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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from May 1, 2010 - May 31, 2010


This Week's White Horse Inn

Contending for the Faith, Part 2

On this edition of the White Horse Inn, the hosts continue to explore the topic of "Contending for the Faith," as they take questions from the live audience in Southern California. Questions include: are we simply assuming the truthfulness of Scripture since we can't interview the eyewitnesses of Christ's resurrection; what should churches do to encourage evangelism in our time; and can our testimonies be seen as evidence of the gospel's truthfulness.


Who Said That?

"[Your letter] illustrates the excellence of a system which, by a due distinction, to which the genius and courage of Luther led the way, between what is due to Caesar and what is due to God, best promotes the discharge of both obligations. The experience of the United States is a happy disproof of the error so long rooted in the unenlightened minds of well-meaning Christians, as well as in the corrupt hearts of persecuting usurpers, that without a legal incorporation of religious and civil polity, neither could be supported.  A mutual independence is found most friendly to practical religion, to social harmony, and to political prosperity."

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


A Great Deal on "A Case for Amillennialism" from Ligonier

Today only, you can purchase my book from Ligonier for five bucks!

Here's the scoop:


Tonight's Academy Lecture

When:  Join us tonight at 7:30 p.m. when Professor Kenneth Samples  continues his Academy series entitled "Historic Christianity’s Seven Dangerous Ideas”.  The lecture for this evening will be Faith Makes Sense: The Compatibility of Faith & Reason.

What:  “Dangerous Ideas” in such disciplines as philosophy and science are ideas that challenge the standard paradigm (accepted model) of the day. These ideas go against what most people naturally think to be true and real. Such revolutionary ideas tend to threaten accepted beliefs and often contain explosive world-and-life view implications for all humanity. Historic Christianity contains numerous beliefs that are theologically and philosophically volatile in the best sense of the term. The Christian faith contains powerful truth-claims that have succeeded in transforming the church and turning the world upside down. This series of lectures will explore seven such provocative beliefs proclaimed by historic Christianity.

Textbook: This is the topic and content of a new book that Kenneth Samples is presently working on to be published by Baker Books (2012).

General Info:  The Academy meets at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim.  The lectures begin at 7:30 p.m., are free of charge, and are followed by a time for questions and answers, as well as a time for fellowship and refreshments.

Who:  Kenneth Samples is a senior research scholar at Reasons To Believe (RTB) and teaches at the Academy and Adult bible study classes at Christ Reformed Church.  Kenneth encourages believers to develop a logically defensible faith and challenges skeptics to engage Christianity at a philosophical level. He is the author of Without a Doubt and A World of Difference.  He has also written articles for Christianity Today and The Christian Research Journal.


A Picture Doesn't Always Tell the Whole Story

Many of you will recognize the famous "Berry Market" from Knott's Berry Farm (one of America's first and most famous amusement parks).  This picture was taken in the 1930s, and I saw it a few days ago on an Orange County history blog I frequent.  The building is still there, now part of larger complex.

I had seen the picture before and thought about my own family's history--and our deep ties to this building and the Knott family.  The picture doesn't tell that story . . .

My mom, Marian, worked here about the time the photo was taken (in the late 1930s).  There's a famous picture of Walter Knott and his son Russell selling boysenberries inside right behind the large window.  My mom (in her late teens) is standing next to them.

My aunt, Virginia (my mom's sister), was Mr. Knott's first secretary, and when a handsome Woodbury College student showed up looking for work, my mom liked his looks and talked my aunt into hiring him.  That young man was Clayton Riddlebarger, my father.

My folks left Orange County during the war (my dad was in the FBI by that time) and returned to open a Christian bookstore at Knotts in 1955.  By that time, my grandmother, Juliet, had retired from teaching, and ended up running the nursery--also pictured in the above photo!  Some of her favorite shrubs still reside in my backyard.

After Knott's opened Camp Snoopy in 1981, our bookstore was relocated . . .  you guessed it . . . just up the street a few doors from this building pictured above.  We finally closed the store in 1994.  By then I had a new vocation.

Oh, and lest I forget, although my wife and I went to the same elementary and high schools, guess where I met her again after we both graduated from high school a few years before?  At Knott's.  My wife worked a few doors down from our bookstore in Knott's accounting department, about 50 yards from the building pictured above.

So forgive me, if that picture stirs me more than it does you!  Man, if those walls could talk!


Shane Rosenthal on "Issues, Etc."

White Horse Inn producer, Shane Rosenthal, was Todd Wilkens' guest on yesterday's Issues, Etc.  Shane, who is a first rate historian, was discussing his recent Modern Reformation essay "On Faith and History", a look at the Luke's gospel in comparison with the work of Homer, Livy and others.

Here's the link to the audio:  Click here


"Be Filled with the Spirit" -- Ephesians 5:15-21

The Twelfth in a Series of Sermons on Ephesians

When Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:18 to be “filled with the Spirit,” many people get a bit nervous.  The reason we get nervous is because we’ve all seen what goes on in the revivalist’s tent or on TBN.  Sadly, being “filled with the Spirit,” is easily equated with the shoddy theology and gimmickry of modern Pentecostalism, and so of course we get nervous if we think that Paul is commanding us to do what they do.  When Paul tells us to be filled with the Spirit, he is setting forth a sharp contrast between pagan self-indulgence and Christian submission to the will of God.  My prayer is that we would hear Paul’s words afresh and that we would be truly filled with the Holy Spirit in the way intended by the Apostle Paul, and that as a result, our hearts would be filled with thanksgiving and that Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs would roll off our tongues in submission to, and in adoration of our Savior Jesus Christ.

As we continue our series on Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians we are working our way through chapter 5 and considering Paul’s discussion of the Christian life.  Since sound doctrine is the foundation of Paul’s teaching regarding the Christian life, it is important we keep that doctrine in mind whenever we discuss how our faith in Christ is to be worked out in daily life.  We cannot live as God would have us to live without understanding the gospel which creates faith and which has already raised us from death to life.
Recall that in the opening chapter of Ephesians, Paul sets forth the big picture of our redemption.  Redemption has been decreed by God, our redemption was accomplished by Jesus Christ, and it is applied to us by the Holy Spirit.  In Ephesians 2, Paul taught us that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone, while in chapter three, Paul tells us that the mystery which had been hidden in the Old Testament (the gospel), is revealed in the New.  The gospel declares to us that through his death upon the cross, Jesus Christ forms believing Jews and Gentiles into one new people–the church, which is the body of Christ.  While the cross shows us the love of God, the death and resurrection of Jesus is the proof that God is able to do for us far more than we ask or think.   

While discussing the Christian life in chapters 4-6, Paul uses a number of simple yet powerful metaphors and illustrations.  Through the use of these metaphors Paul is able to instruct us that the Christian life (and our sanctification) amounts to a complete break with non-Christian ways of thinking and doing.  This break occurred when God made us alive with Christ.  Just we as died to sin and rose to newness of life in our baptism (the sign and seal of what God has done for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus), Christians are to leave behind non-Christian ways of thinking and doing, while at the same time striving for unity within the body of Christ.  We are also to strive to grow in spiritual maturity in which all members of the body build each other up in love.  When the body functions as it should, Christians grow to maturity.  The paradox is that it is our striving for maturity which in turn builds up Christ’s body.

To read the rest of this sermon, Click here


Academy Audio Posted

Here's the audio from Friday's Academy lecture by Ken Samples entitled, "The Cosmos Had a Beginning: The Creation Ex Nihilo."

Click here

"There Is One God" -- 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon--the fourteenth in a series on 1 Corinthians.

Click here

This Week's White Horse Inn

Contending for the Faith, Part 1

How did the apostles contend for the faith throughout the book of Acts? Did they appeal to the practical benefits of living life Jesus' way? Did they share their testimonies or inner experiences? Did they encourage blind faith? On this special live edition of the White Horse Inn, the hosts walk through the apologetic sermons in the book of Acts in order to discover how to "contend for the faith once delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).