Here's the editor's description:
Called to Serve is a book designed to help train and equip elders and deacons for their task as officers in Christ's church. It is the work of twelve authors, including Michael Horton, W. Robert Godfrey, Kim Riddlebarger, Cornelis Venema, and Danny Hyde. There are chapters on the nature, duties, and spiritual life of elders and deacons, why elders must know, love, and defend sound doctrine, how elders should oversee the minister's administration of sacraments and maintain its purity, church discipline, family visitation, diaconal ministry, how an elders' meeting functions, etc. There is also an appendix that outlines a ten-week training course for elders and deacons that can be used as a training course for potential new officers or as a refresher course for those already serving in office.