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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009


Wanna Sneak Peak of Horton's New Book?

The folks at White Horse Media are making a good-size chunk of Michael's book available for a free preview (this includes the introduction and first chapter)

You can find it here:

If you read the free excerpt, the least you can do is buy the book!  You can get it here:

Or here:


Horton Continues His Review of N. T. Wright (part 6)

Mike continues his insightful review of N. T. Wright's latest on justification.


"Draw Near to God" -- James 4:4-12

The Eighth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of James

When people cite verses from the Book of James, often times they cite them from our text–the middle portion of James chapter 4.  Not only do we often hear the words of James 4:8, “draw near to God and he will draw near to you,” used as an evangelistic appeal (incorrectly, I might add), but many Christians are familiar with the verses, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6) and “resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).  It is remarkable how often these verses are lifted from their context and used in ways in which James likely did not intend.  Therefore, it is important to treat these verses in the overall context of James’ epistle, so as to understand them correctly, because these verses not only warn us of the danger of allying ourselves with the world, and judging others, but these same verses also direct us to seek the grace of God, which he has freely promised to give us in the person of his son.

We continue our series on the Book of James and we are working our way through James chapter 4.  Since we have much ground to cover–even though there are only nine verses in our passage–I want to briefly put this section of James into context before we get started.  If you were not here for the first sermon in this series, I would encourage you to pick up a copy in the bookstore.  With the Book of James context is everything.  It is very important that we understand the background to this letter as we work through it.  We need to keep in mind the purpose for which this letter was written, as well as the date and background of the author, who in this case, is the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, and who is writing to persecuted Jewish Christians scattered throughout Palestine and Syria. 

Based upon the various exhortations we find in the Book of James, we can see some of the issues which were troubling the congregations to which he is writing.  James recounts how professing Christians were discriminating against the poor, and showing favoritism to the rich.  James tells us why it is so important for us to tame our tongues (because our words can be so destructive), as well as explaining why we must seek wisdom from above (so that we do not rely upon the wisdom of this age).  James has warned us of the dangers of worldliness, which is thinking and acting like those non-Christians who were persecuting the churches.  In chapter 4, James addresses the question of Christian behavior in terms of considering our fundamental alliance with God and his saving purposes in Jesus Christ.  If we are allied with God through faith in Christ, we cannot behave as though we were allied with those who hate the gospel.

To read the rest of this sermon, click here


Temporary Fix for Our Audio Troubles

If you'd like to listen to the audio from Ken Samples last two Academy lectures, or my last two sermons on Ephesians, you can go here.

We are still awaiting what should be a very simple fix from the old host company--transferring our audio files to the new host company.  The new company bought out the old company, and when the shift took place we were "left behind."

Now there's an administrative tug of war between the remains of the old company (and those accounts which didn't get transferred properly to the new) and the new company.  When the right email is sent to the right techie, then the files will be transferred, and Lord willing, we'll be up and rolling again.

But then I've said that before and we've been down over a week.  In any case, thanks for your patience!


This Week's White Horse Inn

Christianity & Popular Culture

Americans are addicted to Pop-Culture. But what exactly is popular culture, and how has it affected the way American Christians think about and practice their faith? Joining the White Horse Inn panel for this discussion is Ken Myers, producer of Mars Hill Audio and author of All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes. (Originally broadcast April 27, 1997)


Who Said That?

"The Scriptural reason given . . . for the Christian not being able to sin is that God's seed remains or abides in him; that is, the one born again willfully refuses to transgress the commandments of God and cannot sin.  As long as this consecration remains, he will be unable to sin simply because he refuses the advances of Satan that would cause him to commit sin."

Please leave your guess in the comments section below.  No cheating or google searches.  Although some of you can't help yourselves, don't ruin it for everyone else.  The whole point is the guess!  Answer to follow next week.


Thanks for Your Patience!

Unfortunately, we are still having audio troubles.

I won't bore you with all the details, but here's a brief summary of what has happened.  The company which formerly hosted all our audio files was purchased by another company which was supposed to transfer our files to a new server.  We'll they didn't.  With no warning, they turned off the switch and left us completely in the lurch.

Once the file transfer is complete, we still may have issues with all our current links--not sure yet.  Swell.

In any case, our volunteer techies are doing yeoman work (like killing brain cells by waiting on the phone for tech support) and then trying to get the tech people to understand how simple the fix should be.  Ugh . . .

You'll know we are back up and running when new audio is posted and when you no longer get "file not found on this server" errors when you click on audio files.



This Week's Academy Lecture

Professor Ken Samples continues his Academy series entitled “Learning Skills 101: Learning How To Learn (Part 4).”

Ken's lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday, September 18, at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim. 

For more info about the Academy or other stuff going on at Christ Reformed, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News



Wait for It . . . Wait for It . . .

Horton's latest is due out early in October.  It is even endorsed by Ken Jones!

Publication info to follow. 

Here's the publisher's blurb . . .

When did the good news become just good advice?

Christianity doesn't work as just a moral philosophy or code of ethics. It makes sense only when it is built upon the foundation of the gospel, the good news. The simple message that God has done everything he requires to reconcile sinners to himself is not just the church's slogan, but its lifeblood.

In this candid and hopeful book, Michael Horton challenges us to reorient our faith and our practice toward the transformative, Christ-centered gospel--both in the church and in the world. 


"Mike Horton has once again hit the nail on the head. With engaging clarity he demonstrates that the gospel is not just for non-Christians; it's for Christians too. In compelling ways he shows that the gospel doesn't just ignite the Christian life; it's the fuel that keeps Christians going every day. Horton's book is a flavorsome reminder that in order for Christians to make a difference in this world, we must be driven by something otherworldly--namely, the gospel."--Tullian Tchividjian, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and author of Unfashionable

"In this timely and refreshing work Michael Horton invites Christians to step off the treadmills we have fashioned and to rest fully in the gospel, which announces what God has graciously granted in the person and work of his son, Jesus Christ our Savior."--Ken Jones, pastor, Greater Union Baptist Church, Compton, California

"Michael Horton is one who understands the time. In Christless Christianity, Horton diagnosed the evangelical dilemma. In The Gospel-Driven Life he provides the solution. More than a fad, a twelve step program, or a forty-day challenge, Horton reminds us that the gospel is the everyday brick and mortar of a life built on the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Before you read another book, read this one."--Anthony Carter, lead pastor, East Point Church, East Point, Georgia, and author of On Being Black and Reformed



Horton Continues His Review of N. T. Wright on Justification

You can find part five of Horton's essay here:

Also, Modern Reformation has posted an article of mine, "Using God" (Nov./Dec. Vol. 16 No. 6 2007 Pages 10-14) 

You can find it here: