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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from May 1, 2007 - May 31, 2007


The Reality of Romanism

Pope%20and%20Two%20Cardinals.jpgReading Francis Beckwith's interview with David Neff in Christianity Today, reminded me of how idyllic the Roman church can seem in the minds of those who embrace it (Click here: Q&A: Francis Beckwith | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction).

But then this news report appeared today which gives a much different picture of the supposed glories of Romanism (Click here: Pope to canonize first Brazilian saint - Yahoo! News).

All discussion of justification, the authority of Scripture, and reciting the Creed aside, the Pope is heading to Brazil to canonize Antonio de Sant'Anna Galvao, a Franciscan monk who is credited with 5000 miraculous healings.  Over 1 million people are expected to be in attendance. The healings supposedly come as a result of swallowing rice paper pills prepared by the monk over two hundred years ago.  According to the AP news report . . .

"The Vatican has officially certified the medical cases of two Brazilian women as divinely inspired miracles that justify the sainthood of Galvao.  Both of these women spoke of their faith with The Associated Press, claiming that their children would not be alive today were it not for the tiny rice-paper pills that Friar Galvao handed out two centuries ago.

Although the friar died in 1822, the tradition is carried on by Brazilian nuns who toil in the Sao Paulo monastery where Galvao is buried, preparing thousands of the Tic Tac-sized pills distributed free each day to people seeking cures for all manner of ailments. Each one is inscribed with a prayer in Latin: `After birth, the Virgin remained intact.  Mother of God, intercede on our behalf.'

Sandra Grossi de Almeida, 37, is one such believer. She had a uterine malformation that should have made it impossible for her to carry a child for more than four months. But in 1999, after taking the pills, she gave birth to Enzo, now 7. `I have faith," Grossi said, pointing to her son. I believe in God, and the proof is right here.'

Nearly 10 years before that, Daniela Cristina da Silva, then 4 years old, entered a coma and suffered a heart attack after liver and kidney complications from hepatitis A.  `The doctors told me to pray because only a miracle could save her,' Daniela's mother Jacyra said recently. `My sister sneaked into the intensive care unit and forced my daughter to swallow Friar Galvao's pills.'"

So, if you "return home" to Rome, you get the whole ball of wax, including the beatification of saints who give out Tic-Tac size rice-paper pills which supposedly heal.  And Pope Benedict XVI will be there to bless it all. 

By the way, confessional Protestants affirm the historical evangelical doctrine of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone, and the full authority of Scripture.  And yes, we even recite the Creed every Lord's Day and we use a biblical-text based liturgy which is quite similar to that described by Justin Martyr in the second century.

Too bad Dr. Beckwith didn't consider a confessional Protestant church before embracing Romanism.  Now he's stuck with Antonio de Sant'Anna Galvao and his rice-paper healing pills.


Who Said That?

question%20mark.jpgWho said that?

"I fully adhere to the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith for myself and my ministry, but as an American, I respect other paths to God."

You know the drill!  Leave your guesses in the comments section below.  Please no google searches! 


The Sorry State of American Evangelicalism

ETS Logo.jpgMany of you have heard the recent news that Dr. Francis Beckwith, president of the Evangelical Theological Society, has returned to the Roman Catholic Church in which he was raised.  Beckwith will resign as president, but remain in the society as a member.

Obviously, there are a number of important issues here which relate to things we have discussed on the White Horse Inn for many years.

First, you should read Dr. Beckwith's own reasons for returning to Romanism.  Click here: Right Reason: My Return to the Catholic Church.

Second, you should read the thoughtful and excellent responses by Dr. Carl Trueman Click here: Reformation21 » Professor Beckwith and Dr. Scott Clark Click here: - The Heidelblog (Scott Clark) - - ETS President Converts to Rome and Click here: - The Heidelblog (Scott Clark) - - Of "Evangelical" and "Catholic"

For years you have have heard us on the White Horse Inn lamenting the current state of evangelicalism.  As Drs. Trueman and Clark point out, the old evangelical alliance is now in tatters.  ETS (of which I am a member--although I never have actively participated) is made up of everything from staunch Calvinists to open theists.  Its doctrinal statement is one line--“The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs.”  As Drs. Trueman and Clark have done, I too will let my membership expire--not out of anger or protest, I am just not interested in the work of ETS anymore . . .

As Clark and Trueman point out, the evangelical movement is now ahistorical, attracted (it seems) to every new theological fad, and largely disinterested in doctrine--especially confessional Protestant doctrine.  Defections to Rome, while lamentable are not a surprise and make sense in the current theological climate.

How many times has our Lutheran brother--Dr. Rosenbladt--told us of the direct connection between Luther-Calvin and Wesley-Rome?  Says Rod:  "If you don't get justification right, Rome makes perfect sense."

After reading Dr. Beckwith's explanation, Rod, it appears, is a prophet. 


