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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from September 1, 2013 - September 30, 2013


Lots of Stuff In the News

There are several follow-up items to my recent series on "The OC--A New Burned Over District?" (The OC As Burned Over District)

The Phoenix Preacher has a very interesting take on what might happen at Calvary Chapel when Chuck Smith dies (he has stage IV lung cancer).  It does not look good:  On the Future of Calvary Chapel

Sadly, Robert Schuller has also been diagnosed with cancer.  Robert Schuller.  Please pray for both men (Smith and Schuller), and their families, despite whatever theological differences with them we have . . .  One thing is for sure, the religious face of the OC will continue to change.

According to the NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, "if one person is offended, we have to listen."  Really?  Goodell is referring to the Washington Redskin's logo--which I concede is grounded in a racial stereotype.  I'm Offended!  Hey, what does that say about the Indians' Chief Wahoo?  I'm Swiss and English, and that logo offends me.  Have we really come to a place in our society when one complaint merits such consideration?  Sadly, I guess we have.  This is not true of the Riddleblog . . .  I get complaints all the time, and rarely consider them.

In the "sky isn't falling" department, yet another significant scientific study raises serious doubts about global warming.  Climate Change Overblown?     


What Am I Missing?

I receive lots of email advertisements and promos from companies I've ordered from in the past. 

But this one struck me as rather odd.  I can envision someone wanting to buy this guitar, or even this fake Christmas tree.  But why would anyone buying this particular guitar, buy it because they would also get a free fake Christmas tree?

What am I missing here?


"The Aroma of Christ" -- 2 Corinthians 2:5-17

The Second in a Series of Sermons on Select Passages in Second Corinthians

The church in Corinth was a mess.  Most of the Corinthians were new Christians, recent converts to Christ from Greco-Roman paganism.  Like most Greeks of that age, the Corinthians were very impressed with speakers with strong rhetorical skills.  This propensity to favor a speaker’s style over his content, made the Corinthians fair game for those eloquent men who appointed themselves “apostles,” and who took advantage of Paul’s absence from Corinth to establish themselves in the church, all the while criticizing Paul’s preaching skills and his less then charismatic personality.  Ironically, Paul–the true apostle–was placed on the defensive, and is now forced to define and defend the true nature of apostolic authority, as well as remind the Corinthians of the fact that gospel does not create faith through flowery words, but through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As we continue our series 2 Corinthians, we take up Paul’s comments about forgiveness in 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, before we turn to the apostle’s discussion of the triumph of Jesus Christ in verses 12-17.  Paul describes how the gospel of Jesus Christ was continuing to spread throughout Asia, including the city of Troas, across the Aegean Sea from Corinth.  Despite the troubles facing the church in Corinth, Paul thought it important to take full advantage of the opportunity now open to him in Troas and Macedonia–Paul speaks of this as a door which had opened for him to preach the gospel.  It is in this context that Paul introduces an interesting metaphor for the spread of the gospel, as the apostle likens the gospel to a pleasant fragrance, while he speaks of unbelief as the stench of death.

As we pointed out last time, Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is really the third or fourth letter he  sent to Corinth, but the others have now been lost to us.  After sending the letter we know as First Corinthians, Paul made what he describes as a painful visit to Corinth, also sending Timothy and Titus to Corinth, as well as an additional letter (known as the stern letter and now lost) which was hand-delivered by Titus.  As we learn throughout 2 Corinthians, Paul had been badly mistreated upon his return visit to Corinth–the anger toward Paul being generated by men whom Paul identifies as false apostles, who not only riled up the Corinthians against Paul, but some of whom were teaching false doctrine.  Apparently, these men were eloquent public speakers, and Paul admittedly was not.  It is after Titus met up with Paul with a report about what was going on in Corinth, and brought a substantial offering for the struggling Christians in Jerusalem, that Paul writes this letter (known to us as 2 Corinthians). 

As we see in the first part of our text, verses 5-11, Paul discusses the false apostles and the damage they have inflicted upon the church.  In the opening verses of chapter 2, Paul reminds the Corinthians of his earlier painful visit.  This visit came after Paul had sent the letter we know as First Corinthians, and then heard back from Timothy about the fact that things were not going well even after Paul’s first letter and his painful visit.  Writes, Paul, “for I made up my mind not to make another painful visit to you.  For if I cause you pain, who is there to make me glad but the one whom I have pained?  And I wrote as I did, so that when I came I might not suffer pain from those who should have made me rejoice, for I felt sure of all of you, that my joy would be the joy of you all.  For I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.”

