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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from September 1, 2008 - September 30, 2008


Scott Clark's New Book "Recovering the Reformed Confession" Is Now Available!

Dr. Scott Clark's long-anticipated book, "Recovering the Reformed Confession" (P & R) is now available!

This is a must read!

Scott has the details and ordering information here:  Click here: It’s Out: Recovering the Reformed Confession « Heidelblog


Conference Audio Posted

Here's a link to, where you can find all the lectures from this past weekend's eschatology conference at Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Orland Park, IL.

While you are there, be sure to check out the sermons from Rev. Iain Wright, Covenant's pastor.

By the way, it was a delight to be with all the kind folks at Covenant.  Thanks to pastor Wright and the session there for your most gracious hospitality!

It was also great to meet so many White Horse Inn listeners and Riddleblog readers!  Some of you drove long distances and even missed a presidential debate to catch the opening lecture!  Wow!  Thank you for coming out to the conference!


Who Said That?

"This belief and endeavor is the key to unity and the constructive interaction among nations, countries, the people of the world and all the true justice-seekers.  Without any doubt, the Promised One who is the ultimate Savior, together with Jesus Christ and other holy Saviors, will come.  In the company of all believers, justice-seekers and benefactors, he will establish a bright future and fill the world with justice and beauty. This is the promise of God; therefore it will be fulfilled.  Let's play a part in the fulfillment of all this glory and beauty. I wish for a bright future for all human beings and the dawn of the liberation of and freedom for all humans, and the rule of love and affection all around the world, as well as the elimination of oppression, hatred and violence.  A wish which I expect will be realized in the near future."

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please no cheating or google searches!


More Goofiness from PETA and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

There's a reason why very few people take PETA seriously.  If you need yet another reason, here it is (and this one is just plain gross).  Click here: PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk - News Story - WNBC | New York

Erroll Hulse reviews Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New Calvinists, written by Collin Hansen (Crossway, 2008). Click here: Banner of Truth Trust General Articles

Guess what?  You've got a new curate.  She's hip.  She's punk.  And she likes lager.  Oh my . . .  Click here: Pictured: Lager-loving punk who dresses as a dominatrix is appointed village curate | Mail Online

Julia Duin (who was recently interviewed for an up-coming White Horse Inn) has written a new book on why so many evangelicals are just plain dropping out of church.  Here's why . . . "Many believers have grown tired of quickie services, PowerPoint answers and pop lyrics. Many `quitters' she interviewed were yearning for intimate, down-to-earth churches where pastors and people knew their names. They'd been born again. Now they wanted to know how to face the doubts and pains of daily life. They wanted real spiritual growth."  Click here: New book examines why so many are quitting church | ScrippsNews


The Canons of Dort, Second Head of Doctrine, Article Six

Article 6: Unbelief Man's Responsibility

However, that many who have been called through the gospel do not repent or believe in Christ but perish in unbelief is not because the sacrifice of Christ offered on the cross is deficient or insufficient, but because they themselves are at fault.


At this point, the authors of the Canons must respond to the perennial and nagging question raised by the biblical teaching about the death of Christ, and why it is that not all are saved, if Christ died for all.  This is especially the case in light of the Reformed distinctive that Christ’s death was designed to save God’s elect, not merely to make all people "saveable."

You have undoubtedly heard questions like this one commonly raised by various Arminians.  “If the preaching of Christ crucified is the power of God unto salvation, why do all not believe the gospel when it is preached to them?”  Where does the fault truly lie when someone does not believe the message of Christ crucified, and then perishes eternally? 

Since the Reformed Christian contends that God alone must save, and since not all are saved, the Arminian will object that the Reformed understanding of the atonement makes God to blame when someone is lost, because God supposedly did nothing to save them–the death of Christ being “limited” to the elect.  On the Reformed understanding, is not God himself to blame because he is not being fair in not choosing everyone to be saved?  Does this mean that God somehow prevents certain individuals from believing and coming to faith in Christ when he chooses others to be saved, as is so often charged? 

Here we should go back to the categories set out under the first head of doctrine to get needed perspective.  As I mentioned when treating the various articles under that first head, if we approach the difficult questions related to sin and grace with the optimistic presuppositions about human nature such as those of American democracy, then, of course, this becomes a real moral issue.  If you believe that everyone is equally entitled to a chance at heaven, and that people can only exclude themselves from heaven by not believing, then the Reformed view will immediately seem unfair and contrary to reason. 

