Christianity and Contemporary Culture
This is a brilliant little book. Will help you to be "in the world, yet not of the world," unlike so many of those in the evangelical subculture who are, ironically, of the world, but not in the world.
Entertainment as epistemology? This is a profound book. Gabler is not a Christian, but addresses a number of important issues.
What should Christians think about before they watch a particular movie? What should we be looking for in the plot and characters? What is the world view of those who entertain us? Is it compatible with Christianity?
David Brooks is a great writer, and boy does he understand life in modern America! I cannot go into a Lowes or a Home Depot and look at home barbecues in the same way after reading this book. I never thought of these as a test of manhood before! But Brooks is right!
Postmodernism? What is that? What is all the fuss about? Lundin explains a number of ways in which postmodern thought influences American culture. A very good book.
"Postmodern" is a slippery term. Veith does a great job defining and explaining the term and those intellectual movements and cultural trends which underlie it. This is required reading for new elders in our church.
Sorry, even Fox News is really entertainment. But I still watch it. Can't stand O'Reilly. Lots of respect for Brit Hume and Charles Krauthammer though.
Those of you who worry about the corrosive effects of the internet and email will appreciate this one. But then what are you doing reading my blog?