To read the rest of this sermon:  Click Here


Shane Has "Issues"

White Horse Inn producer Shane Rosenthal was on "Issues, Etc." discussing "Secularism and Our Children"

Secularism and Our Children


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 9-15)

Sunday Morning (09/15/13):  We are continuing our series on John's Gospel.  This coming Lord's Day, I'll be preaching on John 11:45-57, and the plot to kill Jesus.

Sunday Afternoon:  I will be conducting our afternoon service, which begins @ 1:15 p.m.  We are working way through the doctrine of reprobation in the Canons of Dort (CD 1:15-16). 

Wednesday Night Bible Study (9/11/13):  We are continuing our series, "Studies in the Book of Revelation," and are working our way through Revelation 4.  Bible study begins at 7:30 p.m.

The Friday Night Academy is Back (9/13/13):  Rev. Andrew Compton will present a lecture "Touring Old Testament Jerusalem."  Here's a preview.

Both in Middle Eastern politics and in the three major monotheistic religions, the city of Jerusalem plays a prominent role.  Politically, it is contested territory in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Religiously, it is “The Holy City,” a sacred site for many Jews, Muslims and Christians.  But what do we actually know about the city?  What are its prominent geographical traits?  What are its significant architectural features?  In this presentation, R. Andrew Compton leads a tour through part of Jerusalem’s history, showing how geography and archaeology illuminate the Bible's portrait of the city.  He tells the story of the city down to the time of the Babylonian exile, illustrating its history and archaeology with maps and pictures, in order to allow the Old Testament's focus on Jerusalem to be more vividly understood.

Watch for my upcoming series "In the Land of Nod" (on the two kingdoms), and for a series "Responding to Islam," by Ken Samples.

For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website:  Christ Reformed Church


"Jesus Wept" -- John 11:28-44

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:  Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Ordinary Excellence

Some may argue that the call to recover “ordinary discipleship” is simply a call to mediocrity and low expectations. But as we’ll discuss in this program, ordinary discipleship is actually a higher quality form of discipleship that’s sustainable over the long haul, one that doesn’t give up easily when immediate results are unseen. On this program, we’re in part two of our month-long series, Ordinary.

Click Here


Horton and Jones on "Two Kingdoms and Slavery"

My White Horse Inn compatriots Mike Horton and Ken Jones, recently addressed Anthony Bradley's charge (in response to Carl Trueman and others) that Presbyterians in the antebellum South did not oppose slavery and supported racial segregation because of their doctrine of the "spirituality of the church" (which is closely related to the classical distinction between the two kingdoms).  Bradley contends such a supposed dualism between the church and the world provided cover for those southerners amenable to race-based slavery. 

Bradley's charge raises a number of important questions, and Horton and Jones capably address them.

Here's Michael's response: Two Kingdoms and Slavery

Here's Ken's:  Does Two Kingdoms Lead to Moral Apathy? 

Two Kingdoms and Slavery

A few years ago I had the privilege of speaking at a conference on Karl Barth at Princeton Seminary.  In one unforgettable moment, George Harinck, history professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, explained the difference between the way members of his church (a confessionally conservative Reformed body) and the students of Barth responded to the Nazi occupation.  Consistent with the Barmen Declaration, the Barthians told Hitler to take his hands off of God’s church.  “But our church’s leaders,” related Harinck, “told Hitler to take his hands off of God’s world.”

Professor Harinck belongs to the Reformed Churches—Liberated, a continuing body of the denomination led by Abraham Kuyper.  This remark stayed with me and has haunted me as I try to think through the relationship of Christ and culture.  Where it has clear exegetical warrant, the church speaks authoritatively for God, in Christ’s name, to all of the principalities and powers in this present age.  Christ is Lord of all, not just the church, and his universal claims are to be proclaimed to the world as well as to be embraced and obeyed by those who are called by his name.

I was reminded of Harinck’s provocative comment while reading an interesting volley over the “spirituality of the church” in the blogosphere.  The concern was raised by someone I respect that this doctrine—more generally identified as “two kingdoms”—led to the toleration if not outright encouragement of slavery and segregation in the Southern Presbyterian Church (PCUS).

