer | Liveblog | Christianity Today
Why John McCain wanted (or even accepted) John Hagee's endorsement is beyond me. Of course, the Dems cry foul. Hagee hates Catholics! Hagee hates gays! Missing from that list of course, is the fact that Hagee hates amillennarians . . . I'm offended. Click here: Democrats accuse well known Texas evangelical of hate speech (
I love John Stossel. Want to stop some nut from shooting up a mall, or a college campus? Here's one solution. Click here: RealClearPolitics - Articles - Guns Save Lives
The law of unintended consequences . . . With the agri-business shifting to bio-fuels, that means increased food prices and more importantly, starvation in the third world. Click here: Soaring prices force US to cut food aid | The Courier-Mail Yet another reason to trust the free market, and hate the nanny state!
For the man who has everything. How about a Panzer IV? Genuine Wehrmacht surplus. Imagine when your neighbor sees you pull up in the ultimate SUV! Jagdpanther trumps Escalade every time! You may get less than 3 miles per gallon, and you may spew out black diesel smoke. But who will dare say anything? Click here: The Local - For sale: Nazi German tanks Mick, this is what I want for Christmas!