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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009


"Wisdom from Above" -- James 3:13-4:3

The Seventh in a Series of Sermons on The Book of James

In the opening chapter of his epistle, James exhorts us to be “doers” of the word and not to remain mere hearers only.  In the second chapter, James tells us that good works are the necessary fruit of a justifying faith.  But that, of course, raises the question, “just what, exactly, does it mean to be a “doer of the word?”  What kind of good works give evidence of a justifying faith?  In the third chapter of his epistle, James addresses a number of specific issues which were plaguing the churches to which he is writing.  When James exhorts Christians to act in line with their profession of faith in Christ, James is actually informing his reader what it means to “do.”  James also describes some of the good works which should stem from our faith in Christ.  Doing the word means taming our tongues (control our speech), because our words can be so destructive.  Doing the word means seeking true wisdom from above, because this wisdom enables us to live in peace with one another, and will help us in the struggle to get our sinful natures under control.  In doing these things, we demonstrate that we are not “mere” hearers of the word, and we will also manifest those good works which James says are the sign of saving faith.

We are continuing our series on the Book of James, as we move into the last part of chapter 3 and the opening verses of James chapter 4, where James directs his readers to the importance of seeking heavenly wisdom from above.  In order to “do” we need to know what to do, as well as “how” to do it.  As James will explain to his audience, when Christians live in light of God’s wisdom–and stop relying upon our own passions–we will live in such a way that our lives will be characterized by what James calls a harvest of righteousness.  We will be at peace with our brothers and sisters, and God will help us to keep our sinful passions in check.  But should we insist upon following our own sinful passions, our behavior will remain unchecked, and our churches will suffer the consequences–quarrels, disputes, and chaos.

As James spells out some of the specific issues facing the churches to which he is writing, the brother of our Lord identifies one of the chief culprits for their troubles as earthly ways of thinking and doing (worldliness).  From the circumstances to which James alludes, apparently, the churches of the dispersion were facing great internal disorder and chaos, they were quarreling and fighting with each other, there was jealousy among the members, there was discrimination against the poor, and favoritism shown toward the rich–and this in addition to a number of other things catalogued by James.  So, while James will identify jealousy, ambition, boasting, along with a number of other sinful human actions as stemming from that which is earthly (worldliness), it is not a stretch to see that all of the sinful behavior which James describes, and which Christians must strive to correct, stems from a reliance upon that which seems to be right to us (and therefore based upon our own wisdom), but which conflicts with the law of God (in which the wisdom of God is on display).

To read the rest of this sermon, click here



New Trailer for "The Pacific"

Sure looks good!  Due out on HBO in March 2010.  I'll wait for the DVD version.

Here's the link to the fan site for info on the series.


Audio Difficulties and a Few Other Things

Apparently, the server which hosts the Christ Reformed audio is down.  When we figure out what is wrong and get it fixed, I'll post Sunday's sermon and Ken Samples' Academy audio.

Also, since I returned to my church duties, it is raining email questions.  Some have even asked me why I haven't answered their question yet, or when I do respond, they immediately send me a whole batch of follow-up questions (ugh).

I really don't mind your questions . . . but please understand that I am very busy (I am a pastor) and will get to you when I can.

Here's my priority in answering your questions

1).  If you are asking a question about something in one of my books, you go to the top of the list.  After all, you spent money on me!

2).  If you attend Christ Reformed and have a question, you too go to the top of the list.  Glad to be of help!

3).  If you heard something on the White Horse Inn which troubled you, you are next. 

4).  If you have a question about Reformed theology in general, or are struggling with an issue germane to the Reformed tradition, now its your turn.

5).  If you want me to help you debate someone, if you have general Bible questions, you go to the bottom of the pile.  Don't you have a pastor who can answer these questions?????

6).  I do not answer pastoral questions/issues from people I don't know via email.

I always appreciate good links, "Who Said That?" quotes or other information.  I don't use all of it, or I may have beat you to it, but I really do appreciate the materials.  Keep it up!

Feedback, good or bad, is always appreciated.


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Wages of Spin

Has American Christianity become more concerned with success than fidelity? Has it chosen style over substance? On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks about these issues with Dr. Carl Trueman, professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, and author of The Wages of Spin.


Who Said That?

"I solemnly prophesy that this accursed man will cast our nation into the abyss and bring our nation to inconceivable misery.  Future generations will damn you for what you have done."

Leave your guess in the comments section below (no google searches or cheating).  Answer to follow next week.


Remembering September 11th

Here's a very moving photo essay commemorating the events of that horrible day, along with today's memorial ceremonies.

Click here: Remembering September 11th - The Big Picture -


Don't Forget--I'll Be Speaking in the Portland Area in October

Here's the scoop! I'll be speaking on eschatology at the Reformation Society of Oregon conference (in the Portland area) on October 17, 2009.

Here's the place to go for more info and conference registration: Click here: Welcome to Estacada Christian Church »

Hope to see you there!



Horton Continues His Review of N. T. Wright

Mike Horton continues his review of N. T. Wright's latest book on justification.

Click here: White Horse Inn Blog


This Week at Christ Reformed

Ken Samples continues his outstanding Academy series this coming Friday - "Learning Skills 101: Learning How To Learn."  This week's lecture is entitled, "The Renaissance Christian / Intelligent Reading 3."  For more info about the Academy, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Schedule of Academy Classes and Author's Forums - September 11, 2009 - Academy Class: Learn

Also, our Wednesday Night Bible Study resumes September 9 (that's tomorrow!).  I'll be discussing the person and work of Christ each Wednesday evening.  Bible Study begins at 7:30 p.m.  For more info, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - The Latest News

Come out and join us!


More Doctors Smoke Camel Cigarettes

This is amazing.  Here's a very interesting look at ten of the most iconic ads from history, including an advertisement for Camel unfiltered, the brand most preferred by doctors (what???).  Click here: Consumer Culture: Top 10 Ironic Ads From History

Keith Mathison (from Ligonier) has posted a very helpful discussion of the Lord's Supper debate between Charles Hodge and John Williamson Nevin.  Click here: Charles Hodge vs. John Williamson Nevin on the Lord's Supper | Ligonier Ministries

My ears were burning this morning.  Now I know why.   Here's a take on a recent White Horse Inn program over at the World Magazine blog.  Click here: | Community | Blog Archive | Evangelicalism and hypocrisy

What do I pray before I go to bed?  Not quite what I had in mind.  Click here: Never mind pillow talk, couples told by Roman Catholic church to PRAY before sex | Mail Online