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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from May 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011


Who Said That?

"So we see that 2007 B.C. when Jacob was born is indeed a very significant day insofar as being a beginning for 4000 years.  And 2007 B.C. followed by 4000 years ends on -- yes, that's right -- on the year 1994 A.D.  How significantly, every path we follow using the prophetic numbers of the Bible focus on 1994 A.D."

This one should be easy, but lest we forget . . .

Please no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow on May 22.


It Was the Royal Wedding for Pete's Sake . . .

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, conducted much of the royal wedding.  On such an important occasion, viewed by billions around the globe, you would think a trip to the barbershop earlier in the day would have been in order.  On a day when not a hair, a pleat, or a medallion, was out of place in the entire city of London, here's the Archbishop looking like he's been living in his car.  A particular scene from The Princess Bride comes to mind. 

At the very least, the Archbishop could have trimmed those massive eyebrows!  

It was the royal wedding for Pete's sake!


450 Years Ago Today . . .

The Belgic Confession is 450 years old.

Wes Bredenhof, who is pastor of the Providence Canadian Reformed Church, Hamilton, ON, has the story.

Well worth reading.  The Belgic Confession



This Week at Christ Reformed Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study:

We are continuing our series on the person and work of Christ this week (5/4/11).  We'll be covering Christ's resurrection and ascension, and the theological and redemptive-historical implications of these great events.  Evening prayer begins at 7:00 p.m., with Bible study beginning at 7:30.

New Academy Series Begins:

This coming Friday, May 6, we begin a series on Michael Horton's new theology text, The Christian Faith (Zondervan, 2011).  This will be lecture-discussion format, and will not be recorded!  So, we hope to see you there!  Lectures will begin at 7:30 p.m.  Admission is free.

Sermon Series on Hebrews (Sunday, May 8):

This Lord's Day we continue our new series on Hebrews.  Please read through Hebrews several times as we prepare to take up the great themes in this remarkable book.

For more information, Click Here


Horton on the Two Kingdoms and the Death of bin Laden

Mike addresses bin Laden's death in light of the two kingdoms.  Great stuff!

While I stayed up late watching the news coverage and am now sleep deprived (I wish I had been at the Phillies game when the crowd started spontaneously chanting USA! USA! or on the subway car in New York when people began singing the national anthem) Mike was busy writing, addressing the confusion of civil justice and the kingdom of God.

Horton on the death of bin Laden



"His Son" -- Hebrews 1:1-4

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon, the first in a series on the Book of Hebrews

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Proclamation and Persuasion

As part of their yearlong study of the Great Commission, the hosts have been focusing on key events in the book of Acts where Christ’s mandate to preach the gospel, to baptize, and to make disciples of all nations is being worked out on the ground. In this program they’ll walk through Acts 18 and 19 to see how Christ is advancing his kingdom in this age, not by the power of the sword, but through Word and Spirit as we find the apostles reasoning in the synagogues and marketplaces about the basic truth-claims of the Christian faith.

Proclamation and Persuasion


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