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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from September 1, 2013 - September 30, 2013


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 23-29)

Sunday Morning (09/29/13):  We are returning to our series on John's Gospel.  This coming Lord's Day, I'll be preaching on John 12:1-11, the account of Mary anointing Jesus for his burial.

Sunday Afternoon:  Ken Samples be conducting our afternoon catechism service, which begins @ 1:15 p.m. 

Wednesday Night Bible Study (9/25/13):  We are continuing our series, "Studies in the Book of Revelation," and are working our way through Revelation 4-5.  Bible study begins at 7:30 p.m.

The Friday Night Academy (9/27/13):  I am continuing my series "In the Land of Nod" (on the Reformed doctrine of the two kingdoms).  This lecture is entitled:  "Nod -- A Flyover:  An Overview of the Reformed Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms").

Watch for the upcoming Academy series by Ken Samples, "Responding to Islam."

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


Audio from My Academy Lecture

Here is the audio from my new Academy series, "In the Land of Nod."  The lecture is entitled "Our Times:  The Reformed Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms in the Contemporary American Context"

Nod: Lecture One


This Week's White Horse Inn

The God of the Ordinary

There seems to be a false choice today in many quarters between a secular naturalism and hyper-supernaturalism. Conceived this way, either nothing is miraculous, or everything is. But in either case, God’s ordinary providence gets sidelined and ignored. That’s what’s on tap for this program as we begin to wrap up our month-long series, Ordinary.

Click Here


The Academy Is Back!

I am beginning a new lecture series entitled "In the Land of Nod" at Christ Reformed's Friday Night Academy.  The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. if you are in the area. 

In my first lecture, I'll be introducing the Reformed doctrine of the two kingdoms, considering the current controversy, and looking at some of the resources available on this topic.

If you want more info, click here: Christ Reformed Church


Christianity's Most Dangerous Idea 

Baker Books has just published an Ebook which includes two chapters which Ken Samples wrote on Jesus's resurrection.  Highly recommended.

The Ebook is entitled Christianity's Most Dangerous Idea and is available on Kindle. 


"Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Freedom" -- 2 Corinthians 3:1-18

The Third in a Series of Sermons on Select Passages in Second Corinthians

The coming of Jesus Christ is the critical turning point in redemptive history.  Before the coming of Jesus, God’s people (Israel) related to God under the terms of the covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai.  The Sinaitic covenant (or Old Covenant) centered in God’s revelation of his will (complete with blessings and curses) in the form of the two stone tables of the law.  The mediator of that covenant was Moses, and its character was that of type and shadow.  But with the coming of Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial death and perfect obedience, the law of God is now fulfilled, and a new age of redemptive history has dawned–an age we know as the New Covenant era and the age of the Holy Spirit.  The fading glory of the Old Covenant has given way to the glories of the New.  Understanding redemptive history in terms of promise (Old Covenant) and fulfillment (New Covenant) is not only essential in making sense of the Bible, but in 2 Corinthians 3, Paul draws our attention to this matter in order to help us understand the nature of his apostolic office, which is conducted in the power of the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the gospel.

We are continuing our series on select passages in 2 Corinthians.  We have come to Paul’s remarkable contrast between the ministry of Moses and glory of the New Covenant.  Although much mischief has been done throughout the centuries by those who misread Paul’s contrast between the law and the Spirit, this distinction arises from the fact that the coming of Jesus Christ fulfilled everything to which the law and the Old Covenant administration had pointed.  The coming of Jesus Christ reveals that God’s promises have been fulfilled, and that the coming of the Holy Spirit is one of the great hallmarks of the New Covenant era just as Jeremiah, Joel, and Ezekiel had predicted.  Paul now sets forth the superiority of the New Covenant to the Old as the theological basis for his mission to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, and to establish largely Gentile churches such as the church in Corinth.
It is important to keep in mind the reason why Paul wrote the letter we know as 2 Corinthians.  Recall that Paul writes this second Corinthian letter instead of undertaking yet another difficult journey to Corinth.  In the opening chapters of this letter, Paul addresses the themes of Christian comfort in the midst of persecution and affliction, as well as the need for brothers and sisters in Christ to forgive one another and not let personal disputes foster division in the churches.  Paul has also spoken of how the Lord has opened a door for him to go and preach the gospel in Troas and Macedonia, and that despite his own weaknesses, and due to those difficult circumstances which left him feeling as though he could not go on (either physically or emotionally), God had blessed his preaching and Paul gives thanks.

In preaching the gospel, Paul witnessed the triumphal procession of Christ, as he calls it.  The gospel establishes the true knowledge of God, and is described by Paul using the metaphor of a fragrant aroma.  This metaphor made perfect sense to Paul’s contemporaries who were familiar with imperial processionals in which the emperor’s passing presence was accompanied by flower petals and incense, while the defeated enemy brought up the rear, wreaking with bodily stench.  In using this metaphor, Paul is also alluding to the fact that throughout the Old Testament, various sin offerings and thanksgiving offerings are described as having a pleasing aroma to the Lord.  Paul describes the gospel as a pleasing aroma unto God because Jesus offers the one sacrifice which is sufficient to remit the guilt of our sins.

To read the rest of this sermon:  Click Here


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 16-22)

Sunday Morning (09/22/13):  Rev. Chris Coleman is preaching on 1 Timothy 1:8-11

Sunday Afternoon:  Rev. Coleman will be conducting our afternoon service (@ 1:15 p.m.).  He will be covering Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 3, Q & A 6, and his sermon is entitled "Created Good and After the Image of God"

Tuesday and Wednesday (09/17-18/13):  Christ Reformed Church is hosting the 31st meeting of Classis Southwest US of the URCNA.  Visitors are welcome.  Classis convenes Tuesday, September 17, @ 10:00 a.m. and wraps up Wednesday the 18th, @ 6:00 p.m.

Note:  due to classis, there will be no Wednesday Night Bible Study this week 

The Friday Night Academy (9/20/13):  I am beginning a five-week series of lectures entitled "In the Land of Nod" (on the Reformed doctrine of the two kingdoms).  In our first lecture, I'll be introducing the Reformed doctrine of the two kingdoms, considering the current controversy, and looking at some of the resources available on this topic. 

Ken Samples will give an Academy lecture series entitled "Responding to Islam," beginning October 18.

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


"Everyone Believed in Him" -- John 11:45-57

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:  Click Here



Audio from Andrew Compton's Academy Lecture

Here's the audio from Andrew Compton's Academy lecture (5/13/13).

The lecture is entitled, "Touring Old Testament Jerusalem."


This Week's White Horse Inn

Extraordinary Gifts Through Ordinary Means

It is wonderful when thoughtful believers take initiative to learn what they believe and why they believe it. But this shouldn’t be something that can only be obtained through a spectacular conference experience or through the ideas of best selling book. Every church should be a garden, and every minister is called to water and tend each plant under his care, so that we’re all nourished by Christ, the life-giving vine.

Click Here