Like the “two kingdoms” distinction advanced by Luther and Calvin, the “spirituality of the church” refers to its distinct calling in the world.  When I affirm “two kingdoms,” I have in mind the Great Commission issued by our Lord, which mandates that the church preach his Word, administer the sacraments, and preserve the discipline and unity of the body through its officers.  As the Westminster Confession puts the matter, “Synods and councils are to handle or conclude nothing but that which is ecclesiastical: and are not to intermeddle with civil affairs which concern the commonwealth, unless by way of humble petition in cases extraordinary; or, by way of advice, for satisfaction of conscience, if they be thereunto required by the civil magistrate” (31.4).

According to the caricature at least, a “two kingdoms” view separates the believer’s life in the church from his or her life in the world.  Anthony Bradley is a conservative Reformed and African-American theologian. In his dialogue with Carl Trueman and others, he raised some pretty important questions about whether such a “dualistic” perspective was precisely what kept the Presbyterian Church in the South from opposing slavery and then segregation.

This is a hugely important issue, especially since the sins of our fathers are still with us and our own Reformed and Presbyterian denominations do not seem yet to reflect the diversity that anticipates the worshipping throng in Revelation 5:9.

So I’ll offer a few brief comments as a pushback to this charge.

First, it is implausible to suggest that the “spirituality of the church” (or “two kingdoms”) was the glue that held together the southern Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist churches in their common defense of slavery.  Slavery held them together.  Their views on the matter were argued on the basis of racist doctrines and tortured appeals to slavery in biblical times, as if it were anything like modern slavery that depended on kidnapping, murder, theft, and numerous other sins identified in Scripture as capital offenses.

Second, even if we could accept the caricature of the “spirituality” or “two kingdoms” approach as dualistic, this would only mean that the church refused to address the evil because it was a political matter.  In actual fact, though, the church itself was segregated—often more so than society at large.

Third, Southern Presbyterian theologians who labored indefatigably to defend slavery may have cloaked some of their arguments in appeals to the church’s spiritual mission, but they were calling the state to perpetuate the institution from the pulpit and classroom lectern.  I have in mind especially R. L. Dabney and James Henley Thornwell, who based their arguments on a vision of a Christian society that would make the South the envy of the world and enemy of revolutionaries everywhere.   Their arguments for slavery were not based on the spirituality of the church (I’m not even sure how they could be) but on racist dogmas, Scripture twisting, and wicked cultural prejudices that vitiated the gospel.  Charles Hodge was exactly right when he said that Thornwell was using the spirituality of the church as a cover for his errors.  Assimilating Christ to culture is the sort of thing that the spirituality of the church is especially designed to guard against.

Fourth, it is “guilt-by-association” to argue that because such views on slavery and race were held by people who also spoke of the “spirituality of the church,” the latter view is implicated.  One has to show that the doctrine actually supported racism.  Yet it is very easy to argue that the theological architects of apartheid in South Africa thought they were implementing the transformative vision of Abraham Kuyper.  In fact, they had some support for it in Kuyper’s own writings.  When South Africa’s largest Reformed body confessed apartheid to be heresy, the explanation of its development was linked directly to the Kuyperian movement.  In his biography of Kuyper, James Bratt relates that the Dutch leader did not favor the emerging Afrikaner nationalism.  Nevertheless, many of his ideas were applied:

Key leaders in the Reformed churches in South Africa would work their way to Amesterdam to study at the Free University, and they would have considerable impact in shaping Afrikaner thought and identity in the 1920s and 1930s. They magnified the suggestion Kuyper had taken up from S. J. Du Toit that Afrikaners had a holy calling in their land. They savored the biblical warrant that Kuyper gave to the pluriformity of human cultures, giving the Tower of Babel episode normative status for human history and interrelationships. Most crucially, they adapted philosopher H. J. Stoker’s addition of the volk to the sovereign ‘spheres’ ordained of God. With that, Romantic sociology and European racism received a warrant beyond appeal–and quite beyond what Kuyper had accorded them. The results were startling: a system of separate organization based on race instead of religious confession….

This was a radical reversal of the inter-racial Reformed churches and missions that went all the way back to the time of the Synod of Dort (Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat [Eerdmans, 2013], 295-96).