Use An Accordion, Go to Jail! Its the Law!

Accordion.jpgRemember the old bumper sticker, "Use an Accordion, Go to Jail!  Its the Law"?  There's a reason why that sticker resonated with so many of us.  The accordion is, well . . . lets just say it . . . an obnoxious instrument.  Yes, I know I will offend some of you--my dad even played one.  But if you are not in a polka band, you really should consider taking up something else!

On some level, certain things are just plain wrong.  I thought you'd enjoy a couple of them. 

The first is "The Accordion Hero" game controller.  Those of you who have seen your kids play "guitar hero" will appreciateaccordion hero.jpg this--well, you'll know why it is just plain wrong.

And then there are these two videos on YouTube.  Click here: YouTube - Korsakov - Flight of the bumble bee - by Alexander Dmitriev and Click here: YouTube - Dmitriev - Bach - Fuga in d-moll BWV565.  Somewhere Korsakov and Bach are not amused. 

Yup . . .   "Use an Accordion, Go to Jail!  Its the Law!" 


Swainson's Hawks

Swainson's Hawk Small.jpgIts probably no big deal for those of you who live in rural areas, but its pretty cool for us city slickers . . .  A pair of Swainson's hawks have taken up residence in my yard.

You can see the male in the middle of the picture. He's quite tame, and let me get up close to take this picture--within 20 feet or so.  I'll have to dig out my old 35mm Nikon with my 205mm zoom to get a decent photo.  He's about the size of a large crow and moved into one of our Eucalyptus trees, right outside our bedroom window.

He and his mate use our bird feeder as a fast-food stop, swooping down and snagging sparrows and finches off the top while they are feeding. Its rather amazing to see a blur go by the window and then look up see a hawk up in a tree munching away on a sparrow.  I guess my bird feeder now has a dual-use.

My only complaint is that these hawks are very noisy and they get up in the morning before I do.  Nevertheless, they are beautiful creatures and I'm enjoying them immensely.  My yard is usually filled with sparrows . . .  not any more.


Eschatology Questions

eschatology q and a.jpgJason asks:  Kim, I have read your book, `A Case for Amillenialism' and greatly enjoyed it, and have read over and over your section on the olivet discourse, however having that paradigm in view, I'm still not sure what to make of Matthew 16:28. I have read commentaries which explain this to be speaking of the transfiguration which follows in all the gospels, however I dont think this is what Christ had in mind, because it was merely six days later, and doesnt make sense in light of his implication that some WOULD die before this "coming of the Son of Man". I am interested in what your take on this verse is.

Thanks, Jason.


Your question gives me a chance to remind my readers that a number of questions  on eschatology have been asked and answered.  These are posted under the heading (Answers to Questions About Eschatology--Archives).  Here's my reply to a similar question

In Luke’s Gospel, the context for the saying, “But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God," is the cost of taking up one’s cross and following Jesus. The same is true in the gospel parallels–Mark (8:34-9:1 and Matthew 16:24-28). In this saying, Jesus states that some (not all) of Jesus’ disciples would die before the kingdom of God comes (or as we read in Matthew 16:28, “his kingdom”). The point is that this group (the some) will see something (the kingdom coming in power) before they die. I’m not sure how much more we want to read into this.

While it is not incidental that this saying occurs immediately before the transfiguration, it cannot be fulfilled by the transfiguration, since Jesus speaks of the likelihood that some (but not all) of those to whom he is speaking would die before his words come pass. The transfiguration does not fit with this. That being said, the transfiguration is one of the first glimpses of what it means for the kingdom to come in power as Jesus appears in glory.

There can be no doubt then that Jesus is speaking of things yet to come, i.e., the resurrection and Pentecost, things which amount to his own vindication–i.e. as his own suffering will give way to his vindication, so too will the suffering of all those who follow him. Cf. I. Howard Marshall, Commentary on Luke: New International Greek Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1983), 377-379.

As Carson points out, it is vital that we understand that the kingdom comes in stages–D. A. Carson, “Matthew” in Expositors Bible Commentary (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984), 252. Thus the solution to the question raised by preterists may be a simple as the fact that the transfiguration is the first of a number of events which occur in the lifetime of the twelve which reveal the power of the kingdom and God’s judgment (in the form of covenant curses) upon disobedient Israel. This would include the cosmic signs which accompanied our Lord’s death (including the temple veil being torn from top to bottom), the resurrection, the ascension, and then Pentecost, along with the rapid growth of the church and the gospel spreading among the Gentiles (cf. Carson, Matthew, 382).

While the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in AD 70 is surely an indication that a time of desolation has come upon Israel and is a manifestation of God’s glory and judgment, this event points ahead to the final judgment at the end of the age, just as Jesus follows his prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem, with cosmic signs which announce that just as it was in the days of Noah, judgment will come upon the whole world (Matthew 24:28-44).

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