But, as we have seen during our discussion of the first head of doctrine, this is the wrong starting point.  Unlike the democratic culture of modern America, the Scriptures do not start with the optimistic presuppositions about human nature which contend that everyone is entitled to an equal chance at heaven.  On the contrary, the Scriptures teach that every one is equal—equally worthy of God’s judgment and damnation, since we all fell in Adam and are guilty for his act of sin as well as all our own acts of rebellion. 

According to the apostle Paul in Romans 3:9-20, there is no one righteous, no not even one.  There is no one who seeks God, no, not even one.  All have turned away and together we all became worthless.  There is no part of human nature that is not tainted and stained with the influence of sin. 

And that is the whole point.  In his great love and boundless mercy, God elects some of Adam’s fallen race to be saved from his own wrath.  He sends Jesus Christ to die for them.  And then, through the message of the gospel, the Holy Spirit calls these people to faith.  This is why the Reformed speak of redemption decreed, accomplished and applied.

This, then, must be kept in view when we set out to answer the question why some do not believe the gospel when it is preached to them.  The answer is simple when considered from the perspective of the Scriptures, but certainly not popular when considered from the perspective of the culture.  God leaves these fallen sinners where they are—sinful by nature and by choice and under his just condemnation.

Since people in such a sinful condition are enslaved to their sinful natures—their wills included—they do not want to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation when Christ crucified is preached to them. 

As the fallen children of Adam, if left on our own and not inclined by God to believe, we too would prefer to go to hell for all eternity rather than bow the knee but one time and confess in faith that “Jesus Christ is Lord.”  This is why we must always be skeptical of any rosy view of human nature and why our confidence must always reside in the gospel, which is as the Scriptures declare, the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. 

This is why the Reformed place no confidence in the flesh, and in the ability of fallen sinners to believe the gospel and come to faith in Christ.  Left to ourselves, we do not want to trust the savior.  We do not want to believe the gospel. 

Therefore let us be perfectly clear, the Scriptures always give all of the credit for the salvation of sinners to God, and always assign the blame when sinners perish to the sinners themselves.  As the authors of the Canons put it—they themselves who do not believe the gospel when it is preached are at fault.


"Faith Comes from Hearing" -- Romans 10:14-21

The Twenty-Seventh in a Series on Paul's Epistle to the Romans

In Romans 1:17, Paul told us that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.  He also told us that the gospel went first to the Jew and then to the Gentiles.  But now the apostle must answer the difficult questions that Israel’s priority in redemptive history raise.  “If the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, why is it that Israel does not believe the gospel and has come under God’s curse?”  “Does God not keep his promises?”  Or, “Has God changed his purposes for Israel?”  “What role will Israel play in the future, if any?”  Answering these difficult questions and explaining God’s future purposes for Israel in light of the church’s mission to the Gentiles is theme of this section Romans, chapters 9-11.

As we have pointed out in previous sermons, Romans 9-11 is an integral part of this letter and is not merely Paul’s personal lament over the current unbelief of his own beloved people, the Jews.  Yes, Paul speaks about his unceasing anguish for Israel.  Yes, he tells us of his desire to spare his people by taking upon himself the covenant curses which have now come upon the Jews.  Paul also tells us that it is his heart’s fervent desire that his people, the Jews, will at some point be saved.  And so while the material we find in these three chapters is certainly personal, this is not merely a personal lament.  These chapters are an explanation of a theological conundrum.  If the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and if through the preaching of the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, why is that Israel finds itself in such a lamentable situation?  How do God’s purposes for Israel relate to God’s purposes for the Gentiles?  How are Jew and Gentile to understand their roles in the church, now that the long-expected messianic age has dawned.  These are very real and pressing questions throughout the churches and Paul must address them at some point in this letter.  And this is why Romans 9-11 is such an integral part of this letter.