So, from a “two kingdoms” perspective, Southern Presbyterians like Dabney and Thornwell and the Afrikaner architects of apartheid were driven by cultural prejudice over Scripture and by a vision of creating a “Christian” (code for “white”) culture.  Any view of the relation between Christ and culture can be abused—including a “two kingdoms” approach.  It would be easier to blame our tradition’s complicity with social sin on a group or party that held a particular doctrine.  But the issue here is racism, pure and simple.  And it is still with us.

Now let’s imagine ourselves back in the 1850s.  What would a “two kingdoms” or “spirituality of the church” doctrine lead one to do?

First, it would lead the church to exercise its spiritual function—specifically, the ministry of the keys (opening and shutting the kingdom of heaven in Christ’s name).

This would be done by preaching the whole counsel of God, including his wrath against the sin of slavery.  There is no Christian liberty to disobey God’s commands and he has commanded clearly that he hates kidnapping, theft, and murder—sins on which the modern slave trade and slave-holding thrived.  Even Christian families were separated from each other for the economic gain of white Christians.  There is no comparison between this form of slavery and the largely debt-based indentured servitude of ancient societies.

Further exercising the keys, churches committed to the spirituality doctrine would have disciplined members and especially officers who held slaves or shared in the traffic of slaves.  It would have been as natural for a church embracing its spiritual mission to do this as it would have been in the case of members and officers participating in a chain of whorehouses.  After the customary steps, the discipline would take the form of excommunication for the unrepentant.  Dr. Dabney was held in high esteem after the Civil War as a minister and professor, as he continued to defend slavery as an honorable institution.  What would have happened if the church had in fact exercised its spiritual vocation?

Second, there is nothing in the “two kingdoms” or “spirituality” doctrine to keep the church from declaring to the civil powers directly what it proclaims to the world from the pulpit.

Recall the judicious language of the Confession above: “…unless by way of humble petition in cases extraordinary; or, by way of advice, for satisfaction of conscience, if they be thereunto required by the civil magistrate.”  It is hard to conceive of a greater example of a “case extraordinary.”  Today denominations offer solemn declarations on all sorts of matters that are not addressed in Scripture and should, therefore, be left to Christian liberty.  The church has no authority to determine the details of public policy, but it does have the authority—indeed, the obligation—to declare God’s condemnation of public as well as private sin.

Third, the church is not only the people of God gathered, but the people of God scattered into the world as parents, children, neighbors, and citizens.

Imagine what might have happened if the Southern Presbyterian Church (PCUS) had fulfilled its spiritual mandate in the first two ways I’ve mentioned.  Wouldn’t the members be shaped by God’s Word and Spirit to oppose such a horrific evil?   And wouldn’t they do so not only in their extended families but in their towns and cities?  Wouldn’t they carry their convictions to the voting booth as loyal citizens?  Some would even do so as judges, legislators, and generals.  What if the church that nurtured R. L. Dabney had denounced slavery with one voice, with all of the spiritual authority in heaven behind it?  Would he have become a notorious defender of racist religion as he preached, wrote, and served as chief of staff to Stonewall Jackson?

Some Southern Presbyterians who held a “spirituality” view (such as B. B. Warfield’s father and grandfather) did oppose slavery on theological grounds.  In fact, his maternal grandfather did so as chairman of the Republican Convention that re-elected Abraham Lincoln, in opposition to his nephew, former Vice President of the United States and a Confederate general.  B. B. Warfield himself shared his father’s pro-abolition and “two kingdom” views and, at the turn of the twentieth century, wrote one of the most moving pleas for integration.  What if the church had been unified on the Word of God touching this crucial matter?

So to return to Professor Harinck’s arresting point:  Anyone who affirms the “two kingdoms” acknowledges Christ as the Lord of both.  Even through pagan rulers, Christ exercises his worldwide dominion.  We tell the principalities and powers not only that the church belongs to Christ, but that ultimately the world belongs to him as well and will not tolerate indefinitely the injustices of this age.  We address Caesar with confidence where the one greater than Caesar has spoken.  And yet addressing the magistrate in his or her public office can be done only “in cases extraordinary,” and “by humble petition.”  In any case, we encourage Caesar in his defense of justice and punishment of evil-doers.  More than this, we announce a law to which everyone is bound and a gospel by which even Neros may be reconciled to God and those they’ve offended.

