Mike Horton Interviews Sam Solomon

Be sure to listen to Mike Horton's interview with Sam Solomon, a former professor of Shariah Law, who converted from Islam to Christianity. This is a very powerful and important interview. It is the first of two parts. Click here: The White Horse Inn: Know What You Believe & Why You Believe It
You may also be interested in Professor Ken Samples' lectures on Islam at the Academy at Christ Reformed Church: (Click here: Christ Reformed Info - MP3's and Real Audio (of Academy Lectures)
Update on Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 03:05PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

White Horse Inn producer Shane Rosenthal, recommends this article as a follow-up to some of the issues raised by the current White Horse Inn series on Islam. Click here: – How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sharia? - Sheppard
Reader Comments (22)
Since my childhood, I was a victim of racism at the hands of born again christian rabid dogs. I used to get beaten at school every day by the teachers and they would try to force me to become a christian. My brother and sister were also subjected to the same racism (as were other muslim children). I am now 35 and Alhumdolillah, I am still a muslim. I also have many books on comparative religion and I challenge any blasphemer to try and defend their absurd trinity and other such satanic inspired practices.
Historically, the christians have always hated Islam, so how can you expect us to like you when you clearly are not trustworthy?.
Furthermore, which misbegotten dog told you that muslims lie to achieve their goals?. Only shia's practice taqqiya and they have many other practices which put them outside the fold of Islam. Taqiiya is something the shia's were taught by the jew (it is written in their talmud 'you can cheat the goyem').
Sam knows his stuff - but are complacent westerners listening?