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Why We All Need Proof-Readers and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

We all know that those running for office can develop a strong personal animus for their opponent.  But did we ever expect them to make up and tie the knot?  This headline is why we have proof-readers.  Click here: McCain, Obama avoid same-sex marriage - Yahoo! News

Here's a very lame attempt to prove that Mormonism is actually "Christian."  This bit of bilge comes directly from the "First Quorum of the Seventy."  Lets put it this way . . .  The title is more impressive than the argument.  Click here: FIRST THINGS: A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life

Ladies, he's on the market again.  Better snap him up quick!   And he's a "bishop" to boot.  He's also been convicted of domestic violence against his previous wife (Juanita Bynum).  I'm all for forgiveness, but a little shame is appropriate in some circumstances.  This guy obviously has none.  Click here: The Associated Press: Televangelist's ex-husband seeks new wife on Web

You really want government health care?  Are you sure?  Yes, it may be free, but . . .  You really want it?  Click here: Man dies after 34-hour stay in Winnipeg ER waiting room

Reader Comments (24)

Randy, to be light and salt is to hold out the gospel, not stand for justice. I see no difference between what you are saying and what classic Liberals would have said. I don’t think one can at once stand against a moralistic gospel and get in lock-step with something like the pro-life movement and culture. It seems some believe that social gospel is only bad if it’s the other guy’s social gospel. This seems like an object lesson to the fact that it is very hard to give up one’s idols—rightist culture has done quite a number on even Reformed camps.

Reg, I find the debate over abortion, as it is had in modern America, a lot less moral and whole lot more a matter of proper jurisdiction. I don’t think the primary question is “may she or mayn’t she,” but rather, “who gets to decide.” The debate is framed by either pro-fetus moralists or pro-femme moralists, each battling for supposed rights of one particular class of human beings or another. If it’s rights we are supposed to be worried about, remember that before 1973 rights belonged to the states, not fetuses or women. Much as that predictably never satisifes moralists on ether side, that is how I think it should be. Once the jurisdiction question is answered, then we can move on to the moral one. But nobody really sees it that way because it’s just not very exciting to think in terms of jurisdiction but in moralistic screeds, and so it clamors on in good old Americna fashion. And even Reformed confessionalists, sadly, are all too eager to join in the fray and moralize the gospel.
September 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim
I agree. Abortion (whether to permit it, under what circumstances, etc.) is an issue best left to each state and the political process (not the judicial process) within that state. Roe v. Wade in elevating a political issue to one of fundamental rights not subject to political resolution is thereofre fundamentally wrong. So I guess I am saying is I misunderstood you the first time around. (Perhaps my misunderstanding arose from the harsh and jarring choice of language you use to describe the anti faction. )
September 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterreg

I'm nothing if not able to take blame for a communication break-down. But, in my own defense, sometimes hard language seems necessary to make this point. It seems especially true when so many of us have been so hugely wooed by this particular form of moralism. So many have been persuaded that we ought to be found on the side of law instead of gospel; we want for ourselves and our heirs the kind of cultural clout abolitionism gets these days. There is a whole lot more going here than having a certain moral conclusion on an issue.
September 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim
I was once a great speller and good with punctuation. These days I get sent so many "gibberish" emails, I sometimes have to stop and think if my English and grammar is correct. Texting and speed emailing is the main reason for the drop in standards.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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