To lodge the authority of the church in the mission that Jesus assigned to it seems restrictive and ineffective in transforming the world only if we forget that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.  Are the preaching of the Word, the administration of the sacraments, and church discipline inconsequential in this great battle between the powers of this present evil age and the reign of Christ?  Or are churches powerless against the evil one precisely to the extent that they fail to fulfill their sacred mission?  The history of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and the racisms that still haunt our society teach us just how sorely we need the state and the church to carry out their distinct but often cobelligerent callings—the one as God’s minister of temporal justice and the latter as the ministry of everlasting life.

- See more at:

A few years ago I had the privilege of speaking at a conference on Karl Barth at Princeton Seminary.  In one unforgettable moment, George Harinck, history professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, explained the difference between the way members of his church (a confessionally conservative Reformed body) and the students of Barth responded to the Nazi occupation.  Consistent with the Barmen Declaration, the Barthians told Hitler to take his hands off of God’s church.  “But our church’s leaders,” related Harinck, “told Hitler to take his hands off of God’s world.”

Professor Harinck belongs to the Reformed Churches—Liberated, a continuing body of the denomination led by Abraham Kuyper.  This remark stayed with me and has haunted me as I try to think through the relationship of Christ and culture.  Where it has clear exegetical warrant, the church speaks authoritatively for God, in Christ’s name, to all of the principalities and powers in this present age.  Christ is Lord of all, not just the church, and his universal claims are to be proclaimed to the world as well as to be embraced and obeyed by those who are called by his name.

I was reminded of Harinck’s provocative comment while reading an interesting volley over the “spirituality of the church” in the blogosphere.  The concern was raised by someone I respect that this doctrine—more generally identified as “two kingdoms”—led to the toleration if not outright encouragement of slavery and segregation in the Southern Presbyterian Church (PCUS).

Like the “two kingdoms” distinction advanced by Luther and Calvin, the “spirituality of the church” refers to its distinct calling in the world.  When I affirm “two kingdoms,” I have in mind the Great Commission issued by our Lord, which mandates that the church preach his Word, administer the sacraments, and preserve the discipline and unity of the body through its officers.  As the Westminster Confession puts the matter, “Synods and councils are to handle or conclude nothing but that which is ecclesiastical: and are not to intermeddle with civil affairs which concern the commonwealth, unless by way of humble petition in cases extraordinary; or, by way of advice, for satisfaction of conscience, if they be thereunto required by the civil magistrate” (31.4).

According to the caricature at least, a “two kingdoms” view separates the believer’s life in the church from his or her life in the world.  Anthony Bradley is a conservative Reformed and African-American theologian. In his dialogue with Carl Trueman and others, he raised some pretty important questions about whether such a “dualistic” perspective was precisely what kept the Presbyterian Church in the South from opposing slavery and then segregation.

This is a hugely important issue, especially since the sins of our fathers are still with us and our own Reformed and Presbyterian denominations do not seem yet to reflect the diversity that anticipates the worshipping throng in Revelation 5:9.

So I’ll offer a few brief comments as a pushback to this charge.

First, it is implausible to suggest that the “spirituality of the church” (or “two kingdoms”) was the glue that held together the southern Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist churches in their common defense of slavery.  Slavery held them together.  Their views on the matter were argued on the basis of racist doctrines and tortured appeals to slavery in biblical times, as if it were anything like modern slavery that depended on kidnapping, murder, theft, and numerous other sins identified in Scripture as capital offenses.

Second, even if we could accept the caricature of the “spirituality” or “two kingdoms” approach as dualistic, this would only mean that the church refused to address the evil because it was a political matter.  In actual fact, though, the church itself was segregated—often more so than society at large.

Third, Southern Presbyterian theologians who labored indefatigably to defend slavery may have cloaked some of their arguments in appeals to the church’s spiritual mission, but they were calling the state to perpetuate the institution from the pulpit and classroom lectern.  I have in mind especially R. L. Dabney and James Henley Thornwell, who based their arguments on a vision of a Christian society that would make the South the envy of the world and enemy of revolutionaries everywhere.   Their arguments for slavery were not based on the spirituality of the church (I’m not even sure how they could be) but on racist dogmas, Scripture twisting, and wicked cultural prejudices that vitiated the gospel.  Charles Hodge was exactly right when he said that Thornwell was using the spirituality of the church as a cover for his errors.  Assimilating Christ to culture is the sort of thing that the spirituality of the church is especially designed to guard against.