Preaching through this section of Romans presents a number of difficulties.  For one thing, Romans 9-11 is one extended argument.  Because of time constraints, we cannot tackle the entire three chapters in one sitting, which is most unfortunate.  Splitting this section into several sermons makes it difficult to see the unity of Paul’s argument and obscures the big picture.  And so, I want to do a bit of review, lay out the big picture once again, as well as cover some points of application we were but able to skim  last time.

To answer the questions being raised in the churches, in Romans 9:6 Paul makes a very important distinction between “all Israel” and “true Israel,” a distinction which is foundational to everything which follows.  “All Israel” is the broader group which is composed of all circumcised and ethnic Jews.  “True Israel” is a much narrower group, composed of those elect Jews who do believe that Jesus is Israel’s Messiah.  Thus all of the blessings enumerated by Paul in Romans 9:4-5, were indeed experienced by “all Israel” throughout the unfolding drama of redemption in the Old Testament.  But “true Israel”–the elect remnant according to grace–believed the promise of God to justify sinners and so the members of true Israel are those who call upon God to save them from their sins.  Thus God fulfills his purposes and keeps his promises.  But to understand how he does so, we must keep the distinction between all Israel and true Israel in mind.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here 


Why We All Need Proof-Readers and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

We all know that those running for office can develop a strong personal animus for their opponent.  But did we ever expect them to make up and tie the knot?  This headline is why we have proof-readers.  Click here: McCain, Obama avoid same-sex marriage - Yahoo! News

Here's a very lame attempt to prove that Mormonism is actually "Christian."  This bit of bilge comes directly from the "First Quorum of the Seventy."  Lets put it this way . . .  The title is more impressive than the argument.  Click here: FIRST THINGS: A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life

Ladies, he's on the market again.  Better snap him up quick!   And he's a "bishop" to boot.  He's also been convicted of domestic violence against his previous wife (Juanita Bynum).  I'm all for forgiveness, but a little shame is appropriate in some circumstances.  This guy obviously has none.  Click here: The Associated Press: Televangelist's ex-husband seeks new wife on Web

You really want government health care?  Are you sure?  Yes, it may be free, but . . .  You really want it?  Click here: Man dies after 34-hour stay in Winnipeg ER waiting room


The White Horse Inn Crew

Thought you might enjoy a rare photo of all the White Horse Inn hosts (along with our wives) taken at a donor appreciation event in Newport Beach, CA on Friday evening.

From left to right:  Lisa and Ken Jones, Lisa and Mike Horton (and no, Mike is not stoned, he's just blinking!), Rod Rosenbladt, and me and my wife Micki.


Eschatology Conference in the Chicago Area --This Coming Weekend

For those of you in the Chicago area (and who care about such things), I'll be speaking on eschatology @ the Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Orland Park, Ill.  If you live in the area, come on out and say "hi."

The conference will he held on Friday, September 26-Sunday, September 28.

Here's the basic schedule of lectures/Sermons:

  • Friday 7:30 PM -- "What's a Thousand Years Among Friends?"  -- The Millennial Debate
  • Saturday 7:00 PM -- "Interpreting Bible Prophecy:  A Christ-Centered Reading of the Bible"
  • Sunday 9:30 AM -- "To Him Who Loves Us" (Revelation 1:4-8)
  • Sunday @ 6:00 PM -- "Eschatological Israel -- Political or Spiritual?"

Here is the relevant info from Covenant's website,


Who Said That?

On why the doctrine of God underlying the "Hallelujah Chorus" (in Handel's Messiah) is a such a "dangerous one"

"It creates feelings of awe in the hearts of loyal subjects and thus supports the `godness' of God, but these feelings are balanced by others of abject fear and humiliation: in this picture, God can be God only if we are nothing.  The understanding of salvation that accompanies this view is sacrificial substitutionary atonement, and in Anselm's classic rendition of it the sovereign imagery predominates.  Since even a wink of the eye by a vassal against the Leige Lord of the universe would be irremediable sin, we as abject subjects must rely totally upon our sovereign God who "became man" in order to undergo a sacrificial death, substituting his great worth for our worthlessness. . . .It inspires strong emotions of awe, gratitude, and trust toward God and, in ourselves, engenders a satisfying swing from abject guilt to joyous relief.  Its very power is part of its danger, and any picture which seeks to replace it must reckon with its attraction." 

OK . . .  Who said that?  Please no google searches or cheating.  The whole point is to guess!