I saw this headline and immediately thought that this might be great incentive for one or more of the "end-times prognosticator" club to make the jump to Rome.
"Vatican Denies Hiding the Full Truth About the End of the World" (Click here: Vatican denies hiding the full truth about the end of the world-Comment-Faith-TimesOnline)
Since things in the Middle East and with the ten nations of the European Confederacy (the revived Roman empire) haven't panned out as predicted, this might give Lindsey, Van Impe and others a whole new angle.
According to the article:
"The Vatican tried yesterday to draw a line under a conspiracy theory that has dogged the Catholic Church for decades – that it was harbouring details of the predicted apocalypse. The Pope’s second-in-command, Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, denied that the Church was suppressing a vision of the end of the world said to have been revealed by the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children on a hillside at Fatima in Portugal exactly 90 years ago. The three `Secrets of Fatima' were written down by one of the children, Lucia Dos Santos – who became a Carmelite nun – and sent to the Vatican in a sealed envelope. Two of the `secrets' were made public, apparently predicting the inferno of 20th-century world war and totalitarianism and the eventual reconversion of Communist Russia to Christianity. Pope John Paul II suggested that the third `secret' predicted the 1981 attempt on his life. He failed to satisfy conspiracy theorists however, with many accusing the Vatican of disclosing only part of the last Fatima secret."
Think of the fun Lindsey and Van Impe could have with the "third secret." A whole series of books and novels, DVDs and TV specials . . . But they'd have to follow Beckwith to Rome.