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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from October 1, 2020 - October 31, 2020


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (October 5-11)

Sunday, October 11:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The first service will be live-streamed.  In our study of the Book of Romans, we've come to Paul's magnificent doxology in Romans 8:31-39.

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism service resumes @ 1:15 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching.

Wednesday, October 7 @ 7:30 p.m.  Our series is entitled "Reading the Bible with Paul."  We are taking up Galatians 4:21-31.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


"According to His Purpose" -- Romans 8:28-30


Reading the Bible with Paul: How Paul Interprets the Old Testament -- Galatians 3:15-25 (4)

Here's the audio from the Wednesday night Bible Study:  Reading the Bible with Paul: Galatians 3:15-25 (4)

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