Fourth, it is “guilt-by-association” to argue that because such views on slavery and race were held by people who also spoke of the “spirituality of the church,” the latter view is implicated.  One has to show that the doctrine actually supported racism.  Yet it is very easy to argue that the theological architects of apartheid in South Africa thought they were implementing the transformative vision of Abraham Kuyper.  In fact, they had some support for it in Kuyper’s own writings.  When South Africa’s largest Reformed body confessed apartheid to be heresy, the explanation of its development was linked directly to the Kuyperian movement.  In his biography of Kuyper, James Bratt relates that the Dutch leader did not favor the emerging Afrikaner nationalism.  Nevertheless, many of his ideas were applied:

Key leaders in the Reformed churches in South Africa would work their way to Amesterdam to study at the Free University, and they would have considerable impact in shaping Afrikaner thought and identity in the 1920s and 1930s. They magnified the suggestion Kuyper had taken up from S. J. Du Toit that Afrikaners had a holy calling in their land. They savored the biblical warrant that Kuyper gave to the pluriformity of human cultures, giving the Tower of Babel episode normative status for human history and interrelationships. Most crucially, they adapted philosopher H. J. Stoker’s addition of the volk to the sovereign ‘spheres’ ordained of God. With that, Romantic sociology and European racism received a warrant beyond appeal–and quite beyond what Kuyper had accorded them. The results were startling: a system of separate organization based on race instead of religious confession….

This was a radical reversal of the inter-racial Reformed churches and missions that went all the way back to the time of the Synod of Dort (Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat [Eerdmans, 2013], 295-96).

So, from a “two kingdoms” perspective, Southern Presbyterians like Dabney and Thornwell and the Afrikaner architects of apartheid were driven by cultural prejudice over Scripture and by a vision of creating a “Christian” (code for “white”) culture.  Any view of the relation between Christ and culture can be abused—including a “two kingdoms” approach.  It would be easier to blame our tradition’s complicity with social sin on a group or party that held a particular doctrine.  But the issue here is racism, pure and simple.  And it is still with us.

Now let’s imagine ourselves back in the 1850s.  What would a “two kingdoms” or “spirituality of the church” doctrine lead one to do?

First, it would lead the church to exercise its spiritual function—specifically, the ministry of the keys (opening and shutting the kingdom of heaven in Christ’s name).

This would be done by preaching the whole counsel of God, including his wrath against the sin of slavery.  There is no Christian liberty to disobey God’s commands and he has commanded clearly that he hates kidnapping, theft, and murder—sins on which the modern slave trade and slave-holding thrived.  Even Christian families were separated from each other for the economic gain of white Christians.  There is no comparison between this form of slavery and the largely debt-based indentured servitude of ancient societies.

Further exercising the keys, churches committed to the spirituality doctrine would have disciplined members and especially officers who held slaves or shared in the traffic of slaves.  It would have been as natural for a church embracing its spiritual mission to do this as it would have been in the case of members and officers participating in a chain of whorehouses.  After the customary steps, the discipline would take the form of excommunication for the unrepentant.  Dr. Dabney was held in high esteem after the Civil War as a minister and professor, as he continued to defend slavery as an honorable institution.  What would have happened if the church had in fact exercised its spiritual vocation?

Second, there is nothing in the “two kingdoms” or “spirituality” doctrine to keep the church from declaring to the civil powers directly what it proclaims to the world from the pulpit.

Recall the judicious language of the Confession above: “…unless by way of humble petition in cases extraordinary; or, by way of advice, for satisfaction of conscience, if they be thereunto required by the civil magistrate.”  It is hard to conceive of a greater example of a “case extraordinary.”  Today denominations offer solemn declarations on all sorts of matters that are not addressed in Scripture and should, therefore, be left to Christian liberty.  The church has no authority to determine the details of public policy, but it does have the authority—indeed, the obligation—to declare God’s condemnation of public as well as private sin.

Third, the church is not only the people of God gathered, but the people of God scattered into the world as parents, children, neighbors, and citizens.

