"It Is I; Do Not Be Afraid " -- John 6:16-27

Here is the audio from this morning's sermon, the twentieth in a series on the Gospel of John
Living in Light of Two Ages
Here is the audio from this morning's sermon, the twentieth in a series on the Gospel of John
I Am the Way, the Truth, & the Life
What does Jesus mean when he says, “Already you are clean because of the word I have spoken to you”? How does his word make us clean? What are the implications of Jesus’ claim not merely to be a teacher who shows us the way, the truth, and the life, but rather, one who claims to actually be “the way, the truth, and the life”? We will interact with these questions and more as we unpack John 13 through 16.
Sunday Morning (03/10/13): As we continue to work our way through John chapter 6, we will take up the account of Jesus' miracle of walking on the water (John 6:16-27).
Sunday Afternoon: I will be leading our afternoon catechism service which begins @ 1:15 p.m. We are currently going through our liturgical forms. This Lord's day we will be going through the form of subscription affirmed by our ministers and elders.
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. (03/06/13): We begin a new series, "Studies in the Book of Revelation." We will be going through the entire book (and I'm asking those attending to read Revelation all the way through in one sitting, and to listen to the book read aloud in one sitting, as we begin this series).
The Academy 7:30 p.m. (3/8/13): We are discussing Michael Horton's theology text The Christian Faith. We are currently wrapping up chapter 4, discussing the inspiration and authority of Scripture.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
Here is the audio from this morning's sermon--the nineteenth in a series on the Gospel of John
The Triumphal Entry
A week before his crucifixion, Jesus enters Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. What is significant about this event, and what prophecies are alluded to here? How does Jesus himself describe his own mission and purpose in this account? On this edition of White Horse Inn we discuss the triumphal entry recorded in John 12.