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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010


Audio from Friday Night's Academy Lecture

Here's the audio from Friday night's Academy lecture on Revelation 20 (Part One)

Click here


"Christ Has Been Raised" -- 1 Corinthians 15:12-34

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:

Click here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Parables of Jesus (Part 6)

When Jesus returns will he separate the sheep and the goats based upon good works? How are we to understand Jesus’ teaching about this in Matthew 25? What about the parable of the wedding banquet; how does this story relate to our view of last things? On this edition of White Horse Inn the hosts will discuss these questions and more as they wrap up their series on the Parables of Jesus.


Who Said That?

“Like many New Testament scholars, I am largely ignorant of the Pauline exegesis of all but a few of the fathers and reformers.  The Middle Ages, and the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, had plenty to say about Paul, but I have not read it.” 

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer to follow next week.


Stranded at Sea -- A Negative Confession?

Just saw the news that Frederick K. C. Price, famous Word of Faith teacher, was among those recently stranded at sea onboard the cruise ship Carnival Splendor.  That must have been some negative confession that allowed the devil to get in there and mess up Price's vacation.  A negative confession?

Its been getting a little "gamey" at church lately.  Now I know why.  The "Greens" among us are giving up bathing to save the environment.  Gives new meaning to the old ballad "Greensleeves." Giving up washing

Some joker sent this advertisement to me.  Could this be a hint?  I'll just put one of these in the pew where the sender usually sits!  charcoal chair pad



This Week's Academy Lecture -- Revelation 20 (Part 1)

Lecture Title:  "Revelation 20:1-10 -- Part One"

Date:  Friday, November 12 @ 7:30p.m.

 Lecture Contents:  This passage contains John's discussion of the thousand years, the binding of Satan, the hope of the martyrs, the final apostasy and the return of Christ

Instructor:  Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

TextbooksA Case for Amillennialism (Baker 2003), The Man of Sin (Baker, 2006)

About the Academy:  The Academy meets at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim.  The lectures begin at 7:30 p.m., are free of charge, and are followed by a time for questions and answers, as well as a time for fellowship and refreshments.

For more information, click here


Horton on "Issues, Etc." Discussing the Sufficiency of Scripture

Here's the link:  Click here


Audio from Friday Night's Academy Lecture

Here's the audio from Friday's Academy lecture on Romans 9-11:

Click here


"The Gospel" -- 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:

Click here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Parables of Jesus (Part 5)

Jesus taught that a person is not worthy of being his disciple unless that person hates his father and mother. In fact, he goes on to say that a disciple of his must also “hate his own life.” On this program, the hosts will take a look at texts such as this as they discuss parables of costly discipleship in their continuing series through the Parables of Jesus.