Here's one political prognosticator who got the election right. Wow. I predicted that it would be Hillary (because the Clinton's would clean Obama's clock) and Rudy Giuliani (because I thought he'd run a good campaign). Boy, was I wrong. But this guy nailed it--at least on the Democrat side. Click here: Obama in `08: O yes? Or o no? | Change of Subject
I wonder, is this what preterists mean when they say Jesus came back in the clouds in A.D. 70? Well, maybe he came back on the clouds again. Oh wait . . . this was on WorldnetDaily, your source for nutty eschatological rumors. Click here: Did Jesus recently appear in clouds?
Here's more warmed-over theological liberalism, this time from an Australian catholic priest who happens to sound just like an ECUSA minister. I love the title of his book. "God Is Big. Real Big." Rev. Dresser, "you are wrong. Very wrong." Click here: - Priest's 'Jesus Wasn't God' Book on Sale -- in Church - International News | News of the World | Mid
How about vandalism in the name of "Christian" Graffiti art? I say make the guy clean up the mess, so that taxpayers don't have to. Click here: Tagging God's message -Times Online