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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from November 1, 2008 - November 30, 2008


Who Said That?

"Not every intimate intercourse with the unconverted world is deemed lawful, by Calvinism, for it placed a barrier against the too unhallowed influence of this world by putting a distinct 'veto' upon three things, card playing, theatres, and dancing..."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Answer will be posted next week.  No google searches or cheating.


"If By Faith Then Not By Works" -- A Sermon for Reformation Sunday

Here's a link to today's sermon for Reformation Sunday on Galatians 2:15-21


Political Prognostications and Other Interesting Stuff from the Blogosphere

Here's one political prognosticator who got the election right. Wow. I predicted that it would be Hillary (because the Clinton's would clean Obama's clock) and Rudy Giuliani (because I thought he'd run a good campaign). Boy, was I wrong.  But this guy nailed it--at least on the Democrat side.  Click here: Obama in `08: O yes? Or o no? | Change of Subject

I wonder, is this what preterists mean when they say Jesus came back in the clouds in A.D. 70? Well, maybe he came back on the clouds again.  Oh wait . . .  this was on WorldnetDaily, your source for nutty eschatological rumors.  Click here: Did Jesus recently appear in clouds?

Here's more warmed-over theological liberalism, this time from an Australian catholic priest who happens to sound just like an ECUSA minister.  I love the title of his book. "God Is Big. Real Big."  Rev. Dresser, "you are wrong. Very wrong."  Click here: - Priest's 'Jesus Wasn't God' Book on Sale -- in Church - International News | News of the World | Mid

How about vandalism in the name of "Christian" Graffiti art? I say make the guy clean up the mess, so that taxpayers don't have to. Click here: Tagging God's message -Times Online

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