Imagine what might have happened if the Southern Presbyterian Church (PCUS) had fulfilled its spiritual mandate in the first two ways I’ve mentioned.  Wouldn’t the members be shaped by God’s Word and Spirit to oppose such a horrific evil?   And wouldn’t they do so not only in their extended families but in their towns and cities?  Wouldn’t they carry their convictions to the voting booth as loyal citizens?  Some would even do so as judges, legislators, and generals.  What if the church that nurtured R. L. Dabney had denounced slavery with one voice, with all of the spiritual authority in heaven behind it?  Would he have become a notorious defender of racist religion as he preached, wrote, and served as chief of staff to Stonewall Jackson?

Some Southern Presbyterians who held a “spirituality” view (such as B. B. Warfield’s father and grandfather) did oppose slavery on theological grounds.  In fact, his maternal grandfather did so as chairman of the Republican Convention that re-elected Abraham Lincoln, in opposition to his nephew, former Vice President of the United States and a Confederate general.  B. B. Warfield himself shared his father’s pro-abolition and “two kingdom” views and, at the turn of the twentieth century, wrote one of the most moving pleas for integration.  What if the church had been unified on the Word of God touching this crucial matter?

So to return to Professor Harinck’s arresting point:  Anyone who affirms the “two kingdoms” acknowledges Christ as the Lord of both.  Even through pagan rulers, Christ exercises his worldwide dominion.  We tell the principalities and powers not only that the church belongs to Christ, but that ultimately the world belongs to him as well and will not tolerate indefinitely the injustices of this age.  We address Caesar with confidence where the one greater than Caesar has spoken.  And yet addressing the magistrate in his or her public office can be done only “in cases extraordinary,” and “by humble petition.”  In any case, we encourage Caesar in his defense of justice and punishment of evil-doers.  More than this, we announce a law to which everyone is bound and a gospel by which even Neros may be reconciled to God and those they’ve offended.

To lodge the authority of the church in the mission that Jesus assigned to it seems restrictive and ineffective in transforming the world only if we forget that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.  Are the preaching of the Word, the administration of the sacraments, and church discipline inconsequential in this great battle between the powers of this present evil age and the reign of Christ?  Or are churches powerless against the evil one precisely to the extent that they fail to fulfill their sacred mission?  The history of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and the racisms that still haunt our society teach us just how sorely we need the state and the church to carry out their distinct but often cobelligerent callings—the one as God’s minister of temporal justice and the latter as the ministry of everlasting life.

- See more at:

The Classical "Liberal" Who Was the First "Conservative"

Jesse Norman's fine biography of Edmund Burke (2013) is well-worth reading.  I never thought I would recommend a book about a working politician; but Burke is not your ordinary working politician.  The book's cover blurb is quite correct when it identifies Burke as "the greatest and the most underrated political thinker of the last three hundred years."

Born in Ireland in 1729, Burke served many terms in Parliament, and became a key figure in the Whig Party (pro-Parliament and pro-aristocracy).  A compelling orator and brilliant political theorist, Burke is best known for his sympathies for (but not support of) the American Revolution.  This stands in sharp contrast to Burke's militant opposition to the French Revolution. 

The former, Burke thought, was brought about by the failure of King George III to treat the American colonials as true Englishmen, with the full rights and privileges thereof.  The latter, Burke argued, was grounded in a romantic utopian dream which entailed the overthrow of traditional standards of morality and government.  "The [French] had fallen under the malign influence of Rousseau" (145), which inevitably led to the horrors of regicide and political anarchy. 

The American Revolution arose--Burke thought--because of genuine grievances which were not properly addressed by the English king nor Parliament.  It was the king who arbitrarily asserted his power over the colonies.  The revolutionaries simply wanted redress and repeatedly did not get it.  The American Revolution did not lead to "the destruction of America's society and institutions."  But the French Revolution was completely different, seeking not to address specific and just grievances, and which therefore, led to the wholesale destruction of existing French institutions (252).

Norman's biography is divided into two parts.  In the first part, Norman sets out a well-crafted biography covering the ground from Burke's humble Irish origins, to his death in July of 1797.  Burke became a member of Parliament in 1765, and quickly demonstrated his great skills as an orator and political thinker.  Burke was an opponent of slavery, a defender of human rights (including rights for Catholics in Ireland) and a champion of the free market.  Burke participated in the debate over Irish self-governance, he was there for the debate over the American war for independence, as well as the French Revolution.  Burke was also present during the Parliamentary debate over the increase of English rule and authority in India.  These were very important moments in modern English history.  Throughout this entire time, Burke opined on the importance of tradition, the great value of existing political and cultural institutions, and steadfastly argued that societal change (which is inevitable) must be slow, incremental, and avoid all use of arbitrary political power.

