Who Said That?
Monday, November 27, 2006 at 01:43PM
Who said that?
"In every generation, revival has come as a result of prayer. For example, powerful prayer preceded America's First Great Awakening, which gave the colonists a unified biblical view of the principles of freedom and helped pave the way for the American Revolution. The Second Great Awakening which preceded the Civil War, brought a conviction from God the slavery was sin. It was led by men like Charles Finney, who prayed for hours upon hours and days upon days.
God still needs men like Howell Harris and Charles Finney, who will give themselves to prayer and then go and do whatever the Holy Spirit tells them."
OK, have fun with this one! No google searches! Please leave your guess in the comments section below.
My Oh My, how quickly we forget. This exhortation for men to pray like Finney came from Wellington Boone's chapter in the best-selling Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper (p. 26) I guess there has not been a revival because there are no more Finneys!
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