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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from October 1, 2007 - October 31, 2007


Priest's Revenge Backfires

Suing%20his%20church.jpgRemember the Seinfeld episode in which Jerry decides to heckle a woman while she's at work because the same woman had heckled him on stage the night before?  The moral is "how would hecklers like it, if they got heckled?"

Here is a case of a priest who played someone's phone message complaining about his sermon to the entire congregation.  "How would you like it if I turned the tables and complained about your complaint?" 

The man in question (Angel Llavona) didn't like it one bit.  Llavona had complained about his priest's sermon, leaving a message on the priest's answering machine.  "Father Rios, this is Angel Llavona. I attended mass on Sunday and I have seen poor homilies, but yesterday broke all records."  The priest was a tad miffed, so the next Sunday he played Llavona's phone message to the assembled congregation (which just happened to include Mr. Llavona).  Rios then asked the congregation, "what should we do?  Should we send him (Mr. Llavona) to Hell or to another Parish?"

Not surprisingly, Mr. Llavona is suing the priest and the diocese for emotional distress from embarrassment and humiliation. (Click here: Priest's response to criticism leads to lawsuit :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State).

The moral to the story here is "don't publicly humiliate those who complain about your preaching."  Or at least make sure they are not in the congregation when you do!

All kidding aside, this is one of the reasons why we in the Reformed tradition have elder visits (the elders come and visit church members), so that if the preaching is not meeting the needs of the congregation it can be discussed privately and dealt with by those elders who are responsible for overseeing the work of their pastor. 


Top 50 Evangelical Authors


According to the ECPA, here's a list of the current top 50 "best-selling" evangelical authors (Click here: ECPA E-LINK).  A list like this tells us a great deal about the state and health of American evangelicalism.

Alcorn, Randy C.
Alexander, Shaun
Arterburn, Stephen
Beers, Ron
Bell, Rob
Blackaby, Henry T.
Brunstetter, Wanda E.
Chapman, Gary
Cloud, Henry
Colbert, Don
Collins, Brandilyn
Dekker, Ted
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh
Dungy, Tony
Eggerichs, Emerson
Eldredge, John
Ethridge, Shannon
Feldhahn, Shaunti
Gregory, David
Hagee, John
Heavilin, Marilyn
Henderson, Dee
Hybels, Bill
Jakes, T. D.
Jeremiah, David
Kilgore, Kay Wheeler
Kingsbury, Karen
LaHaye, Tim
Lewis, Beverly
Lucado, Max
MacArthur, John
McGraw, Robin
Meyer, Joyce
Miller, Donald
Moore, Beth
Oke, Janette
Omartian, Stormie
Osteen, Joel
Piper, Don
Rice, Helen Steiner
Rivers, Francine
Rosenberg, Joel C.
Shepherd, Sheri Rose
Strobel, Lee
Warren, Rick
Weaver, Joanna
Wick, Lori
Yancey, Philip

Novels, fluff, counseling, and "how to" stuff clearly dominates.  MacArthur and Strobel seem to be the only exceptions.  


Christ Reformed Church Website Update

Christ%20Reformed%20Church.jpgThe old Christ Reformed Church webpage is no more.  Alas, it served us well, but it has been put out to audio file storage pasture.

When you click on, you'll get what used to be our "info blog."  This is now the "official" Christ Reformed Church webpage.

On it, you can find our weekly sermons (if you are interested in hearing me or Rev. Marcelo Souza preach).  You can also get current information about our church, including our Wednesday night Bible studies, the Academy and a host of other things (like our liturgies and doctrinal standards).

Check it out . . .!  Or just Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News

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