The second half of Norman's biography addresses Burke's political thought and endorses Winston's Churchill's assessment of Burke as "a foremost apostle of liberty" (281).  Yet, as Norman points out, even though Burke was the first conservative, he would not fit well in contemporary "conservative" political parties (in both America and the UK), who often claim his legacy as their own (283).  This lack of fit would stem from Burke's stress on moderation in all things political, and his worries about religious absolutism (i.e., the Christian right). 

Yet, Burke is no fan of romantic idealism (the utopian society), nor would he be anything but critical of the rank individualism which dominates modern liberalism.  As a classic liberal (a champion of freedom), ironically, Burke is regarded as the "first conservative," because of his near total opposition to arbitrary government power or the tyranny of the majority (in a democracy).  Since Burke would argue that the state should be very reluctant to wield its power, it is safe to say that he would not be a fan of those "conservatives" today who think American exceptionalism is itself ample justification for war and military action.

Norman's Edmund Burke: The First Conservative is an enjoyable read.  You can find it here:  Edmund Burke 


The Prophecy Pundits Are Back!

With the increasing possibility of US military action against Syria and the Assad regime, it should come as no surprise that the prophecy pundits have been hard at work.

Since the ancient city of Damascus figures prominently in the news, the pundits run to their concordances and find those biblical texts where the city is mentioned.  Given their view that many of the prophecies in the Old Testament have yet to be fulfilled (and were not fulfilled in the history of Israel, or with the coming of Jesus Christ) they go to great lengths and demonstrate even greater ingenuity, I might add, to explain how the Bible's mention of Damascus (Isaiah17) must be a reference to the current (and latest) political crisis in the region.

One pundit writes (Damascus, Syria and Isaiah 17),

One of most intriguing Bible prophecies in the end times has to do with Isaiah 17. The prophecies in Isaiah 17 point to the end times destruction of Damascus, Syria. The Bible states that the destruction of Damascus will be so great that the city will be nothing but a "ruinous heap" after the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy. This is noteworthy because presently the city is recognized as the world's longest constantly inhabited city. The utter destruction of Damascus will be an event that only the sovereign Lord could have predicted, yet he warns in Isaiah 17 that Damascus does have a date with destiny in the near prophetic future.

He goes on to say,

Another thing to note about Damascus is that it is also "home" to many of the world's leading terrorist masterminds. With such groups as Hamas and Hezbollah among others making their home in Damascus, it is easy to see that if a wide ranging conflict broke out between Israel and these terrorist groups that Isaiah 17 could easily be destroyed. Syria has made many recent "defense pacts" with the terrorists as well as Lebanon where the groups also operate. Syria has threatened to "get involved" in the next round of fighting.

Sounds plausible at first hearing, right?  But there is a major problem with the pundit's interpretation.  The critical biblical text (Isaiah 17, specifically verse 1) is not speaking of the end times.  Rather, this is an oracle of YHWH spoken against the ancient city of Damascus (Aram) through the prophet Isaiah.  The people of Israel (in open disobedience to the covenant they had made with YHWH) had made an alliance with Aram, seeking a pagan nation's help against the dreaded Assyrians.  God, however, commanded that his people be faithful to their covenant with him, and look for their deliverance as coming through the righteous branch (a future son of David and a royal messiah).  The Damascus of Isaiah's day was in fact destroyed in 732 B. C. (during the time of Isaiah) by the Assyrians.  The prophecy has already been fulfilled.

No doubt, these prophecy pundits mean well.  But their modus operandi of finding some mention in the Bible of any contemporary place or region in the Middle East currently in conflict (and in the news), and then turning that passage into an "end-times" prophecy, is to distort the plain teaching of God's word.

If the crisis with Syria escalates, I'm sure there will be more of this to come.  Hey, we don't have Saddam Hussein to kick around any more.  Bashar-Al-Assad will do just fine, until this crisis passes, and a new ominous Arab political leader comes on the scene to take his place.